IAERE Young Environmental Economist Award 2018

The 2018 IAERE Young Environmental Economist Award was awarded to:


Victor NechiforVictor NECHIFOR
UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources, UK

Paper: Global Economic and Food Security Impacts of Demand-driven Water Scarcity


The award motivation is the following: The paper deals with the continued expansion of global freshater demand, under current expectations of economic and population growth, and the consequent threat to the long-term availability of freshwater for human activities. The economy-wide implications of demand-driven water scarcity are assessed under the middle-of-the-road scenario (SSP2) of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). By using a comprehensive CGE framework focused on freshwater uses, the results offer an extended insight into the economic impacts of alternative water allocation regimes and of the trade-offs between aggregate economy-wide impacts and food security. The paper, methologically advanced, extremely well written, and single-authored, offers a significant contribution to improve our understanding of future impacts and policy options for one of the most critical global environmental issues.

The Award was announced at the Sixth IAERE Annual Conference hosted by the Department of Economics - Univerty of Turin on February 15-16, 2018.

Victor Nechifor Victor Nechifor Victor Nechifor

Photo credits: Martina Pavesi
