Preliminary Programme

Programme [pdf.pdf (166 kb)]
Book of Abstracts [pdf.pdf (406 kb)]

Instructions for Parallel Sessions' presenters and chairs, and Poster Sessions

Parallel sessions

A lap-top and a beamer will be available in each room for presentations.
We assume that these devices will be used by presenters for their PowerPoint or LateX presentation, which can be brought along on a USB memory device. To avoid loss of time, hooking up of personal lap-tops is discouraged.

Presenters are invited to the room 10 minutes prior to the start of the session, so that presentations can be copied onto the lap-top before the session starts.
Duration Average time available for each presentation, including chairs' and general discussion, is around 30 minutes. The suggested time allocation is: 20 minutes for presentation, 10 minutes for discussion.

Presentations will be carried out either in Italian or English, depending on the audience.

Chairs are invited to come to the room 10 minutes prior to the start of the session. They introduce the session and the speakers and make sure that the time available is divided equally over the papers to be presented. Also, chairs are kindly invited to briefly introduce and guide the discussion with the floor following each presentation and at the end of the session.

Poster sessions

Panel size for posters is 100x200 cm. The Conference Secretariat will provide all the necessary tools and materials (tape, pins etc.) to hang posters on the panels. Posters need to be hanged on the 8th of February, and will be displayed throughout the whole duration of the conference; therefore they will be dismantled on February 9th after the end of the scientific sessions.
Two Posters Sessions will be held:
- 8th February, during part of the lunch break (13.00-14.00)
- 9th February, during part of the lunch break (13.00-14.00)

Authors are expected to stay nearby their poster during the two sessions in order to answer the questions the conference participants might have.