Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center

A global issue atlas of climate change adaptation

Climate change mitigation policies and measures
This database contains a number of climate change mitigation policies and measures (PAM) implemented or planned by European countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Most of these PAMs have been reported to the European Commission, the United Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) or the EEA.
Databases on Europe's environment by the European Environment Agency
The EEA collects a variety of detailed databases about Europe's environment. Most databases collect information required to comply with reporting obligations of European environmental regulations. Information refers to all environmental domains, both in terms of 'pressures on the environment' and in terms of 'status of the environment'.
Database on Italy's environment by ISPRA

ISPRA (Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale) is the Italian counterpart of the EEA. ISPRA collects data on environmental pressures, environmental status and other environmentally-related dimensions.

It provides information on 3,323 European eco-innovations, including technologies, applications, products, processes and other solutions. It aims to link enterprises, in particular SMEs, and eco-innovations to increase the uptake of EU-funded research.
Environmental Justice Atlas
The EJ Atlas is a teaching, networking and advocacy resource. Strategists, activist organizers, scholars, and teachers will find many uses for the database, as well as citizens wanting to learn more about the often invisible conflicts taking place.
Environment, Conflict and Cooperation Platform
EORA Multi-Regional Input Output Database

The Eora multi-region IO database provides a time series of high resolution input-output (IO) tables with matching environmental and social satellite accounts for 187 countries.

Florence School of Regulation Encyclopedia
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Global Biodiversity Information Facility

Global Forest Change

Results from time-series analysis of Landsat images characterizing forest extent and change.

Trees are defined as vegetation taller than 5m in height and are expressed as a percentage per output grid cell as ‘2000 Percent Tree Cover’. ‘Forest Cover Loss’ is defined as a stand-replacement disturbance, or a change from a forest to non-forest state, during the period 2000–2014. ‘Forest Cover Gain’ is defined as the inverse of loss, or a non-forest to forest change entirely within the period 2000–2012. ‘Forest Loss Year’ is a disaggregation of total ‘Forest Loss’ to annual time scales.

Reference 2000 and 2014 imagery are median observations from a set of quality assessment-passed growing season observations.

ISTAT - Istituto Nazionale di Statistica
Intact Forest Landscapes
The world's IFL map is a spatial database (scale 1:1,000,000) that shows the extent of the intact forest landscapes (IFL) for year 2000 and 2013. From this website you can download the world's IFL map in ESRI Shape (.shp) and Google Earth KMZ (.kmz) formats. GIS capable software or earth browsers such as Google Earth / ArcGIS Explorer will be required to view these files.

Italian Ministry of Economic Development

It provides information on minerals and hydrocarbons' researsch, concessions for extraction and production

Land Matrix - The Online Public Database on Land Deals
The Land Matrix is a global and independent land monitoring initiative that promotes transparency and accountability in decisions over land and investment. This website is our Global Observatory - an open tool for collecting and visualising information about large-scale land acquisitions. The data represented here is constantly evolving; to make this resource more accurate and comprehensive, we encourage your participation.

MEDevEcon - Datasets for empirical development economists
Regime Shifts Database
UNECE Millennium Development Goal Database
WIOD World Input Output Database

The World Input-Output Database (WIOD) provides time-series of world input-output tables for forty countries worldwide and a model for the rest-of-the-world, covering the period from 1995 to 2011. These tables have been constructed in a clear conceptual framework on the basis of officially published input-output tables in conjunction with national accounts and international trade statistics. In addition, the WIOD provides data on labour and capital inputs and pollution indicators at the industry level that can be used in conjunction enlarging the scope of possible applications.