IAERE Young Environmental Economist Award 2021

The 2021 IAERE Young Environmental Economist Award was awarded ex-equo to:


Alsina PujolsMaria Alsina-Pujols
University of Zurich - Department of Economics (Switzerland)

Paper: Climate refugees and carbon pricing



The award motivation is the following: The paper is valuable contribution to the literature on climate, migration and carbon prices. Maria applies a rigorous approach to explore the consequences of climate refugees on optimal and unilateral carbon pricing.


Marica Valente


Marica Valente
Berlin School of Economics, Humboldt University, and DIW Berlin (Germany)
Paper: Heterogeneous effects of waste pricing policies

The award motivation is the following: The paper enriches academic literature on circular economy and waste pricing, by applying an innovative empirical strategy to a unique dataset of Italian municipalities to explore the impact of waste policies on individual waste decisions and social welfare.


The Award was announced at the Ninth IAERE Annual Conference hosted by the University of Brescia, on April 21-23, 2021.

