IAERE Third Annual Conference
20-21 February 2015, Padua

Conference Venue and Social Dinner

Conference Venue - Social Dinner - Social Event - Getting around Padua

How to reach Padua

The Conference will be organised in two different buildings, located at 20-minute
walking distance:

Palazzo Bo (February 20th: registrations, plenary sessions, coffee break)
Via 8 Febbraio 1848, 35122 Padua

Palazzo Bo is conveniently located in the city centre, at walking distance from Padova Railway Station and from the main bus station (less than 1500 m). Buses and tram stop nearby; from the Railway Station to Palazzo Bo take the tram (the platform is located on the right once you exit the station, direction: city center) or buses no 3/5/12/18 getting off at Riviera Ponti Romani.
The entrance is from the so-called Cortile Antico (ancient court), in Via 8 Febbraio 1848, 2. Additional directions to Palazzo Bo can be found on the University website: please check www.unipd.it.