IAERE 10th Anniversary Young Scholars' Awards

The Italian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (IAERE), to celebrate its tenth anniversary, is willing to encourage research in Environmental and Resource Economics among promising young scholars. To this aim, and coherently with its objectives, IAERE is pleased to announce the IAERE 10th Anniversary Young Scholars' Awards.
The Awards aim at promoting research in Environmental and Resource Economics undertaken by young IAERE Members who recently obtained their PhD. Eligible candidates must be under 35 at the submission deadline, and they must have defended their PhD thesis before 1st September 2022.
Two awards, amounting to 2,000 Euros each, will be offered.
Candidates who are willing to compete for this Award may submit:

  • a selected chapter or paper of their PhD Thesis, or
  • a published version of a paper extracted from their PhD Thesis

  • The chapter or paper will have to be sent, along with a certificate of PhD completion and a short CV, to by September 20th, 2022. Only complete and timely submitted applications will be considered. In case of multiple authors, the specific contribution of the candidate should be made explicit.

    The Jury, composed by the Board of IAERE, will select the best papers.
    The winners will be notified by the IAERE Council by October 10th, 2022. The award ceremony will be held during an event to be announced in the next few weeks.

    Please notice that candidates for the Awards must be IAERE Members in good standing order.

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