ELECTIONS 2015 - Results

The Association's elections are held every other year, as per the Association's statutes.

IAERE Elections 2015 - February 20th, 2015

The Elections took place within the 2015 General Assembly of members, on February 20th, 11.30 am, in Padova, in the same location where the Third IAERE Annual Conference was held.

Three new Council members were elected: Simone Borghesi, who will be a Council member from 2016 to 2021 (2016-2017 as President Elect, 2018-2019 as President, and 2020-2021 as Past President), and Silvana Dalmazzone and Giovanni Marin, who will be Ordinary Members of the Council from 2016 to 2019.



dalmazzone marin roson


profile - CV

Ordinary Council Member

profile - CV

Ordinary Council Member

Giovanni MARIN
profile - CV


IAERE wishes them much success in their mandates and thanks Laura Castellucci, Roberto Roson and Elena Verdolini for having accepted to run as candidates in this election turn.
IAERE thanks also all members who participated in the elections.

Results in details
Ballots collected: 79 (including 2 unmarked ballots)

Simone Borghesi: 66 votes
Laura Castellucci: 11 votes

Ordinary Council members
Silvana Dalmazzone: 48 votes
Giovanni Marin: 50 votes
Roberto Roson: 3 votes
Elena Verdolini: 42 votes