IAERE does not maintain a working papers series. This page reports papers that are voluntarily signalled by IAERE members.
Working papers are not subject to any refereeing or selection process; IAERE simply collects new working papers signalled by members, and cannot be held responsible for their scientific content and quality.

To include a working paper in this page, please send the information regarding the paper (author(s), title, link to the working paper series) at




Year: 2017
De Cian, E., S. Dasgupta, A.F. Hof, M.A.E. van Sluisveld, J. Köhler, B. Pfluger and D.P. van Vuuren (2017)
Actors, Decision-making, and Institutions in Quantitative System Modelling
FEEM Note di Lavoro n. 2017.046
Year: 2017
Dasgupta, S. (2017)
Burden of Climate Change on Malaria Mortality
FEEM Note di Lavoro n. 2017.044
Year: 2017
Tavoni, M., V. Bosetti, S. Shayegh, L. Drouet, J. Emmerling, S. Fuss, T. Goeschl, C. Guivarch, T.S. Lontzek, V. Manoussi, J. Moreno-Cruz, H. Muri, M. Quaas and W. Rickels
Challenges and Opportunities for Integrated Modeling of Climate Engineering
FEEM Note di Lavoro n. 2017.038
Year: 2017
Roson, R. and D. van der Mensbrugghe (2017)
Demand-Driven Structural Change in Applied General Equilibrium Models
IEFE Working Paper n. 96 – July 2017
Year: 2017
Sartori, M., D. Geneletti, S. Schiavo and R. Scolozzi (2017)
To what extent will climate and land-use change affect EU-28 agriculture? A computable general equilibrium analysis
IEFE Working Paper n. 98 – September 2017

Year: 2017
Stergios Athanasoglou, Valentina Bosetti, Laurent Drouet
A Simple Framework for Climate-Change Policy under Model Uncertainty
FEEM Note di Lavoro n: 2017.013

Year: 2017
Gianni Guastella, Stefano Pareglio, Paolo Sckokai
A Spatial Econometric Analysis of Land Use Efficiency in Large and Small Municipalities
FEEM Note di Lavoro n: 2016.003
Year: 2017
Roberto Roson
Assessing the cost of supplying water for agriculture: the food supply cost curve
IEFE Working Paper n. 90 – April 2017
Year: 2017
Roberto Roson and Dominique van der Mensbrugghe
Demand-Driven Structural Change in Applied General Equilibrium Models
IEFE Working Paper n. 96 – July 2017
Year: 2017
Giovanni Marin, Francesco Nicolli, Emy Zecca
Drivers of international shipments of hazardous waste: the role of policy and technology endowment
SEEDS WP n: 1.2017
Year: 2017
Alessio D'Amato, Giovanni Marin, Andrea Rampa
Environmental Disasters and Electoral Cycle: An Empirical Analysis on Floods and Landslides in Italy
SEEDS WP n: 02.2017

Year: 2017

Nicola De Vivo, Giovanni Marin
How neutral is the choice of the allocation mechanism in cap-and-trade schemes? Evidence from the EU-ETS
SEEDS WP n: 04.2017 (August 2017)

Year: 2017
Giacomo Marangoni, Gauthier De Maere, Valentina Bosetti
Optimal Clean Energy R&D Investments Under Uncertainty
FEEM Note di Lavoro n: 2017.016


Year: 2016
Anil Markandya, Enrica De Cian, Laurent Drouet, Josué M. Polanco-Martìnez, Francesco Bosello
Building Uncertainty into the Adaptation Cost Estimation in Integrated Assessment Models
FEEM Note di Lavoro n: 2016.021
Year: 2016
Roberto Ponce, Ramiro Parrado, Alejandra Stehr, Francesco Bosello
Climate Change, Water Scarcity in Agriculture and the Economy-Wide Impacts in a CGE Framework
FEEM Note di Lavoro n: 2016.079
Year: 2016
Angelo Antoci, Simone Borghesi, Gianluca Iannucci
Green licenses and environmental corruption: a random matching model
SEEDS WP n: 10.2016
Year: 2016
Giovanni Marin, Marco Modica
Mapping the exposure to natural disaster losses for Italian municipalities
SEEDS WP n: 09.2016

Year: 2016
Simone Borghesi, Chiara Franco and Giovanni Marin
Outward Foreign Direct Investments Patterns of Italian Firms in the EU ETS
SEEDS WP n: 1.2016

Year: 2016
Giorgio Prodi, Federico Frattini and Francesco Nicolli
Regional Innovation Systems in China: A long-term perspective based on patent data at the prefectural level
SEEDS WP n: 3.2016
Year: 2016
Rustagi, D. and M. Veronesi
Social Identity, Attitudes Towards Cooperation, and Social Preferences: Evidence from Switzerland
Department of Economics, University of Verona n: 1

Year: 2016
Francesco Bosello, Giacomo Marangoni, Carlo Orecchia, David A. Raitzer, Massimo Tavoni
The Cost of Climate Stabilization in Southeast Asia, a Joint Assessment with Dynamic Optimization and CGE Models
FEEM Note di Lavoro n: 2016.076

Year: 2016
Simone Borghesi, Giorgia Giovannetti, Gianluca Iannucci, Paolo Russu

The dynamics of foreign direct investments in land and pollution accumulation
SEEDS WP n: 11.2016

Year: 2016
Alessio D’Amato, Edilio Valentini and Mariangela Zoli
Tradable Quotas Taxation and Market Power
CEIS WP n: 371

Year: 2016
C. Conti, M. L. Mancusi, F. Sanna-Randaccio, R. Sestini, E. Verdolini
Transition Towards a Green Economy in Europe: Innovation and Knowledge Integration in the Renewable Energy Sector
FEEM Note di Lavoro n: 2016.071

Year: 2016
Marianna Gilli, Giovanni Marin, Massimiliano Mazzanti and Francesco Nicolli
Sustainable Development and Industrial Development: Manufacturing Environmental Performance, Technology and Consumption/Production Perspectives
SEEDS WP n: 2.2016


Year: 2015
Nicolò Barbieri, Claudia Ghisetti, Marianna Gilli, Giovanni Marin, Francesco Nicolli
A Survey of the Literature on Environmental Innovation Based on Main Path Analysis
SEEDS WP n: 7.2015
Year: 2015
Jan Witajewski-Baltvilks, Elena Verdolini, Massimo Tavoni
Bending The Learning Curve
FEEM Note di Lavoro n: 2015.065
Year: 2015
Erin Baker, Valentina Bosetti, Laura Diaz Anadon, Max Henrion, Lara Aleluia Reis
Future Costs of Key Low-Carbon Energy Technologies: Harmonization and Aggregation of Energy Technology Expert Elicitation Data
FEEM Note di Lavoro n: 2015.045
Year: 2015
Alessandro Cologni, Elisa Scarpa, Francesco Giuseppe Sitzia
Big Fish: Oil Markets and Speculation
FEEM Note di Lavoro n: 2015.052
Year: 2015
Francesco Vona, Giovanni Marin, Davide Consoli, David Popp
Green Skills
NBER Working Paper n: 21116
Year: 2015
Gunnar Luderer, Christoph Bertram, Katherine Calvin, Enrica De Cian, Elmar Kriegler
Implications of Weak Near-term Climate Policies on Long-term Mitigation Pathways
FEEM Note di Lavoro n: 2015.005
Year: 2015
Cristina Cattaneo, Emanuele Massetti
Migration and Climate Change in Rural Africa
FEEM Note di Lavoro n: 2015.029
Year: 2015
Olivier Durand-Lasserve, Lorenza Campagnolo, Jean Chateau and Rob Dellink
Modelling of Distributional Impacts of Energy Subsidy Reforms: an Illustration with Indonesia
FEEM Note di Lavoro n: 2015.068
Year: 2015
Francesco Silvestri, Stefano Ghinoi
Municipal Waste Selection and Disposal: Evidences from Lombardy
FEEM Note di Lavoro n: 2015.014
Year: 2015
Milan Šcasný, Emanuele Massetti, Jan Melichar, Samuel Carrara
Quantifying the Ancillary Benefits of the Representative Concentration Pathways on Air Quality in Europe
FEEM Note di Lavoro n: 2015.084
Year: 2015
Emanuele Campiglio co-authored with Alex Bowen and Sara Herreras Martinez
The 'optimal and equitable' climate finance gap
Year: 2015
Emanuele Massetti, Robert Mendelsohn, Shun Chonabayashi
Using Degree Days to Value Farmland
FEEM Note di Lavoro n: 2015.012
Year: 2015
Claudia Ghisetti, Susanna Mancinelli, Massimiliano Mazzanti and Mariangela Zoli
Do financial constraints make the environment worse off? Understanding the effects of financial barriers on environmental innovations
SEEDS WP n: 1.2015
Year: 2015
Andrea Rampa and Alessio D'Amato
Living on the Edge of the Catastrophe
SEEDS WP n: 3.2015
Year: 2015
Nicolò Barbieri and Alessandro Palma
Mapping energy efficiency technological advances in home appliances
SEEDS WP n: 2.2015


Year: 2014
Andrea Bastianin, Matteo Manera
How Does Stock Market Volatility React to Oil Shocks?
FEEM Note di Lavoro n: 2014.110
Year: 2014
Simone Borghesi, Giulio Cainelli, Massimiliano Mazzanti
Linking emission trading to environmental innovation: evidence from the Italian manufacturing industry
Working Paper Series:SEEDS n: 27.2014
Year: 2014
Alessio D'Amato, Susanna Mancinelli and Mariangela Zoli
Two Shades of (Warm) Glow: multidimensional intrinsic motivation, waste reduction and recycling
Working Paper Series :SEEDS n: 21.2014
Year: 2014
Tiziano di Stefano, Giovanni Marin and Massimo Riccaboni
Global Virtual Water Trade: Integrating Structural Decomposition Analysis with Network Theory
Working Paper Series:SEEDS n: 23.2014
Year: 2014
Luca Di Corato, Cesare Dosi and Michele Moretto
Bidding for conservation contracts
Working Paper Series:FEEM Note di Lavoro n: 2014.65
Contact: Luca Di Corato,
Year: 2014
Alessandro Antimiani, Valeria Costantini, Anil Markandya, Chiara Martini, Alessandro Palma and Maria Cristina Tommasino
A dynamic CGE modelling approach for analyzing trade-offs in climate change policy options: the case of Green Climate Fund
SEEDS Working Papers Series n: 16.2014
Year: 2014
Edilio Valentini and Paolo Vitale
Optimal Climate Policy for a Pessimistic Social Planner
FEEM Note di Lavoro n: 2014.033
Contact: Edilio Valentini
Year: 2014
Alessio d'Amato, Massimiliano Mazzanti, Francesco Nicolli and Mariangela Zoli
Illegal Waste Disposal, Territorial Enforcement and Policy. Evidence from regional data.
SEEDS Working Papers Series n: 3.2014
Contact: Massimiliano Mazzanti
Year: 2014
Andrea Bastianin, Marzio Galeotti and Matteo Manera
Forecasting the Oil-Gasoline Price Relationship: Should We Care About the Rockets and the Feathers?
IEFE Working Papers n: 62
Contact: Andrea Bastianin
Year: 2014
Roberto Antonietti and Alberto Marzucchi
Environmental Investments and firm's productivity: a closer look
SEEDS Working Papers Series n: 01.2014
Contact: Roberto Antonietti