Sixth IAERE Annual Conference
15-16 February 2018, Turin

IAERE Young Environmental Economist Award

During the Conference, the Association is granting its IAERE Young Environmental Economist Award, a recognition given to the best paper presented by a young economist at the Association’s Annual Conference. The Award aims to reward new ideas addressing key environmental and resource economic issues at the national, European and global scale. Both theoretical and empirical papers will be considered without any restriction of topics. Eligible candidates should be less than 33 years of age and no more than five years past a PhD defence should they have a PhD. Only full papers submissions will be considered: submitters of extended abstracts are not eligible for this award. Priority will be given to papers written by single author or multiple authors complying with the age requirement. There is a monetary reward of €1,000 for the presenter of the winning paper. The Selection Committee comprises the Conference Programme Committee and the IAERE Council, and is co-chaired by the IAERE President and the chair of the Conference Programme Committee. All eligible presenters can submit their candidacy to the Award at the paper submission process.


See Awardees of previous editions.



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Università di Torino

Italian Ministry of Enviromnet, Land and Sea
Centro Studi sul Federalismo


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