Article 1. Establishment - Name - legal Seat - Duration
A non-profit association named ITALIAN ASSOCIATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMISTS is herewith established. "IAERE" is the abbreviation of the Association.
The Association is governed by this statute and has its legal seat in Italy, Venice, Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore 8, 30124.*
The Council of the Association has full capacity to transfer its legal seat and to open new offices and websites.
The Association has unlimited duration and can be dissolved by deliberation of the Extraordinary General Assembly of the members.
[* On February 15th, 2018, the General Assembly of Members deliberated to move the IAERE legal seat to Edificio Porta dell'Innovazione - Piano 2, Via della Libertà, 12 - 30175 Marghera-Venice VE, Italy.
On March 1st, 2020, the General Assembly of Members deliberated to move the IAERE legal seat to Palazzo delle Stelline - 4th Floor, Corso Magenta, 63 - 20123 Milan (MI), Italy]
Article 2. Aims and Activities of the Association
The aims of the Association are:
(a) to contribute to the development and application of environmental economics as a science,
(b) to encourage and improve communication between all the people and institutions, universities and
not, interested in the themes of environmental economics,
(c) to develop and encourage cooperation between university level teaching institutions and research institutions in Italy.
(d) to put research results at the service of the research institutions and encourage their use;
(e) to develop and promote cooperation with business, trade unions and non-governmental environmental organizations.
The aims of the Association are mainly accomplished by organising workshops, conferences, events, exhibitions, seminars, meetings, and discussions, by cooperating in editing professional journals, and by promoting postgraduate education for junior scholars.
Article 3. Members
The Association consists of the following member categories:
(a) the category individual members gathers individuals whose application for membership was accepted by the Council of the Association and was subsequently ratified by the General Assembly of Members.
(b) the category institutional members gathers associations, local public institutions, and other public or private institutions, with or without legal status, whatever their name, whose application for membership was accepted by the Council of the Association and was subsequently ratified by the General Assembly of Members.
On the basis of an application for membership, the Council of the Association examines the eligibility of the candidate in accordance with the following conditions:
If the Council of the Association approves the application for membership, the candidate acquires the status of individual or institutional member at the same time as the Association receives the relevant dues or material support. The decision of the Council of the Association must be ratified by the General Assembly of Members at the first scheduled meeting following such decision.
If the Council of the Association does not approve the application for membership, the candidate may require that his/her/its application be submitted to the General Assembly of Members, who will take a final decision
Members are formally bound to these Statutes, to the Association's rules, and to the resolutions of the Association's boards.
Membership is non-transferable, and temporary participation in the Association’s activities is expressly excluded.
Article 4. Loss of the Status of Member
The status of member ends:
(1) if the institutional member is subject to a procedure of liquidation or dissolution, or to a insolvency procedure, whatever it may be.
(2) in the case of individual members, if membership dues are in arrears for one year; in the case of institutional members, if the Association has not received further material support for one year;
(3) on the recommendation of the Council of the Association. In this case, the member in question has the opportunity to argument against the proposal of ending his/her/its status of member. On the first appropriate occasion, the General Assembly takes a final decision by examining both the recommendation of the Council and the arguments of the member in question.
The General Assembly’s decision is taken by the majority of members effectively present. The motivated loss of the status of member shall be communicated to the member in writing by such means as guarantee its receipt. The loss of the status of member - for whatever reason - does not exempt the former member from any previous obligations towards the Association and does not entitle the member to the reimbursement of the dues or discontinuation of material support.
Article 5. The Boards of the Association
The Boards of the Association are:
(a) the General Assembly of Members;
(b) the Council of the Association;
(c) the President;
(d) the Board of Auditors.
Article 6. The Composition
The General Assembly of Members consists of all members in good standing of the Association. It establishes the guidance of the Association and takes strategic decisions which all of the boards of the Association should follow.
The General Assembly of Members is Extraordinary in case of amendments of these Statutes and in case of dissolution of the Association. It is Ordinary in all the other cases.
Article 7. Powers
In particular, the General Assembly of Members deliberates on:
a) the annual economic report and the financial statements and on the budget, within 120 (One hundred twenty) days, or if required by particular needs regarding the Association’s structure, within 180 (one hundred eighty) days from the closing of ending the 31 (thirty-one) of December each year,
(b) the general guidance of the Association;
(c) the election of members of the Council of the Association, except for the secretary general;
(d) the election of members of the Board of Auditors;
(e) the by-laws of the Association;
(f) on the acquisition and the loss of the membership status according to articles 3 and 4 of this Statute;
(g) on any other issue concerning the activities of the Association
Article 8. Convocation
The President shall convene a General Assembly of Members at least four weeks before the date set for the meeting. Convocation is made through posting in the Association's website and through written convocation by such means as guarantee its receipt, specifying the agenda, the venue which may be different from the legal seat, the date and time of the first and second convocation. The first and second convocation should be scheduled on different dates.
The General Assembly of Members is convened at least once per year and whenever the President believes it serves the interest of the Association. The General Assembly is also convened either upon request of at least half of the members of the Association's Council or upon request of at least one third of the members, who send a written request containing the items to be discussed. In this case, the President shall convene the General Meeting within 60 days.
The General Assembly that decides on the amendments to these Statutes or on the dissolution of the Association is convened by the President at least two months before the date set for the General Assembly.
Article 9. Quorum
The first convened General Assembly can only validly deliberate if at least half the number of the members is present. The second convened General Assembly can validly deliberate with the same agenda irrespective of the number of members present.
Resolutions are passed by a simple majority of votes.
For amendments of these Statutes, the first convocation of the General Assembly can only validly deliberate if at least two thirds of the voting members are present. Resolutions are passed by a simple majority of votes. In its second convocation, it can validly deliberate irrespective to the number of individuals present. In the General Assembly second convocation, resolutions are passed by a simple majority of votes.
For decisions on the dissolution of the Association and how the assets of the Association will be devolved, the General Assembly can only validly deliberate if at least three quarters of the voting members are present. Resolutions are passed with the votes of at least three quarters of the voting members.
The General Assembly of Members will be effectively constituted also when held by video-conference or tele-conference, provided that all participants can be identified by the General Assembly’s President and by all the other participants; that they are able to follow the discussion and to participate in real time on the topics discussed; that they are able to exchange documents relating to these matters; and that all of the above is noted in the minutes.
Article 10. Right to Vote
Every member has the right to vote at the General Assembly of Members.
Each member has the right to only one vote.
Every member may authorize in writing another member to represent him/her at the General Assembly. No member can represent more than two other members.
Authorizations must be mentioned in the minutes of the General Assembly and included in the Association's archives.
Article 11. The Assembly
The General Assembly is presided by the President of the Association or in his absence by another member of the Council of the Association approved by a majority of members effectively present.
The General Assembly appoints one secretary and, if needed, two or more scrutineers. In the convened General Assembly voting takes place by a show of hands, except when electing the President and the elected members of the Council of the Association, which takes place by a secret ballot possibly through an electronic voting system.
In the case of votes for members of the Council, candidates will be elected in descending order of the number of votes cast until the required number of candidates has been elected. In the event of a tie which would result in more members of council being elected than are required, the Secretary General shall resolve the tie by a random process (e.g. tossing a coin).
The decisions taken by the General Assembly are recorded and signed by the President and the Secretary. The minutes can be consulted by the members at the legal seat of the Association.
Article 12. Composition
The Council of the Association consists of eight members: the President, the President-Elect, the Past-President, the Secretary General and four ordinary elected members.
The Council shall appoint one of the ordinary elected members as Vice-President. The Vice President assumes the duties of the President if the President is not able to execute these.
Elections will be held every two years.
In each election the President-Elect will be elected out of two candidates, who are nominated under provisions described in Article 17. The person elected will serve for two years as President-Elect, two years as President, and two year as Past-President.
In each election two ordinary members of Council will be elected out of four candidates. Each member of the Council will serve for four years according to article 17 of these Statutes. The Secretary-General will be appointed by the Council of the Association and will serve for a period of four years.
In the event of the resignation or death of a member of the Council, he or she will be replaced during the next General Assembly of Members, with the exception of the Past-President, who will not be replaced.
If a majority of the Council Members (four members) is wanting, it shall be made up at the next General Assembly of Members, to be convened within 60 days by the President or person(s) delegated to perform his or her functions.
Article 13. Convocation and Validity of the Resolutions and Votes
The Council of the Association shall convene at least once a year on the President's convocation. The President may also convene the Council of the Association whenever he/she considers it in the interest of the Association or if so requested by one third of its members. In this case, the President shall convene the Council of the Association within 30 days.
The Council meetings will be convened by such means as guarantee its receipt at least fourteen days before the date set for the meeting. Meetings may equally be held without preceding convocation as long as either all present or absent members have renounced the need for convocation before the meeting.
A member may authorize another member of the Council of the Association to represent him/her. No member can represent more than two other members. The Council of the Association cannot validly deliberate unless at least half the members is present.
Decisions shall be taken by simple majority of votes of members effectively present. The President (or his/her representative) has the casting vote in case of a tie. The decisions taken by the Council are recorded in a special register, signed by the President and kept by the Secretary General who makes it available to the members upon request. The Secretary General prepares minutes for every meeting. The minutes of the meeting are recorded in an appropriate register, signed by the President and kept by the Secretary General, who will send copies to all members of the Council of the Association.
Meetings of the Council shall be effectively constituted when held by video-conference or tele-conference, provided that all participants can be identified by the President of the meeting and by all the other participants; that they are able to follow the discussion and to participate in real time on the topics discussed; that they are able to exchange documents relating to these matters; and that all of the above it is noted in the minutes. Occurred such assumptions, the meeting is deemed held in the place where the President is located and where also shall be the Secretary of the meeting, to enable the preparation and signing of the minutes.
Article 14. Activities and Powers
The Council of the Association is responsible for the well-being of the Association, subject to the general control and powers of the General Assembly.
The Council is in particular responsible for:
(a) organisation of the activities of the Association;
(b) admission of individual or institutional members;
(c) proposal of termination of the status of members;
(d) preparation of the annual report to the General Assembly about the state of the Association;
(e) appointment of executive officers of the Association;
(f) determination of membership dues. The Council may delegate well-defined duties to one or more persons while retaining ultimate responsibility. The specific tasks and the date of start and end of the proxy must be clearly stated by the Council of the Association. If no member of the Council has the nationality of the state where the Association is legally seated, the Council promptly chooses one member of the Association with this nationality and gives special authorization to him/her for supporting the President in representing the Association in legal matters.
Article 15. Appointment, Functions, and Powers
The President shall preside over the Council and the meetings of the General Assembly of Members and shall represent the Association in general and in particular in legal matters.
The term of office is two years, starting January 1 st , and cannot be immediately extended. The President is assisted by the Vice-President. The Vice-President is appointed by the Council and chosen from amongst the ordinary elected members of the Council. After completing a full term of office, the President becomes Past-President until succeeded in that position. The Past-President assumes the duties of the President if the Vice-President is not able to execute these.
If the Past-President is unavailable these duties shall devolve upon a member of the Council appointed by the same Council.
The President may adopt interim resolutions that will be ratified at the first meeting of the Council.
The President, for the purposes of his office, is domiciled at the registered office of the Association.
Article 16. Appointment, Functions, and Powers
The Council of the Association will appoint one member of the Association as Secretary General, who will serve for a period of four years.
The Secretary General coordinates the offices of the Association, is in charge of the Association's Secretariat and carries out any other duties assigned by the President or by the Council of the Association. The President and the Council of the Association decide the policy for the progress of his/her duties. In particular, the Secretary General is responsible for the minutes of the General Assemblies of Members and meetings of the Council of the Association, looks after the correspondence and membership archives, transmits the convocations of the General Assemblies and looks after the relations with public administrations, local institutions, banks and any other institutions. The Secretary General is responsible also for the administrative management of the Association, keeps accounts and keeps books.
Article 17. Appointment, Functions, and Powers
Before February 1st of each year at the end of which the elected Council members' term ends, the President nominates a Nominating Committee for the preparation of the election of the elected members of the Council.
The Nominating Committee consists of three members, who cannot be self-nominated for any position in the Council.
The Nominating Committee proposes to the General Assembly two names of individual members in good standing for the position of President and four names of individual members in good standing for the position of elected members of the Council. Additionally, any group of at least one fourth of the members may nominate candidates who are then added to the proposals of the Nominating Committee. The candidates with the highest number of votes are elected for the respective positions.
Article 18. Appointment, Functions, and Powers
The Board of Auditors is a board of the Association comprised of two persons of proved professional competence, in possession of the requisites envisaged by the law, who are not members. The Board of Auditors shall report on the compatibility of the financial management to the provisions of law and to this Statute to the annual General Assembly deliberating on the approval of the Association's accounts. The Board of Auditors' written report shall be enclosed with the Association's final balance.
The General Assembly of members appoints the Auditors on the recommendation of the Council of the Association. Auditors will serve for two years. The appointment of Auditor is incompatible with any other appointment in the Association.
Article 19. Assets
The assets of the Association are comprised of any movable or immovable goods pertaining to the Association by any means, as well as any rights on the assets of the Association. The assets of the Association initially consist of a bank account.
The assets and the financial means of the Association must be used exclusively and completely for furthering its aims.
Article 20. The Revenue of the Association
The revenues of the Association consist of membership dues, contributions, bestowals, gifts, bequests, and subsidies received from national and international institutions, governments and public authorities and any other incomes that may accrue.
The Council of the Association determines the amount of the membership dues and of any other expense to be borne by the members of the Association as well as the method of payment.
Membership dues are not subject to revaluation and are non-transferable, except for transfers due to death or extinction.
It is forbidden to distribute, even indirectly, profits or surpluses as well as funds, reserves or capital, during the life of the Association, unless the destination or the distribution is required by law.
Article 21. Accounts
The financial year starts on January 1st and ends on December 31st of each year.
For every fiscal year, the Council of the Association shall prepare a budget for the coming financial year and the final accounts for the General Assembly of Members' approval.
The final accounts and their annexes shall be available for members at the legal seat of the Association during the ten-day period preceding the Assembly convened for their approval. A copy of the final accounts is sent to all those members requiring it.
Article 22. Dissolution of the Association
The General Assembly of Members that deliberates on the dissolution of the Association shall appoint one or more liquidators preferably amongst its members.
The assets of the Association shall be donated to another entity or association with similar aims or for the purposes of public utility, as identified by Assembly Members, unless otherwise required by law.
Article 23. Laws of Reference
All matters not covered in the present Statute is subject to the requirements of the current Civil Code and the laws and regulations in force.