IAERE Young Environmental Economist Award 2019

The 2019 IAERE Young Environmental Economist Award was awarded ex-equo to:


Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment (CSERGE), University of East Anglia, UK

Paper: A new approach to capturing the spatial dimensions of value within choice experiments


The award motivation is the following: The paper is methodologically advanced, innovative and well written. It proposes and implements a novel approach to incorporating space within the design and presentation of stated preference choice experiments using individually generated maps, tailored to each respondent’s home location.

Elisabetta CORNAGOElisabetta CORNAGO
OECD, France
Paper: Evaluating the impact of urban road pricing on the use of green transport modes: The case of Milan



The award motivation is the following: The paper investigates empirically the effect of congestion pricing on the demand for zero-emission transport modes, focusing on Milan’s congestion charge on the use of bike sharing. It contributes to the ongoing debate on a relevant topic providing very useful insights and clear policy indications.

The Award was announced at the Seventh IAERE Annual Conference hosted by the Department of Economics and Statistics - Univerty of Udine on February 7-8, 2019.

