Sixth IAERE Annual Conference
15-16 February 2018, Turin




Carbon Leakage: A Mechanism Design Approach
Matti LISKI, Department of Economics, Aalto University, Finland
Understanding and managing change in a complex and interdependent world - a modelling approach
Maja SCHLÜTER, Stockholm Resilience Center, Stockholm University, Sweden


Roberto PALEA (Board member - Centre for Studies on Federalism)
pdf Speech (73 Kb)


Open Behaviour and Preferences Towards the Environment

Environmental Concerns and Household Waste Recycling
Maria Carmela APRILE (Parthenope University)
Co-author(s): Damiano Fiorillo
pdf Presentation (69 Kb)
The Energy Trap
Alessandro SPIGANTI (University of Edinburgh)
Co-author(s): David Comerford
pdf Presentation (545 Kb)
Policy Awareness and the Impact of Fiscal Policies: Evidence from Vehicle Registration Taxes in Switzerland
Davide CERRUTI (ETH Zürich)
Co-author(s): Claudio Daminato and Massimo Filippini
pdf Presentation (257 Kb)
Farm Size and Farmers' Environmental-friendly Practices
Alessandro CORSI (University of Turin)
Co-author(s): Silvia Novelli
pdf Presentation (914 Kb)
Dietary Changes for a Better Environment? A Quali-quantitative Policy Assessment
Andrea BIGANO (Fondazione Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change, Ca' Foscari University of Venice and Far East Federal University Vladivostok)
Co-author(s): Francesco Bosello and Jacopo Zotti
pdf Presentation (392 Kb)

Open  Circular Economy and Innovation

Does Host Market Regulation Induce Cross Border Environmental Innovation?
Giovanni MARIN (University of Urbino 'Carlo Bo')
Co-author(s): Antonello Zanfei
pdf Presentation (272 Kb)
Circular Economy as Business Model, Circularity as Environmental Policy Target
Jacopo ZOTTI (University of Trieste)
Co-author(s): Andrea Bigano
pdf Presentation (480 Kb)
The New Italian Framework for Circular Economy: Background, Process, Indicators and Measurement Challenges
Fabio EBOLI (Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea - TA Sogesid)
pdf Presentation (1193 Kb)
Resource Efficiency, Environmental Policy and Eco-Innovations for a Circular Economy: Evidence from EU Firms
Alessio D'AMATO (University of Rome Tor Vergata)
Co-author(s): Giulio Cainelli and Massimiliano Mazzanti
pdf Presentation (704 Kb)

Open  Climate Change: Policy Instruments

The New EU 2030 Climate and Energy Framework: A Detailed Sectoral Analysis of the Consequences of ETS and non-ETS Emissions Market Segmentation
Carlo ORECCHIA (Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea - TA Sogesid)
Co-author(s): Alessandro Giovannelli and Giacomo Pallante
pdfPresentation (xxx Kb)
The Effect of Environmental Regulation on Firm Productivity
Giulia PAVAN (TSE)
Co-author(s): Sara Calligaris, Filippo D'Arcangelo
pdfPresentation (xxx Kb)
International Transmission of the Business Cycle and Environmental Policy
Francesca DILUISO (Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei)
Co-author(s): Barbara Annicchiarico
pdfPresentation (215 Kb)

  Climate Change: Socio-Economic Impacts

Adaptation to Negative Rainfall Shocks: Evidence from Ethiopia
Avichal MAHAJAN (Institute of Economics and Econometrics, University of Geneva)
Co-author(s): Salvatore Di Falco
pdf Presentation (1274 Kb)
Distribution of Global Temperature Effects on Downscaled Economic Activity
Shouro DASGUPTA (Fondazione Euro-Mediterranen Center on Climate Change and University Ca' Foscari of Venice)
Co-author(s): Francesco Bosello, Enrica De Cian and Malcolm Mistry
pdf Presentation (1634 Kb)
Crop Diversity as a Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change: Insights from Uganda Panel Data
Chiara ANTONELLI (University of Rome Tor Vergata)
Co-author(s): Manuela Coromaldi and Giacomo Pallante
pdf Presentation (423 Kb)
Climate Change, Armed Conflicts and Socio-Economic Conditions: A Georeferenced Map of Africa
Federica CAPPELLI (Roma Tre University)
Co-author(s): Valeria Costantini, Keti Lelo, Elena Paglialunga and Giorgia Sforna
pdf Presentation (1,935 Kb)

Open Energy Policies I

Finding Itself in the Post-Paris World: Russia in the New Global Energy Landscape
Igor MAKAROV (National Research University - Higher School of Economics)
Co-author(s): Sergey Paltsev and Y.-H. Henry Chen
pdf Presentation (1061 Kb)
Polluter Pays Principle implementation in the Italian electricity sector. A comparison of environmental taxes with the air emissions external costs of thermal power plants
Andrea MOLOCCHI (Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea - TA Sogesid)
Co-author(s): Emanuela Recchini and Angelica Tudini
pdf Presentation (1444 Kb)
Energy Costs and Competitiveness in Europe
Ivan FAIELLA (Bank of Italy)
Co-author(s): Alessandro Mistretta
pdf Presentation (941 Kb)

Open Energy Policies II

Playing on Two Markets: Investment Evaluation of a Biogas - Biomethane Power Plant
Marina BERTOLINI (University of Padova)
pdf Presentation (1389 Kb)
Exploring Pathways of Solar PV Learning in Integrated Assessment Models
Samuel CARRARA (FEEM and University of California, Berkeley)
Co-author(s): Michela Bevione, Harmen-Sytze de Boer, David Gernaat, Silvana Mima, Robert C. Pietzcker and Massimo Tavoni
pdf Presentation (1980 Kb)
The Diesel Fuel Excise Duty Gap as Compared to Gasoline: An Environmental Coherence Assessment through the External Costs Approach
Cecilia CAMPOREALE (Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea - TA Sogesid)
Co-author(s): Luca Grassi and Andrea Molocchi
pdf Presentation (415 Kb)
Energy Intensity, Environmental Policies and Green Patents: Checking Heterogeneous Country Effects in the EU
Saptorshee Kanto CHAKRABORTY (University of Ferrara)
pdf Presentation (20,944 Kb)

Open Experimental Economics and Environmental Valuation

Does Risk Communication Really Decrease Cooperation in Climate Change Mitigation?
Mike FARJAM (Linnaeus University)
Co-author(s): Olexandr Nikolaychuk and Giangiacomo Bravo
pdf  Presentation (981 Kb)
If Future Generations Had a Say: Experimental Evidence on Resource Sharing with Veto Power of a Future Generation
Stephan WOLF (University of Freiburg)
Co-author(s): Katharina Wagner
pdf  Presentation (327 Kb)
Nudging and Environmental Corporate Responsibility: A Natural Experiment
Francesco SALUSTRI (University of Rome Tor Vergata)
Co-author(s): Leonardo Becchetti and Pasquale Scaramozzino
pdf  Presentation (1715 Kb)
Evaluation of Ecosystem Services in Italy: a Choice Experiment study with Posterior Analysis of Conditional Preference Distributions
Elisabetta STRAZZERA (University of Cagliari)
Co-author(s): Vania Statzu and Daniela Meleddu
pdf  Presentation (1757 Kb)

Open Land Use and Environmental Degradation

Urban Morphology and PM10 Concentration in European Cities: An Empirical Assessment
Stefano PAREGLIO (Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei)
Co-author(s): Gianni Guastella and Federica Cappelli
pdf  Presentation (433 Kb)
Land Fragmentation, land Consolidation and Agricultural Productivity: Evidence from France
Jacint ENRICH MOYA (Toulouse School of Economics)
Co-author(s): Sylvain Chab‚-Ferret
pdf  Presentation (9105 Kb)
Statistiche ufficiali sui prelievi di risorse minerali. Lo sviluppo di analisi territoriali e indicatori di pressione ambientale per l'Italia
Donatella VIGNANI (ISTAT, Italian National Institute of Statistics)
pdf  Presentation (757 Kb)
Land Use and Pollution in a Two-sector Evolutionary Model
Gianluca IANNUCCI (University of Florence)
Co-author(s): Angelo Antoci and Simone Borghesi
pdf  Presentation (1309 Kb)
Stolen Land! Assessing the Impact of Soil Loss in Malawi
Giacomo PALLANTE (Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea, TA Sogesid)
Co-author(s): Solomon Asfaw, Carlo Orecchia, Alessandro Palma
pdf  Presentation (1137 Kb)

Open Natural Resources and Ecosystem Services

Soil Erosion in the European Union: From Direct Costs to Macro-economic Effects
Francesco BOSELLO (Fondazione Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change and University of Milan)
Co-author(s): Panagos Panos, Gabriele Standardi, Pasquale Borrelli, Emanuele Lugato and Luca Montanarella
pdf Presentation (1,091 Kb)
Implementing a System for Ecosystem Services Accounting in EU: The Role of Complementary Supply and Use Tables
Alessandra LA NOTTE (European Commission Joint Research Centre)
Co-author(s): Sara Vallecillo, Alexandra Marques, Joachim Maes
pdf Presentation (32,988 Kb)
Assessing Governance Strategies for Ecosystem Services: A Case Study of the Trasimeno Lake (Perugia, Umbria, Italy)
Greti LUCARONI (Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea - TA Sogesid)
pdf Presentation  (2936 Kb)
Wildlife Conflicts: Wolves vs. Moose
Anders Odd SKONHOFT (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
pdf Presentation (844 Kb)

Open R&D and Technological Change

The Consequences of Income Diversification on Natural Resources in a Dynamic Two-sector Small Economy
Gala SIPOS (University of Bern)
pdf Presentation (282 Kb)
Going Green: Environmental Regulation and Collaboration Networks
Fabrizio FUSILLO (University of Turin)
Co-author(s): Francesco Quatraro and Stefano Usai
pdf Presentation   (30,435 Kb)
Should Environmental R&D be Supported More Than Other R&D Projects?
Rolf GOLOMBEK (Frisch Centre)
Co-author(s): Mads Greaker and Michael Hoel
pdf Presentation  (574 Kb)
A DDF Bootstrapped Framework for Estimating Eco-efficiency: The Influence of the Financial Structure in the Italian Polluting Industries
Co-author(s): Greta Falavigna
pdf Presentation   (425 Kb)
The generation of knowledge and its impact on following inventions: Do green technologies differ from non-green ones?
Nicolò BARBIERI (University of Ferrara)
Co-author(s): Alberto Marzucchi and Ugo Rizzo
pdf Presentation   (xxx Kb)

Open Risk and Extreme Weather Events

Value of Statistical Life connected with seismic risk. Empirical evidence from Italy
Andrea RAMPA (Research Institute on Sustainable Economic Growth - IRCrES-CNR, Milan)
Co-author(s): Nicolò Barbieri, Massimiliano Mazzanti and Anna Montini
pdf Presentation (592 Kb)
Natural Disaster Risk and the Distributional Dynamics of Damages: a Global Analysis
Matteo CORONESE (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna)
Co-author(s): Francesco Lamperti, Francesca Chiaromonte and Andrea Roventini
pdf Presentation (9878 Kb)
Building the 'Disaster Risk Assessment Index'
Co-author(s): Giovanni Marin, Susanna Paleari, Roberto Zoboli
pdf Presentation (1751 Kb)
Urban Sustainability: Investigating the Environmental Impact of Cities Across European Countries
Elisabetta MARZANO and Antonella D'AGOSTINO (University of Naples Parthenope)
Co-author(s): Bruno Chiarini and Andrea Regoli
Presentation (985 Kb)

Open Sustainable Land Management: Between Production and Conservation (Special Session AIEAA)

Assessing Common Agricultural Policy Impacts on High Nature Value Farming System
Fabio BARTOLINI (University of Pisa)
Co-author(s): Davide Longhitano, Andrea Povellato
pdf Presentation (1385 Kb)
How Much the Citizens of Milan Value the Ecological Benefits Provided by the Periurban Agriculture?
Paolo SCKOKAI (Catholic University, Milan)
Co-author(s): Linda Arata, Gianni Guastella, Stefano Pareglio, Riccardo Scarpa
pdf  Presentation (157 Kb)
Agri-environmental Policies and the Formation of Coalitions on Pollination Management
Davide VIAGGI (University of Bologna)
Co-author(s): Matteo Zavalloni and Meri Raggi
pdf Presentation (344 Kb)
Congestion Management in Protected Areas: Accounting for Respondents? Inattention and Preference Heterogeneity in Stated Choice Data
Mara THIENE (University of Padova)
Co-author(s): Cristiano Franceschinis and Riccardo Scarpa
pdf  Presentation (343 Kb)

Open Water Uses and Policies

A Coupled Positive Multi-Attribute Utility Programming and Computable General Equilibrium Model to Assess the Micro-macro Feedback Links of Agricultural Water Management 
Gabriele STANDARDI (Fondazione Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change and Ca' Foscari University of Venice)
Co-author(s): Carlos Dionisio Perez-Blanco, Ramiro Parrado and Carlos Gutierrez-Martin
pdf Presentation (1284 Kb)
Global Economic and Food Security Impacts of Demand-driven Water Scarcity
Victor NECHIFOR (UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources)
pdf Presentation (941 Kb)
Drought and Extreme Heat Effects on Wheat Yields: Statistical Crop Modelling at the Farm Scale in Puglia and the Po River Basin
David GARCÍA-LEÓN (Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei)
Co-author(s): Raúl López, Andrea Toreti and Matteo Zampieri
pdf Presentation (7399 Kb)
Evaluating Impacts of Alternative Adaptation Strategies on the Dynamics of Human-Water Systems: A Methodological Framework for an Integrated-Modular Eco-Hydrologic and Multi-Attribute Revealed Preference Model
Arthur HRAST ESSENFELDER (Fondazione Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change and Ca' Foscari University of Venice)
Co-author(s): Carlos Dionisio Perez-Blanco
pdf Presentation (5937 Kb)


Agricultural Patents as an Adaptation to Climate Change: A European Analysis of Farmers' Efficiency
Sabrina AUCI (University of Palermo)
Co-author(s): Manuela Coromaldi, Nicolò Barbieri, Donatella Vignani
pdf Poster (1071 Kb)
An Environmental Kuznets Curve for Water Footprint: Evidence from a Worldwide Panel Dataset
Marco BAGLIANI (University of Turin)
Co-author(s): Benedetta Falsetti, Vito Frontuto, Rosalba Ignaccolo, Francesco Laio and Emanuele Vicendone
pdf Poster (1877 Kb)
Solving Climate Dilemmas is a Trivial Task (on MTurk)
Giangiacomo BRAVO (Linnaeus University)
Co-author(s): Mike Farjam, Olexandr Nikolaychuk
pdf Poster (407 Kb)
Economic Growth and the Forest Development Path: A Re-assessment of the Environmental Kuznets Curve for Deforestation
Nicola CARAVAGGIO (Roma Tre University)
pdf Poster (2285 Kb)
Visual Impact of Agricultural Sheds in Rural Landscape: The Economic Value of Different Mitigation Solutions
Vito FRONTUTO (University of Turin)
Co-author(s): Alessandro Corsi, Paola Gullino, Silvia Novelli and Federica Larcher
Poster (243 Kb)
Simulation of Dynamics of Retailers' Freight Provision through an Agent-based Model: The Case of the City of Turin
Elena VALLINO (University of Turin)
Co-author(s): Elena Beretta and Elena Maggi
pdf Poster (1174 Kb)
How inequality and institutional setting impact on eco-innovation?
Emy ZECCA (Sapienza University of Rome)
Co-author(s): Francesco Nicolli
pdf Poster (290 Kb)



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Italian Ministry of Enviromnet, Land and Sea
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