Seventh IAERE Annual Conference

7-8 February 2019, Udine (Italy)

Conference Venue
Conference Menu


The Conference will be held in the Department of Economics and Statistics (DIES) of the University of Udine, Via Tomadini 30/A, 33100 Udine, and is jointly organized by IAERE and the Department of Economics and Statistics.

The Department of Economics and Statistics promotes, coordinates and organizes scientific activities related to the following scientific-disciplinary areas: Economics and Business Management, Theoretical and Applied Economics, Mathematics for Economics and Finance, Methodological and Applied Statistics, Economic History.
Research activities are conducted in section and laboratories in collaboration with national and international research groups. DIES organizes three-year degree courses, master's degree courses in economics and the Ph.D. in Management and Actuarial Sciences.

How to reach the Conference Venue
The Department of Economics and Statistics is close to the city center, next to Piazza Primo Maggio. The Conference Venue can be easily reached from Udine train station by bus (number 2, 9) or with a 20-minute walk (1.4 km).

Reaching the venue by bus
Many bus stops near the conference venue allow it to be easily reached by bus from any­where in the city. Bus tickets can be bought at most newsstands, bars and tobacco shops. All the bus lines of the city pass through the central railway station. To reach the city center by bus from the railway station all the bus lines have to be taken from the bus stop directly outside the station (Stazione Fs Lato Fs). Suggested bus stops are listed here in order of walking distance from the conference.

Bus line Bus stop Stops from railway sta­tion Walking dis­tance to venue
No. 9 or no. 8 Via Treppo 35 5 stops 1 mins
No. 2 Via Treppo 22 4 stops 2 mins
No. 7 or no. 10 Via S.Agostino Fronte 2 6 stops 3 mins
No. 4 V.le Tri­este 84 4 stops 7 mins
No. 3 or no. 1 Via Vit­torio Veneto 6 4 stops 9 mins
About Udine

Udine is a town with squares of Venetian charm and ancient buildings: from Piazza Libertà, defined as "the most beautiful Venetian square on the mainland", to Piazza Matteotti (or Herbal) which, all surrounded by porticos, seems to be an open-air lounge; here you can observe the slideshow of ancient and colourful historical buildings which impart the spirit of Udine.
On the hill of the town rises the castle : from its walls you can see the whole city, the mountains all around it, whereas to the south, less than an hour's drive away, there is the Adriatic Sea.
In the eighteenth century, Udine was the city of Giambattista Tiepolo who reached his artistic maturity here: today, his masterpieces can be admired in the Gallerie del Tiepolo (in the Patriarchal Palace), in the Duomo (Cathedral), and in the Chiesa della Purità. Today, Udine is a city that is open to innovation while tying its image to authentic taverns where one of the most-loved rituals is celebrated namely, the tasting of a goblet of wine (tajut) all in a very human and cordial atmosphere.
Friulian cooking, cultural events and traditional festivals (such as Friuli Doc), make of Udine an inviting place for an unforgettable holiday or weekend break.
See further info at:
Udine’s Tourist Office website

How to reach Udine
By train
From other locations in Italy

Besides a few direct connections with Rome and Milan, reaching Udine by train from almost anywhere else in Italy involves changing at the Venice railway hub station Venezia Mestre (NOT Venezia S. Lucia!). To reach Udine from Venezia Mestre you can board trains having Udine as final desti­nation as well as Trieste C.le (via UDINE).


When boarding a train from the Venezia Mestre station headed to Trieste, please note that only those marked as (via UDINE) stop at Udine.

To check timetables and/or buy tickets you can visit the Trenitalia website. When looking for timetables from Venezia Mestre or nearby lo­ca­tions (e.g. Treviso), be sure to check the Re­gional search option. Tickets can be bought online, at the station ticket shop, or at automatic vending machines.

From Vienna

Udine is directly con­nected to Vi­enna by the railway. Travelling from Vienna to Udine could take less than 7 hours (depending on the train chosen). Check the trains with the austrian railway company website.

By airplane

Traveling to Udine by air, you you can use of the following three airports.

Marco Polo Venice In­ter­na­tional Air­port (VCE)

Aero­porto Marco Polo di Venezia Viale G. Galilei 30/1 30173 Tessera-Venezia (Ve)

This air­port is served by several european and international con­nec­tions. From the airport, it takes aprox. 20-30 minutes to reach the Venezia Mestre railway station by bus/taxi, and then 1h50m to Udine by train. See the section about arriving by train for details.

The Fly Bus bus service connects the airport to the railway station every 20/30 minutes. Tickets can be bought in­side the airport; timetables can be checked at the ATVO web­site by se­lecting the bus line Venice Marco Polo Air­port - Mestre railway station (Fly Bus - ex­press service).

A few di­rect daily con­nec­tions to Udine by bus are also avail­able by FlixBus (select Venice (Marco Polo Airport)) and Bus­Center (click on Prenota qui twice and then select VENEZIA (AEROPORTO) as Partenza and UDINE as Destinazione)

Canova Treviso International Airport (TSF)

Aeroporto Canova di Treviso Sant'Angelo
Viale Noalese, 63/E 31100 Treviso (TV)

This airport is served by some eu­ro­pean con­nec­tions (mainly by Ryanair or WizzAir). From the air­port, it takes 10 min­utes by bus to reach the Treviso Centrale railway station, and then about 1h20m to Udine by train (destinations Udine or Trieste C.le). See the section about ar­riving by train for de­tails.

The urban bus line no. 6 con­nects the air­port to the railway sta­tion with high fre­quency. Tickets can be bought in­side the air­port, and timeta­bles can be checked at the local transport company web­site.

Tri­este Air­port (TRS)

Aero­porto di Tri­este-Ronchi dei Le­gionari
via Aquileia, 46 Ronchi dei Le­gionari (GO)

This airport has regular connections with Rome, Milan, Munich and Paris, and lowcost flights to other des­ti­na­tions in Europe. From the airport, it takes 30 min­utes to reach Udine by train. Tickets can be pur­chased at the airport or on­line as any train ticket. In this case, se­lect Trieste Airport as the departure location.

Alternatively, it takes 40 minutes to reach Udine by bus. Tickets can be purchased at the airport, and timetables can be checked at the APT web­site. In the field Partenza da select AEROPORTO FVG; in the field Arrivo a select Udine (and then Udine Autostazione. The bus ticket is rather cheap, while taxis are instead rather expensive.

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Organized by

IAERE Università di Udine

With the support of
MATTM Bluenergy Civibank Saf Eaere logo
Co-funded by Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea "Bando snsvs1 - NP 22 – 'Settima Conferenza Annuale dell’Associazione Italiana degli Economisti dell’Ambiente e delle Risorse Naturali (IAERE), Udine, 7-8 febbraio 2019'"