3rd IAERE School
Experimental Methods in Environmental and Resource Economics
in cooperation with
University of Bologna
Bologna (Italy), 24-28 September 2018
The Italian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
organises a School series aiming at providing advanced training
for young international scholars on issues of environmental and
resource economics.
The 3rd IAERE School will be organized in cooperation with the
University of Bologna, and will focus on experimental methods in
environmental and resource economics. It will take place in
Bologna, at the University of Bologna, from the 24th to the 28th
of September, 2018.
Experiments have become an established methodology of
investigation in the social sciences, with highly relevant
applications to environmental and natural resource economics.
The aim of the course is twofold. First, the course intends to
introduce young scholars from environmental economics to the
methodology of laboratory, field and online experiments through
dedicated lectures from experts in the field. Second, it strives
to present and discuss specific applications to environmental
topics, which are at the frontier of the current research.
Students will have the possibility to elaborate and present a
research project developed during the week.
• Environmental regulation
• Climate change
• Emission markets
• Risk and uncertainty
• Governing the local commons
• Nudging environmental conservation
The daily schedule for Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu is:
• 9:00-10:45 Module 1
• 10:45-11:15 Coffee break
• 11:15-13:00 Module 2
• 13:00-14:00 Light lunch
• 14:00-14:45 office hour or group meetings
• 14:45-16:15 Module 3
Friday will be dedicated to group presentations.
A social dinner will be organized.
- Maria BIGONI, University of
Bologna, Italy
- Valentina BOSETTI, Ettore
Bocconi Department of Economics, Italy
- Marco CASARI, University of
Bologna, Italy - School Co-Coordinator
- Giovanna D'ADDA, University
of Milan, Italy
- Timo GOESCHL, University of
Heidelberg, Germany
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
- Luca TASCHINI, University
of Verona, Italy and Gratham Research Institute in Climate
Change and the Environment, LSE, UK
- Alessandro TAVONI, The
London School of Economics and Political Science – Gratham
Research Institute in Climate Change and the Environment, UK
Graduate students and working professionals from any
university, research institute, or other organizations (private
companies, government agencies, NGOs) with an interest in
environmental issues and ability to read and write fluently in
Advanced undergraduates will also be considered.
Number of students
The minimum number of students for the activation of the
programme is 20. The maximum number of students is 30.
Participation Fees
• EUR 450 - IAERE Members
• EUR 530 - Non IAERE Members (This fee includes a 2018 IAERE
• EUR 470 - Students non IAERE Members (This fee includes a 2018
IAERE membership)
The participation fee includes:
- Downloadable course material
- Participation Diploma
- Coffee breaks and light lunches included in the School
- One social dinner
Accommodation is not included. The School organization will
provide information about budget accommodation in Bologna.
Any other meal not mentioned in the programme is not included.
Successful candidates will receive information about modes of
payment once admitted to the School.
How to apply
Applicants are kindly requested to fill in the application
Application deadline is May 31st, 2018 (midnight CET).
Applicants will be notified by June 15th, 2018.
the deadline for the payment of the participation fee in June
30th, 2018.
Download the
call for
applications (2 Mb).