
1st IAERE School

Computable General Equilibrium Models for Environmental Assessment
in cooperation with:

Center for Research on Energy and Environmental Economics and Policy (IEFE), Bocconi University

Milan (Italy), 26-29 September 2016




Prof. Dominique van der MensbruggheProf. Dominique van der Mensbrugghe
Purdue University and Center for Global Trade Analysis (GTAP)
Keynote Speaker

Prof. van der Mensbrugghe is Keynote Speaker at the 1st IAERE School.
Dominique van der Mensbrugghe is Research Professor and Director of the Center for Global Trade Analysis (GTAP) at Purdue University. Prior to joining Purdue, he worked at a trio of international agencies—Senior Economist and Team Leader of the Global Perspectives Studies Team at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Lead Economist in the Development Prospects Group at the World Bank and Senior Economist at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The focus of his work during his career has been on long-term structural change of the global economy and the analysis of global economic policy issues—including agricultural policies, regional and multilateral trade agreements, demographics and international migration, the Millennium Development Goals, and climate change. His work has appeared frequently in various economic journals and the agencies’ flagship reports and he is one of the world’s experts on global computable general equilibrium modeling. He holds both Belgian and U.S. citizenship, received his undergraduate degree in mathematics at the Université Catholique de Louvain in Belgium and a PhD in economics from the University of California, Berkeley.

Prof. Francesco BoselloProf. Francesco Bosello
University of Milan and Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM)
School Co-Coordinator

Prof. Bosello is Co-Coordinator of the 1st IAERE School.
Graduated at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Bosello received a Master degree in Economics from the University College of London (UK) and a Doctoral degree in Economics from the University of Venice. He is presently associate researcher at the Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) of Milan, assistant professor of economics at the University Statale of Milan and affiliate scientist of the Italian “Euro-mediterranean Center for Climate Change” (CMCC). His main interests are focused on climate-change policy and modeling with particular emphasis on negotiation aspects of international environmental agreements and on optimal policy design considering adaptation and mitigation options. Currently his research activities concentrate in the area of climate change impact assessment and in the design of optimal mitigation and adaptation strategies developing integrated assessment modeling tools.

Prof. Roberto RosonProf. Roberto Roson
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and and Center for Research on Energy and Environmental Economics and Policy (IEFE)
School Co-Coordinator

Prof. Roson is Co-Coordinator of the 1st IAERE School.
Graduated at Venice University, Roson received a doctoral degree in Economics from the University of Umeå (Sweden). He has been “visiting fellow” at the Free University of Amsterdam, at the University of Warwick, at S. Francisco Xavier U. (Sucre, Bolivia), San Simon U. (Cochabamba, Bolivia), University of Barcelona, as well as at the World Bank (Washington) and at the Institute of Developing Economies – JETRO (Chiba, Japan). He is currently Professor at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, teaching Industrial Organization and International Economics, and affiliated with the IEFE Research Centre of Bocconi University in Milan. He is the author of several articles published in books and international scientific journals, and coordinator of several applied research projects, including the European FP7 project WASSERMed. He has been consultant for several organizations, including: European Commission (JRC), World Bank, United Nations and FAO. His research interests deal primarily with environmental economics, computable models for economic policy simulation and with the industrial organization of service industries.

Fabio EboliDr. Fabio Eboli
The Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea

Dr. Fabio Eboli holds a PhD degree in Economics of Public Sector from University of Salerno, a MSc Degree in Environmental Economics from University of York and a BSc Degree in Economics from University of Salerno. He is Senior Environmental Economist for the Italian Ministry of Environment, Directorate-General for Sustainable Development, Environmental Damages and International Relationships. From 2007 to early 2016 he was a member of the FEEM Climate Change and Sustainable Development Research Programme. He cooperated with the Economic Analysis of Climate Impacts and Policy Division at the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC). He took part in several EU Commission (Sixth and Seventh Framework Programme, Horizon2020) funded projects.  His main research field is economic analysis of climate change impacts and policies through computable general equilibrium modelling.

Elena PaglialungaDr. Elena Paglialunga
Roma Tre University

Dr. Elena Paglialunga holds a Ph.D. in Environmental and Development Economics from Roma Tre University. She obtained her Master ‘s Degree in Environment and Development Economics at the Roma Tre University and her Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Business Management at La Sapienza University of Rome. Her research interests covers energy and environmental economics, climate change, applied economics, economic modelling and innovation. She is involved in several national and international research projects and is currently working as post-doc research fellow at Department of Economics of Roma Tre University.

Martina SartoriDr. Martina Sartori
University of Trento and Center for Research on Energy and Environmental Economics and Policy (IEFE)

Dr. Martina Sartori holds a PhD degree in Economics from the University of Milan (February 2013). In 2008, she graduated in International Economics at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. She is currently working as post-doc researcher at the School of International Studies of the University of Trento, on the topic of Virtual Water Trade Networks. Her main research interests are about environmental economics, natural resources management, virtual water trade and computable general equilibrium modeling for policy assessment. She has been a research consultant at the World Bank (Washington, DC) and at the European University Institute of Florence, she collaborated as research fellow with the Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change (Lecce, Italy) and with the Centre for Research on Energy and on Environmental Economics and Policy (IEFE-Bocconi University, Milan). Her academic experiences include teaching microeconomics and industrial organization as a lecturer at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

In cooperation with: IEFE

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