Ninth IAERE Annual Conference

21-23 April 2021, online

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Conference Menu

The Conference was (virtually) held at the Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei headquarters in Milan, Palazzo delle Stelline, Corso Magenta 63, and in the Department of Economics and Management (DEM) of the University of Brescia, Via S. Faustino 74/b-25122 Brescia.


21st of April 2021


Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei headquarters

FEEMs headquarters are located in Milan, in an aisle of Palazzo delle Stelline, a former XV Century monastery (the site of the Benedettine of Santa Maria della Stella) fully restored in 1998.

The Palace is located in Corso Magenta, the heart of Milanese elegance. Opposite the Palace is one of the most beautiful churches in Milan, Santa Maria delle Grazie, of great renaissance memories and hosting the Cenacolo; one of the most impressive frescos by Leonardo da Vinci.


General Assembly of Members with Enrico Giovannini

During the General Assembly, IAERE has nominated Minister and Professor Enrico Giovannini as honorary member for the large attention on the sustainability themes that he has been able to attract by the public opinion.


IAERE President Prof Sergio Vergalli in the FEEM Library

The Library of Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei has a collection of about 5.400 volumes.

You can take a virtual tour of the library right here.


Keynote Lecture "Bridging the Gap Between Policy and Aspirations on Climate Policy" by Prof. Nordhaus

The keynote lecture "Bridging the Gap Between Policy and Aspirations on Climate Policy" was held by Nobel Prize Prof. William Nordhaus (Sterling Professor of Economics and Professor of Forestry and Environmental Studies - Yale University), introduced by Prof. Phoebe Koundouri (AUEB, EAERE, SDSN Europe and Greece), and moderated by Prof. Sergio Vergalli (IAERE President, UniBS and FEEM). You can watch the entire video on YouTube:


22nd of April 2021


The staircase of the former convent of Saint Chiara, University of Brescia.

The building complex, which from the 12th to the 19th century hosted female Franciscan convent communities, was rebuilt in the second half of the 17th century by Lazzaro Bracchi. Then, designed by Ascanio Girelli in 1756, the majestic staircase was built at the center of that complex. In the central niche we find the marble sculpture of Saint Chiara, attributed to Antonio Calegari (1699-1777).


Keynote lecture "Climate (and Other) Catastrophes" by Prof. Robert Pindyck

The keynote lecture "Climate (and Other) Catastrophes" by Prof. Robert Pindyck, and introduced by Prof Christian Gollier, was virtually held in the Library Hall of the University of Brescia. You can watch the entire video on YouTube:


23rd of April 2021



Side-Event “The Energy Transition and the Next Generation EU: Challenges and Opportunities”

The Side-Event “The Energy Transition and the Next Generation EU: Challenges and Opportunities” was virtually held in the Abbot's Room of the University of Brescia, which was frescoed by the Italian painter Giandomenico Tiepolo.

You can watch the entire video on YouTube:



A heartfelt thank you to everyone who made the Conference possible: the two co-organizing institutions, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei and Università degli Studi di Brescia; the promoting institutions, European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), ASviS - Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile, SDSN Europe, SDSN Italy, Istituto I.S.E.O; and our supporters, A2A, Feralpi Group, Acque Bresciane s.r.l., siderweb, Brescia Mobilità SpA. As our President Sergio Vergalli has said during the closing event, only with a strong dialogue and cooperation between each stakeholder (academia, institutions, businesses and companies), we will be able to face this unique historical moment and to handle the ecological transition through a positive domino effect. .

Home Submit your paper Programme Keynotes Side Event (in italiano) Awards Committees Instructions for presenters and chairs Official Artwork Registration Contacts Important dates Photo and video gallery
Organized by
IAERE FEEM University of Brescia

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With the support of
a2a Feralpi Acque Bresciane Siderweb Gruppo Brescia Mobilità DQI Studio Moretto