IAERE Young Environmental Economist Award 2017

The 2017 IAERE Young Environmental Economist Award was awarded ex-equo to:


Shouro DasguptaShouro DASGUPTA
Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Paper: Impact of Climate Change on Malaria: A Quantile Regression Analysis


The award motivation is the following: the paper focuses on the highly relevant impact of climatic variables on malaria mortality rates. Using a quantile regression approach, it confirms, in particular, the non-linear nature of these impacts, and provides a quantitative ex post assessment of the links between precipitations and temperature, on one hand, and malaria rates, also accounting for country level health related efforts. The conclusions of the paper can indeed prove useful for future research and also have policy relevance in relation to the health consequences of climate change.

GhisettiClaudia GHISETTI
Joint Research Centre, European Commission
Paper: Demand-pull and environmental innovations: estimating the effects of innovative public procurement



The award motivation is the following: the paper deals with the increasingly popular literature on the drivers of eco innovation, focusing on the under-investigated impact of public purchases and, in particular, of innovative public procurement (IPP). This is done by adopting non parametric techniques to overcome empirical difficulties, due to a potential selection bias that can distort the estimates of the impact of IPP on eco-innovation decisions. The main conclusions of the paper suggest that indeed IPP is a viable policy choice to encourage eco-innovation, and therefore that more relevance (both in the policy and research arena) should be given to this tool.

The Award was announced at the Fifth IAERE Annual Conference hosted by the School of Economics - Univerty of Rome Tor Vergata on February 16-17, 2017.

