3rd IAERE School: Experimental methods in Environmental and Resource Economics
3rd IAERE School
Experimental Methods in Environmental and Resource Economics

in cooperation with
University of Bologna

Bologna (Italy), 24-28 September 2018


  • Maria BIGONI, University of Bologna, Italy
  • Valentina BOSETTI, Ettore Bocconi Department of Economics, Italy
  • Marco CASARI, University of Bologna, Italy - School Co-Coordinator
  • Giovanna D'ADDA, University of Milan, Italy
  • Timo GOESCHL, University of Heidelberg, Germany
  • Peter MARTINSSON, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
  • Luca TASCHINI, University of Verona, Italy and Gratham Research Institute in Climate Change and the Environment, LSE, UK
  • Alessandro TAVONI, The London School of Economics and Political Science – Gratham Research Institute in Climate Change and the Environment, UK

Maria BigoniProf. Maria Bigoni
University of Bologna, Italy

Maria Bigoni is an Associate Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics of the University of Bologna. She obtained a Ph.D. in Economics, Markets and Institutions from the IMT in Lucca in 2008. She was a visiting student at the Stockholm School of Economics (2006 and 2007), and a visiting scholar at Tilburg University (2008) and Purdue University (2011). She has published in international journals such as Econometrica, the RAND Journal of Economics, and Games and Economic Behavior. Her main research interest is experimental economics, applied to the study of cooperation in repeated social dilemmas, industrial organization and learning. Her most recent line of research focuses on the effects of economic inequality of cooperation. She has taught a z-tree software crash course for experiments in several European Universities.

Valentina BosettiProf. Valentina Bosetti
Ettore Bocconi Department of Economics, Italy

Valentina Bosetti earned a bachelor degree in environmental sciences and a MSc in environmental and natural resources economics (University College London) as well as a PhD is in computational mathematics and operation research ((Università degli Studi di Milano).
She visited the Princeton Environmental Institute and CASBS, Stanford. At Bocconi University she teaches environmental and climate change economics and is also a Fellow at Fondazione Enrico Mattei and Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change.
Her research focus is on Natural Resources and Environmental Economics, Climate Change Economics, and Innovation in Green Technologies. She was one of the lead authors of the 5th AR IPCC (2014) and won two ERC Starting Grants, the latest one on Uncertainty and Climate Change. She was president of the Italian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (IAERE) and council member of the European one (EAERE).

Marco CasariProf. Marco Casari
University of Bologna, Italy
School Coordinator

Marco Casari earned a Ph.D. California Institute of Technology and held positions at Ohio State University, the Autonoma University in Barcelona, and Purdue University. His research is about the foundations of cooperation in societies from both an institutional and a behavioral perspectives. His recent projects employ laboratory experiments to study cooperation in global climate change, the emergence of money as a medium of exchange, the regional divides in terms of civicness, and cooperation in continuous time. He has received an ERC Starting Grant to study cooperation among strangers and financial support from other public and private institutions. Publications have appeared among others in Econometrica, the American Economic Review, Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences, Frontiers in Cognitive Neurosciences, the Economic Journal, Games and Economic Behavior, Experimental Economics, and the Journal of Economic History.

Giovanna D'AddaProf. Giovanna d'Adda
University of Milan, Italy

Giovanna d’Adda is assistant professor at University of Milan, and was formerly assistant professor at Politecnico di Milano. She holds a PhD in Economics from Bocconi University, with a thesis on natural resource conservation in developing countries, and an MSc in Development Management from LSE. During her PhD, Giovanna was a research fellow at Harvard Kennedy School, Paris School of Economics and University of Zurich. Giovanna’s research extensively uses laboratory and field experiments to investigate key drivers of pro-social behavior, such as institutions, norms, and leadership structures. She has published among others in the Journal of Public Economics, Economic Journal, the Journal of the European Economic Associations, Journal of Regional Studies, Journal of Law and Economics, and Ecological Economics.

Timo GoeschlProf. Timo Goeschl
University of Heidelberg, Germany

Timo Goeschl earned a PhD in Economics from the University of Cambridge and is currently Professor of Environmental Economics in the Department of Economics (Alfred Weber-Institute) at Heidelberg University and Director of the Research Center for Environmental Economics at the University. He serves on the board of the Heidelberg Center for the Environment. Timo is also an adjunct professor in the joint Executive MBA program of ESSEC and Mannheim Business School.
Timo is a Co- Editor of Environmental and Resource Economics, on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, and a Research Associate at the Centre for European Economic Research - ZEW in Mannheim. He serves on the scientific board of Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung and in the Senate Commission on Biodiversity Research of the German Research Foundation DFG. Previously, Timo served on the Board of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (2011-15) and co-chaired the Scientific Committee of the 2014 World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists in Istanbul, Turkey. Over the years, he has been consultant for the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the OECD, and other public and private organizations.

Prof. Peter Martinsson
University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Peter Martinsson earned a Ph.D from Lund University and is currently professor of Economics at University of Gothenburg as part of the Environmental Economic Unit. His research and teaching focus has been on experimental and behavioral economics. His projects carry relevant applications to environmental economics.
His most recent publications have appeared in the Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Experimental Economics, and Journal of Public Economics.

Luca TaschiniProf. Luca Taschini
University of Verona, Italy and Gratham Research Institute in Climate Change and the Environment, LSE, UK

Luca Taschini holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Zurich and is Research Fellow at the Gratham Research Institute in Climate Change and the Environment at LSE and has recently joined the University of Verona. He is working at the intersection of environmental economics, energy markets, and industrial organisation. His current research projects include work on market-based instruments and climate finance. He is also an alumnus of the Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change (MIT) and is a visiting scholar at the Research Center for Sustainability Science, Ritsumeikan University in Japan. His publications have appeared, among others, in Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Ecological Economics, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Land Economics, Environmental and Resource Economics.

Alessandro TavoniProf. Alessandro Tavoni
The London School of Economics and Political Science – Gratham Research Institute in Climate Change and the Environment, UK

Alessandro Tavoni holds a PhD in Economics from Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia (2011). He is Associate Professor at LSE, Associate Researcher at Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM), as well as member of the Levin Lab at Princeton University and an International Fellow of the Sogang Experimental Economics Laboratory in Korea. His research spans several topics in environmental economics, primarily related to the drivers of cooperation in the (climate) commons. This is tackled through a combination of non-cooperative and evolutionary game theory models, as well as laboratory experiments, surveys and simulations, in an effort to shed light on the potential solutions to environmental dilemmas. He has published, among others, in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Environmental and Resource Economics, Nature Climate Change, Journal of Theoretical Biology, and Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.

IAERE 3rd School index

In cooperation with:

Universit� di Bologna

with the support of


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