ELECTIONS 2023 - Candidates

The Association's elections are held every other year, as per the Association's statutes.

This year IAERE Members in good standing will be asked to vote for:
  • A President, who will join the Council as President-Elect in 2024-2025, serve as President in 2026-2027, and act as Past-President in 2028-2029, at the end of the presidential term.
  • Two new ordinary members of the Council, who will join the council for four years from 2024 (2024-2027).
The Nominating Committee has selected the nominations for the 2023 IAERE Elections, which are listed below.

The Elections will take place online, in parallel with the Eleventh IAERE Annual Conference. More details about the voting procedure will be made available soon.


Shouro Dasgupta Shouro Dasgupta
Economic analysis of Climate Impacts and Policy Division

Read Shouro's short bio and statement

Anna Montini Anna Montini
University of Bologna
Department of Economics
Read Anna's short bio and statement


Nicolò Barbieri Nicolò Barbieri
University of Ferrara
Department of Economics and Management
Read Nicolò's short bio and statement
Valeria Di Cosmo Valeria Di Cosmo
University of Turin
Department of Economics and Statistics "Cognetti de Martiis"
Read Valeria's short bio and statement
Maurizio Malpede Maurizio Malpede
University of Verona
Department of Economics
Read Maurizio's short bio and statement
Elena Paglialunga Elena Paglialunga
University of Urbino 'Carlo Bo'
Department of Economics, Society, Politics
Read Elena's short bio and statement


Shouro Dasgupta

Short bio

Shouro Dasgupta is a Researcher at Fondazione CMCC and RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics, and the Environment and a Lecturer at Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia. His main research interests include studying the impacts of climate change on labour, food security, health, and inequality at multiple spatial scales. His research contributes to advancing knowledge on socioeconomic impacts of climate change, identifying hotspots and vulnerable populations, and supporting the design of tailored policies to mitigate and adapt to these impacts. Shouro teaches courses on Statistics, Economics, and Econometrics at both undergraduate and graduate levels at Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia. He holds a PhD in Science and Management of Climate Change from the Ca’ and an MA in Economics from the University of New Hampshire.


It is an honour for me to be a candidate for IAERE President. I am thankful to the nominating committee for this opportunity. I have cherished being a part of the association since our inception in 2013. I have been a IAERE council-member for the last two years, allowing me to work side-by-side with the members. I am grateful for the diligent work of the current and past Presidents and Council members in improving the association’s outreach, from PhD students to the top scholars. The contribution of IAERE members in academia and policymaking is a testament to the influence of our community in the fields of environmental, energy, and resource economics. The organisation and expansion of the annual conferences and the wonderful seminars being hosted during the pandemic is highly commendable. I plan to carry on with the platform and increase the profile of IAERE both nationally and internationally, which will allow us to promote the association to a wider audience. I believe that IAERE can help integrate environmental and resource economics in the Italian universities, with the aim of having a dedicated scientific disciplinary area and including journals that cater to our discipline in the list of Class A scientific journals. Another objective for me would be work closely with PhD programmes to encourage students to be more involved and benefit from the activities of the association. Additionally, IAERE can contribute to bridge the gap between academia and the society, to communicate to tackle misinformation on climate change and to integrate the associate into the environmental policy arena


Anna Montini

Short bio

Anna Montini is a statistician and an environmental economist. She is associate professor in Economics and lecturer in Environmental Economics at the Department of Economics, University of Bologna, Italy. She is member of SEEDS (an Italian inter-university research centre) and Director of the Second Cycle Degree in Resource Economics and Sustainable Development at the University of Bologna since July 2019. She is member of IAERE since its foundation; she is also councillor in charge for the Environment and Blue Economy at the Municipality of Rimini since July 2016. Her main research interests are environmental policies, waste management, air emissions and environmental-economic performance at geographical/spatial level. She has been involved in several research projects on water demand, earthquakes impact, hybrid economic-environmental accounts and local waste management. She has jointly edited a few books published by Routledge and has contributed to many articles in national and international journals. She has extensive experience in the conception, implementation and design of sample survey instruments.


I am honoured and very grateful to the Nominating Committee for this chance to be one of the IAERE candidates for the next President-elect. As we all know, IAERE is a young environment economists association that has seen its group of members and potential growing considerably since its foundation. At the same time, luckily both the context and the public opinion towards the environment and the natural resources have changed a lot and in a favourable way in recent years. Much valuable work has been done by the actual and the previous presidents - and council members too, of course - to create a bridge between the academy and the society. Highly qualified initiatives, such as seminars, workshops and the post-graduate IAERE School among others have been gradually and successfully introduced over time. Of course, it is time to continue this work and to improve the network among academic research, teaching activities, institutions and firms even considering internship opportunities for students attending degree courses in the field of natural resources and environmental economics. One of the main aims is to create a strong relationship among teaching, research activities, entrepreneurship, civil society and future job and collaboration opportunities, both for researchers and for students in this field. Society needs a new generation of decision-makers, at every level, taking into account the environment and the sustainable use of natural resources in a different way with respect to the past. A similar bridge is necessary, inside the Academy, to create interdisciplinary groups of research. It would be fundamental, in my opinion, to reinforce the visibility of IAERE as a relevant stakeholder in the policy making at national level related to planning and managing natural resources and the environment. To do this, it is always crucial to continue attracting new members for our Association, to organize heterogeneous activities and events and to pay attention to the Association communication activities. Let me express again my gratitude for being one of the candidates to the IAERE Presidency; in any case I will still work for the benefit of the association in the future. Again, my sincere thanks to the Nominating Committee for this opportunity.


Nicolò Barbieri

Short Bio

Nicolò Barbieri is an assistant professor of Economic Policy at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Ferrara and a member of the SEEDS - Sustainability, Environmental Economics and Dynamics Studies research centre. He holds a PhD from the University of Bologna. He was a visiting research fellow at the Institute of Innovation and Knowledge Management INGENIO [UPV-CSIC] (Valencia, Spain), at the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), University of Sussex (Brighton, UK), and at the TELECOM Ecole de Management - Institut Mines (Evry-Paris, France). Nicolò’s work focuses on different areas of environmental and resource economics. In particular, he studies the technological transition that stands at the heart of the green economy. His research focuses on the impacts and drivers of such transition, delving into the geography of technological change, the labour market dynamics, and the environmental policy actions to tackle the climate crisis. He has convened and taught courses on Eco-Innovation, Firms’ Performance and Policy; Cost-Benefit Analysis, and Economic Policy at the University of Ferrara.


I am deeply grateful and pleased to stand as a candidate member for the IAERE council and I am thankful to the nominating committee for the opportunity to join the other esteemed candidates in this process. IAERE annual events and seminars have been milestones for my career. Since the first annual conference that I attended in Ferrara when I was a PhD student, it was clear to me that IAERE’s goals are the exchange of ideas about environmental and resource economics, the inclusivity and diversity of the debate, and the dissemination of insights to a wide range of academics and practitioners. The Association is the result of a massive effort spent by current and past Presidents and Council Members over the years. I have always appreciated the pivotal role that the Association has given to young researchers who had the opportunity to interact with more experienced scholars expanding their own knowledge and networks. This led to the creation of a growing community of environmental and resource economists who engage with a wide range of relevant and timely topics and whose teaching activities nowadays enable the diffusion of skills and practices required for the sustainable transition. I consider the first duty of future Council Members to manage and strengthen this priceless heritage. If elected, I would be happy to assist the IAERE on current and new activities. In particular, I would be glad if I could, as a council member, contribute to supporting initiatives aimed at increasing IAERE’s visibility in the international context, boosting up the dialog with other national and international institutions, creating a multidisciplinary environment through the integration of heterogeneous research streams and approaches, and reinforcing the chances for networking and interaction on research activities and projects. I am committed to these goals and I would be honoured by the opportunity to contribute to them.


Valeria Di Cosmo

Short Bio

Valeria di Cosmo is a senior researcher in applied economics at the Department of Economics and Statistics "Cognetti de Martiis". After her PhD, she worked for Gas de France-Suez analyzing electricity market behaviour and trends. She joined the Economic and Social Research Institute in 2010, and worked there as an energy economist for 6 years. Between 2016 and 2018 she joined FEEM in Milan as a Marie Curie Fellow. Results of her Marie Curie are summarized here (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/703382). She has several publications in the field of regulation of public utilities, focusing on the energy sector. In particular her work as an energy economist focuses on the impact of renewables in the electric system and market design, with a special attention on the role of transmission lines across Europe. She collaborated with the International Energy Agency for the World Energy Outlook 2018, using her competencies on transmission networks to write part of the electricity focus. She taught as a guest lecture in master classes on energy and environment at the University College Dublin and she supervised several master students, in Turin, Dublin and Edinburgh.


Environmental topics are on policymakers' agendas all over the world. In Italy, through IAERE we can build bridges between the academic community and society to make academic results accessible and understandable to different communities: young scholars and students, active citizens, and interested parties. Moreover, the link between environmental and energy research should be filled. IAERE can be the ideal place to promote this connection: choices about energy mix and generation are strongly linked with the environmental outcome, and efforts should be made to make researchers in both topics work actively together. IAERE, as an association with its annual conference, has always been an excellent place to engage with young scholars and promote interdisciplinary work, so I am delighted and thankful to the nominating committee for the opportunity to be a council member candidate.


Maurizio Malpede

Short Bio

Since January 2022, I am Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Verona and Research Fellow at the GREEN Centre, Bocconi University. I hold a PhD in Economics jointly awarded by Cattolica University and Bicocca University, in Milan. My PhD Thesis, "Three Essays on Technological Progress and Economic Growth," has been awarded the 2020 EAERE Best European Doctoral Dissertation in Environmental and Resource Economics. One strand of my research focuses on the roots of historical development and the economic effects of climate and resource extraction in Sub-Saharan Africa. In addition, I currently study how the gradual expansion of land aridification and desertification, accelerated by climate change, affects the socio-economic growth of different areas in the world.


Dear IAERE members, During the last decade, our Association has consistently grown in the number of members and above all in the quality of the papers presented. This is thanks to the hard work done by the past presidents and council members, who have increased the attractiveness of our field of study on young economists. As a young researcher myself, I believe that it is crucial to give students the opportunity to pursue their research in natural resources and environmental economics. Specifically, as a council member, I will support the organization of new summer schools and academic workshops explicitly designed for Ph.D. students and young researchers within five years of their Ph.D. defense. This will allow future generations of environmental economists to interact with the experts and learn from them. Another crucial aspect is the interaction between academia and private institutions. In this regard, I would support the actions of the board to organize workshops and seminars to disseminate state-of-the-art results on environmental and resource economics and increase the visibility of the Association to institutions such as JRC, ISTAT, ENEA, and EEA. Finally, I would support the organization of initiatives that foster fruitful exchange among scholars from different countries and fields. Last but not least, I will work in the future for the Association, regardless of the final result. I thank the Nominating Committee for this opportunity.

Elena Paglialunga

Short Bio

Elena Paglialunga is Associate Professor of Applied Economics at the Department of Economics, Society, Politics of the University of Urbino ‘Carlo Bo’ (Italy). She is also research affiliate at the interuniversity research centre SEEDS (Sustainability Environmental Economics and Dynamics Studies) and member of the faculty board of the national PhD program in Sustainable Development and Climate change. Previously, she was post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Economics of Roma Tre University, where she also obtained her PhD in Economics and Applied methods, curriculum Environment and Development, in 2015. She has been visiting researcher at the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), the University of Sussex (SPRU) and Bocconi University. She has participated in national (PRIN) and European (FP7) research projects, she was part of a World Bank project on the climate change impacts in Ukraine, and she was a member of the research group assisting the European Commission DG-Trade in implementing a dynamic CGE model for the assessment of trade and climate policy linkages. She has published articles in international peer-reviewed journals including Ecological Economics, Energy Economics, Energy Policy, Environmental Science and Policy, Journal of Cleaner Production, Research Policy, World Development. Her research interests focus on: energy and climate change economics and policies, sustainable energy transition, green innovation and environmental policy mix design, inequality and geography, applied international trade, spatial and network analysis.


I am honoured to have been nominated as candidate for the IAERE Council and I thank the nominating committee for this opportunity. Since the beginning of my academic career, I have been part of IAERE and I participated to many IAERE annual conferences and supported events. Because of IAERE’s attention to grow its younger members, over the time I had the chance to contribute to the organization of IAERE schools and festival, promoting IAERE within and outside the academia. I learned from these experiences the importance of IAERE in stimulating relevant debates in the society, and how crucial is to expand our contacts with other academics from different disciplines, policy makers, and the civil society. Should I be elected, I will work at the best of my possibilities to further promote these synergies. In addition, I will put my efforts to further strengthen the support that IAERE has always provided to young economists. I believe these are necessary steps to continue the excellent work done by current and past Presidents and Council members. Now that environmental stress and resources constraints are recognised as the greatest challenges of our time, I am both motivated and excited to confront these demanding tasks.