Tenth IAERE Annual Conference

21-23 April 2022, Cagliari

Call for projects (MED-IAERE Conference only)

Deadline for project submissions: February 18th, 2022
Submit your project

For the first time, IAERE organises the MED-IAERE conference with the aim to gather Environmental and Resource Economists who work on environmental problems in the Mediterranean area and reinforce cooperation to achieve sustainable development and to contribute to the solution of several pressing environmental issues in the Mediterranean.

In this context, in addition to standard research papers sessions, we open a poster session, aimed at the promotion and dissemination of funded projects focusing on environmental issues in the Med area. This will be the occasion to showcase and present the outline and, possibly, preliminary results of a funded project on which you are working on, with a specific focus on policy implications.

Project abstracts should be submitted by February 18th. Notification of submission acceptance in the poster session is expected by March 10th, 2022.

February 18th 2022.: deadline for paper/long abstract submission & deadline for special sessions submission
10 March 2022: notifications of paper/long abstract acceptance 
23 March 2022: deadline for registration for inclusion in the Programme
21-23 April 2022: Conference

Home Programme Keynotes Call for papers Call for projects Instructions for presenters and chairs MED-IAERE Conference Awards Committees Conference Venue Registration Contacts
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