
2nd IAERE School
Input Output Analysis for Environmental and Resource Economics

in cooperation with
University of Urbino 'Carlo Bo'

Urbino (Italy), 26-29 September 2017




  • Prof. Paolo Costa, ‘Ca’ Foscari’ University of Venice – Keynote Speaker
  • Dr. Alessandro Cerutti, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
  • Dr. Stephan Lutter, Institute for Ecological Economics, Vienna University of Economics and Business
  • Dr. Giovanni Marin, University of Urbino ‘Carlo Bo’ – School Co-Coordinator
  • Prof. Roberto Roson, ‘Ca’ Foscari’ University of Venice and Institute for Energy and Environmental Economics (IEFE)
  • Dr. Martina Sartori, ‘Ca’ Foscari’ University of Venice and Institute for Energy and Environmental Economics (IEFE) – School Co-Coordinator

Prof. Dominique van der MensbruggheProf. Paolo Costa
Ca' Foscari Universiy of Venice
Keynote Speaker

Paolo Costa is a former Professor of Regional Economics, Economic Programming and Economics at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Graduated in Economics at ‘Ca’ Foscari’ University of Venice in 1968, Paolo Costa has been assistant professor and, from 1980, full professor (Urban and Regional Economics) at the University Institute of Architecture in Venice, and from 1982 at the ‘Ca’ Foscari’ University of Venice. Prof. Costa served as Minister of Public Works (1996-1998), Member of the European Parliament (1999-2009), Mayor of Venice (2000-2005) and President of Venice Port Authority (2008-2017). He was Chancelor of the ‘Ca’ Foscari’ University of Venice from 1992 to 1996 and Vice President of the United Nations University in Tokyo (1993-1998). Prof. Costa has been Visiting Professor at the Department of Geography, University of Readíng, UK (1975), Visiting Research Scientist at the Institute for Economic Analysis, New York University (1980), Visiting Professor at the Department of Economics, New York University (1983) and Visiting Professor at the French and ltalian Department, New York University (1988). Together with Prof. Wassily Leontief, he was appointed by the Italian government to be part of the Scientific Committee for the draft of the General Transport Plan (1985-87). His research focus on input-output analysis applied to regional and environmental issues and to the transport and tourism sectors.

Descrizione: Alessandro K. CeruttiDr. Alessandro Cerutti
Joint Research Centre of the European Commission at Ispra (Italy)


Dr. Alessandro Cerutti holds a PhD degree in Agriculture, Forestry and Food Science from University of Turin (Italy) conducting researches on the use of bottom-up and top-down approaches for assessing the environmental sustainability of food production systems and consumption patterns. He is currently employed at the European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Bioeconomy Unit focusing his activities on the application of standard and hybrid Environmentally Extended Input-Output Analysis for assessing impacts related to household consumption patterns in Europe.
He has been a member of the Directory Board of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Sustainability based in Turin and he collaborated with several institutions among which the Italian Network of LCA; the Master in Green Management, Energy and Corporate Social Responsibility (MaGER), Bocconi University; the Regio Collegio Carlo Alberto, Moncalieri (Italy) and the Department of Economy and Management, University of Brescia (Italy).
He is an author of over 90 scientific and technical publications on national and international journals and books. He taught in several courses, among which “Environmental accounting and socio-metabolic indicators” in the Master in Sustainability of Socio Ecosystems and food networks at the UNESCO Chair for Sustainable Development, based in Turin and the International Summer Campus of the Eating City Platform in Paris.


LutterDr. Stephan Lutter

Institute for Ecological Economics, Vienna University of Economics and Business


Stephan Lutter is Researcher at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) and Deputy Head of Research of the Research Group “Sustainable Resource Use”. He received a Ph.D. in Natural Resources and Life Sciences from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, BOKU, Vienna, and obtained a master degree in Natural Resource Management and Ecological Engineering from BOKU, Vienna, and Lincoln University, New Zealand, and a master in Environmental Engineering from BOKU, Vienna. Dr. Lutter has been involved in many EU funded research projects on input-output analysis, including DESIRE, CREEA and EXIOPOL. His main research interests are ecological economics, industrial ecology, environmental accounting (including material and water flows) and global responsibility.

Prof. Francesco BoselloDr. Giovanni Marin
University of Urbino 'Carlo Bo'
School Co-Coordinator

Dr. Giovanni Marin is Co-Coordinator of the 2nd IAERE School.

Graduated in Economics at the University of Ferrara, Marin received a Doctoral degree in Economics, Markets and Institutions from the IMT Institute of Advanced Studies Lucca. He is assistant professor at the Department of Economics, Society and Politics of the University of Urbino ‘Carlo Bo’ since November 2016 and research affiliate of the SEEDS (Sustainability Environmental Economics and Dynamics Studies). Formerly, he was researcher at the Institute for Sustainable Economic Growth of the National Research Council of Italy (IRCrES-CNR). He is part of the team of the European Topic Centre on Waste and Materials in the Green Economy (ETC-WMGE) maintained by the European Environment Agency. His main interests are focused on environmental innovation and the role of structural change, with a particular emphasis on the relationship between environmental policy and performance and employment.

Martina SartoriDr. Martina Sartori
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and Institute for Energy and Environmental Economics (IEFE)
School Co-Coordinator

Dr. Martina Sartori is Co-Coordinator of the 2nd IAERE School.
Dr. Martina Sartori holds a PhD degree in Economics from the University of Milan. She graduated in International Economics at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, where she is a post-doc researcher . She is also junior research fellow at the Centre for Research on Energy and on Environmental Economics and Policy (IEFE-Bocconi University). Formerly, she was post-doc at the University of Trento. She has been research consultant at the World Bank, the European University Institute, and has collaborated with the Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change. Her academic teaching experiences include microeconomics, macroeconomics, industrial and international economics. Her major research interests are about computable general equilibrium modeling for environmental policy assessment, water economics and network analysis.

Prof. Roberto RosonProf. Roberto Roson
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and and Center for Research on Energy and Environmental Economics and Policy (IEFE)

Graduated at ‘Ca’ Foscari’ University of Venice, Roson received a doctoral degree in Economics from the University of Umeå (Sweden). He has been “visiting fellow” at the Free University of Amsterdam, at the University of Warwick, at S. Francisco Xavier U. (Sucre, Bolivia), San Simon U. (Cochabamba, Bolivia), University of Barcelona, as well as at the World Bank (Washington) and at the Institute of Developing Economies – JETRO (Chiba, Japan). He is currently Professor at Università di Venezia ‘Ca’ Foscari’, teaching Industrial Organization and International Economics, and affiliated with the IEFE Research Centre of Bocconi University in Milan. He is the author of several articles published in books and international scientific journals, and coordinator of several applied research projects, including the European FP7 project WASSERMed. He has been consultant for several organizations, including: European Commission (JRC), World Bank, United Nations and FAO. His research interests deal primarily with environmental economics, computable models for economic policy simulation and with the industrial organization of service industries.



In cooperation with:
Università degli Studi di Urbino

with the support of


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