Conference Venue

Map showing conference venue, railway station and social events venues available here.
Map of Ferrara [pdf.pdf (2,44 Mb)]

DipEM - Dipartimento di Economia e Management
Via Voltapaletto 11, Ferrara

How to get to the Conference Venue:
  • On foot: from the Railway Station, go straight by via Arturo Cassoli and via Giuseppe Garibaldi to the Cathedral. Then go ahead by via degli Adelardi (on the left-hand side of the Cathedral) straight to reach via Voltapaletto. The Department is located at the very beginning of the street. (1.7 km, 20 minutes). Map available at
  • By bus: from the railway station, lines 1 and 9.
    Get off at the first stop of Corso Giovecca. Go ahead for 50 meters then turn right in Via Bersaglieri del Po. Go on then turn left in Via Voltapaletto. The Department is located at the very beginning of the street. Tickets cost €1.20 (€1.50 if bought on the bus)
  • By taxi: approximate cost from the railway station €10


History of Palazzo Bevilacqua-Costabili
Palazzo Bevilacqua-Costabili Palazzo Bevilacqua Costabili is a historical monument in the city of Ferrara, located in Voltapaletto. built in 1430 by the Bevilacqua-Aldobrandini family. In 1602 Cardindal Bonifacio Bevilacqua named the building Palazzo Bevilacqua and commissioned changes to the façade. The main door features a balcony with shelves, where you can admire the sculptures of "Concordia" and "Verità."
In the early years of eighteenth century, Ercole Bevilacqua built a huge staircase and modified the inner courtyard. In 1830 Palazzo Bevilacqua was bought by Giovan Battista Costabili Containi, Marquis of Ferrara, who made some changes to the ceiling and placed in the palace a prestigious collection of ancient manuscripts, paintings and books.
From the early twenties of last century, the building was employed respectively as a female boarding, as clinic for the mentally ill, as a supermarket and then a movie theater, a residence and as offices. Finally, in 2006, it was inaugurated as the Faculty of Economics of the University of Ferrara.