IAERE Young Environmental Economist Award

The IAERE Young Environmental Economist Award is given to the best paper presented by a young economist at the Annual Conference of the Italian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (IAERE).
With this Award the Association aims to reward new ideas addressing key environmental and resource economic issues at the national, European and global scale. Both theoretical and empirical papers will be considered without any restriction of topics. 
Eligible candidates should be less than 33 years of age and no more than five years past a PhD defence, should they have a PhD. Presenters indicate their intention to submit their candidacy to the Award during the Conference paper submission process. Only full papers submissions are considered: submitters of extended abstracts are not eligible for this award. Priority will be given to paper written by single author or multiple authors complying with the age requirement.
There is a monetary reward of 1,000 for the presenter of the winning paper.

The Selection Committee comprises the Conference Programme Committee and the IAERE Council, and is co-chaired by the IAERE President and the chair of the Conference Programme Committee.



2023 Ex-Equo
Francesco Scotti

Francesco Scotti
Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano and Department of Geography and Environment, London School of Economics

"Demand pull and technology push environmentalinnovation: a policy mix analysis on EU ETS and EU Cohesion Policy"

Marco Quatrosi Marco Quatrosi
University of Palermo and SEEDS - Sustainability Environmental Economics and Dynamics Studies
"Using random forests to predict subjective well-being in OECD regions"
2022 Ex-Equo
Lea Crepin

Lea Crepin
Paris-Saclay University (Paris-Saclay Applied Economics) and Climate Economics Chair (France)

"Do forest conservation policies undermine the soybean sector in the Brazilian Amazon? Evidence from the blacklisting of municipalities"

Maurizio Malpede Maurizio Malpede
University of Verona (Italy)
"The Dark Side of Batteries: Child Labor and Cobalt Mining in the Democratic Republic of the Congo"
2021 Ex-Equo
Alsina Pujols

University of Zurich - Department of Economics (Switzerland)

"Climate refugees and carbon pricing "

Marica Valente Marica VALENTE
Berlin School of Economics, Humboldt University, and DIW Berlin (Germany)
"Heterogeneous effects of waste pricing policies "
2020 Ex-Equo
Tomas Badura

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway)

“Temperature variation and mortality”

Elisabetta Corango Giulia CHERSONI
University of Turin (Italy)
“An agent-based model of retrofit diffusion: a behavioral economic approach”
2019 Ex-Equo
Tomas Badura

Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment (CSERGE), University of East Anglia, UK

"A new approach to capturing the spatial dimensions of value within choice experiments "

Elisabetta Corango Elisabetta CORNAGO
OECD, France
"Evaluating the impact of urban road pricing on the use of green transport modes: The case of Milan "
Victor Nechifor

UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources, UK
"Global Economic and Food Security Impacts of Demand-driven Water Scarcity"

2017 Ex-Equo
Shouro Dasgupta

Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

"Impact of Climate Change on Malaria: A Quantile Regression Analysis"

Ghisetti Claudia GHISETTI
Joint Research Centre, European Commission
"Demand-pull and environmental innovations: estimating the effects of innovative public procurement"
Hélia Costa

Grantham Research Institute and LSE Cities, London School of Economics

"Pork Barrel as a Signaling Tool: The Case of US Environmental Policy"
