
2nd IAERE School
Input Output Analysis for Environmental and Resource Economics

in cooperation with
University of Urbino 'Carlo Bo'

Urbino (Italy), 26-29 September 2017




The Italian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists is launching a School series aiming at providing advanced training for young international scholars on issues of environmental and resource economics.

The 2nd IAERE School will be organized in cooperation with the University of Urbino ‘Carlo Bo’, and will focus on input-output analysis as a tool for environmental and resource economics. It will take place in Urbino, at the University of Urbino, from the 26th to the 29th of September 2017.

Input-output analysis is one of the most widely applied methods to evaluate the link between the economy and the environment accounting for the inter-dependency of industries and countries. Developed by Wassily Leontief (Nobel Prize in Economics 1973) in the 1930s, input-output analysis has recently regained the attention of the academic community and policy makers for the evaluation of the environmental and socio-economic consequences of trade and structural change.
The aim of the course is twofold. First, the course intends to introduce the basics of input-output analysis, with both theoretical and practical lectures on applications to environment-related issues. Second, recent developments, extensions and applications of input-output analysis for the study of environment-related issues will be presented and discussed.

• Basics of input-output and national accounting
• The Leontief model
• Environmentally Extended Input-Output Analysis: theory and applications • Multi-regional input output analysis
• Structural decomposition analysis for environmental and resource economics • Overview of existing input-output databases
• The relationship between input-output analysis and lifecycle assessment: theory and applications
• Water and input-output analysis

Three modules and one final discussion are scheduled each day:
• 9:30-11:00 Module 1
• 11:00-11:30 Coffee break
• 11:30-13:00 Module 2
• 13:00-14:00 Light lunch
• 14:00-15:30 Module 3
• 15:30-16:00 Discussion

The first day will begin at 9:00 with a welcome address and an introduction.
A social dinner will be organized.


Prof. Paolo Costa, ‘Ca’ Foscari’ University of Venice – Keynote Speaker

Dr. Stephan Lutter, Institute for Ecological Economics, Vienna University of Economics and Business

Dr. Giovanni Marin, University of Urbino ‘Carlo Bo’ – School Co-Coordinator

Dr. Martina Sartori, ‘Ca’ Foscari’ University of Venice and Institute for Energy and Environmental Economics (IEFE) – School Co-Coordinator

Prof. Roberto Roson, ‘Ca’ Foscari’ University of Venice and Institute for Energy and Environmental Economics (IEFE)

Dr. Alessandro Cerutti, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission

Graduate students and working professionals from any university, research institute, or other organization (private companies, government agencies, NGOs) with an interest in environmental issues and ability to read and write fluently in English. Advanced
undergraduates will also be considered.

Number of students
The minimum number of students for the activation of the program is 15. The maximum number of students is 30.

Participation Fees
• IAERE Members EUR 450
• Non IAERE Members EUR 500 (This fee includes a 2017 IAERE membership).

The participation fee includes:

- Downloadable course material

- Participation Diploma

- Coffee breaks and light lunches included in the School programme

- One social dinner

Accommodation is not included. The organizing committee of the school will provide information about budget accommodation in Urbino.

Any other meal not mentioned in the programme is not included.

Successful candidates will receive information about modes of payment once admitted to the School.

How to apply
Applicants are kindly requested to fill in the application form.
Application deadline is June 30, 2017 (midnight CET).


Download the pdf call for applications (425 kb).

In cooperation with:
Università degli Studi di Urbino

with the support of


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