This page describes the methods of management of the website with reference to the processing of the personal data of users who consult it. This is a disclosure made also under the terms of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament) (henceforth the GDPR) to those who interact with the web services of IAERE, accessible by electronic means via the address:, corresponding to the homepage of the Italian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (IAERE) website

Following consultation of this website, data on identified or identifiable persons may be processed.
The "data controller" is the Italian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (IAERE), whose registered office is in Milan, Palazzo delle Stelline, Corso Magenta 63.

The processing of data connected with the web services of this site takes place at the above Headquarters and is performed only by the technical personnel responsible the processing, or by persons in charge of occasional maintenance operations.
No personal data deriving from the web service is disseminated.
The personal data provided by users are used for the sole purpose of performing the service or task requested and are communicated to third parties only when necessary for this purpose.

Navigation data
During their normal operation, the information systems and software procedures used for the functions of this website acquire certain personal data, the transmission of which is implicit in the use of the Internet, which is based on Internet communication protocols.
This is information which is not gathered to be associated with identified data subjects, but which by its very nature could, through processing and association with data held by others, enable the users to be identified.
This category of data includes the "IP addresses" or domain names of the computers used by users who visit the website, the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) format of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the web server, the dimensions of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the state of the response given by the web server (success, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the user's operating system and IT environment.
These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the website and to check the correct operation of the website. These data could be used to ascertain responsibility in the case of computer crime which harms the website.

Data voluntarily provided by the user
The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of emails to the addresses indicated in the website entail the subsequent acquisition of the applicant's e-mail address as well as any other personal data included within the message, necessary to respond to the requests. These data are also used for the sole purpose of performing the service or task requested and are communicated to third parties only when necessary for this purpose.

Data provided for requesting publications and newsletters
As previously indicated, the user can send a request to activate/deactivate the forwarding of publications and other material. For this purpose, the information necessary for managing the forwarding, such as e-mail address and personal data, will be requested.

Data provided for application for membership with IAERE
The user who wishes to join the Association must provide a set of data necessary for the management of membership and its administrative and accounting.
The Association will use also e-mail address provided by members at the membership application phase for communication with them.
In the event that the member has expressed the wish to receive the journal Equibri, the data provided will be used for that purpose.
Members will be given credentials for access to the private area, where they can access in expanded form the list of those members who have given consent to the publication of their identificative and contact details.

Disclosure of members data

Behind members specific consent, members identifying and contact details will be disseminated through the public and password protected website areas


What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files that websites visited by a user send to his or her computer, where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the same sites on the users next visit.
They are called "first party" if set directly from the site visited.
On the other hand, so-called "third party" cookies are set by a website other than the one the user is visiting, since each website may have elements (such as images, maps, sounds, specific links to web pages in other domains, etc.) that reside on servers other than the website visited.

What are cookies for?
Cookies are used for different purposes: computer authentication, session supervision, memorization of information about specific configurations regarding users who access the server, preference storage ...

What are "technical" cookies?
These are cookies used to enable browsing or to provide a service the user requests. They are not used for any other purpose and are normally installed directly by the website owner.
Without the use of these cookies, certain operations could not be carried out or would be more cumbersome and/or less secure, such as home banking (display of account statements, bank transfers, bill payments, etc.), for which cookies, by identifying the user throughout each session, are indispensable. They can be subdivided into:

  • browsing session cookies, which guarantee normal browsing and website use (such as making purchases or authenticating onseself to gain access to restricted areas)
  • analytics cookies, (like technical cookies where used directly by the site operator for information gathering), in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site;
  • features cookies, which allow the user to browse in function of a set of selected criteria (for example, language, products selected for purchase) in order to improve the service in question.
What are profiling cookies?
These are cookies used to track a user's web browsing and create profiles on his or her tastes, habits, choices, etc. They enable advertising messages to be transmitted to the users computer in accordance with preferences the user has already expressed in his or her online browsing.

The use of cookies on this website
This website uses only first-party technical cookies.
As for third-party cookies, the website uses Google Analytics (privacy policy) to track access in anonymous and aggregate mode, for solely statistical purposes, the same as technical cookies.
The law allows the use of technical and analytics cookies (when these are like technical cookies) without the user’s consent.

Managing and disabling cookies by the user
Google Analytics cookies can be disabled by using the Google add-on.
Different types of cookies can also be set or disabled on your browser by following the instructions provided by the various manufacturers, such as:
Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox

Apple Safari

Apart from the details provided for navigation data, users are free to provide their personal data included in the IAERE request forms or indicated in contacts with IAERE to request information or other communications.
Failure to provide such information may make it impossible to fulfill the request.


Personal data are processed with automated and non-automated instruments only for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were gathered.
Specific security measures are used to prevent loss of data, illegal or incorrect use and unauthorized access.

Subjects to whom any personal data gathered in the said specific sections refer, have the right at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of the said data and to know their content and origin, check their exactness or request additions or updates, or rectification under the terms of Art. 16 of the GDPR.

Under Art. 17 of the GDPR, the data subject has the right to request the cancellation, transformation into an anonymous form, or to object to their processing, in any case, for legitimate reasons. Requests should be addressed to the Italian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, e-mail: or at the data controller office.