Seventh IAERE Annual Conference

7-8 February 2019, Udine (Italy)

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Social Event: Diocesan Museum visit

February 7th, 18.00-20.00

Museo Diocesano e Gallerie del Tiepolo Credits: (1) St. Anthony’s Church and Patriarchal Palace; (2) G.B. Tiepolo, The Fall of the Rebel Angels

The Diocesan Museum was established in 1963 and since 29th April, 1995 has been housed in the Patriarchal palace, former residence of the Patriarch of Aquileia and current seat of the Bishop of Udine. The architectural and pictorial context of extraordinary beauty in which the collections of the museum are displayed was the reason why the whole complex was named “Museo Diocesano e Gallerie del Tiepolo”.
The collection of the Museo Diocesano e Gallerie del Tiepolo comprises about 700 works, some of which are on show to the public.
A large part of the artistic heritage kept in the Museum comes from the parishes of the Udine diocese. The section of wood sculpture is almost completely made up of such works which, for conservation and preservation reasons, have been collected in a structure which guarantees better security compared to their places of origin. The rooms which house the different collections and the main floor are another exellent trait of the Museum. In the palace it is possible to admire the beauty of the 18th century frescoes by Giambattista Tiepolo who, by wish of Patriarch Dionisio Dolfin, decorated the ceiling of the monumental staircase, the Guests Gallery and the Red room. On the main floor it also possible to admire the suggestive grotesques by Giovanni da Udine in the Blue room, the stucco work in the Yellow room and the Patriarchal library in which a rich book heritage is kept.

Museo Diocesano e Gallerie del Tiepolo website
Social Dinner

February 7th, h. 20:00

The Conference dinner will take place on February 7th, at the Casa della Contadinanza, located on top the Castle hill.
In the heart of Udine, in the square of the castle, there is a little corner of paradise, the "Casa della Contadinanza" which dominates over the whole region and on clear days gives a breathtaking view that goes from the mountains to the sea.
The landowners of the Friulian peasants - the third political body of the Patria del Friuli - used to meet there The current building dates 1931; it is a reconstruction of a building dating back to the sixteenth century that was located between Via Vittorio Veneto and Via Rauscedo. The building later housed the castle's armory and in more recent times was used as a venue for the tasting of typical Friulian products.
It is an historic restaurant of suggestive atmospheres for a unique culinary experience respecting the Friulian tradition. Casa della Contadinanza website
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Organized by

IAERE Università di Udine

With the support of
MATTM Bluenergy Civibank Saf Eaere logo
Co-funded by Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea "Bando snsvs1 - NP 22 – 'Settima Conferenza Annuale dell’Associazione Italiana degli Economisti dell’Ambiente e delle Risorse Naturali (IAERE), Udine, 7-8 febbraio 2019'"