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What'sUp@IAERE - April 2018 - no. 5

What'sUp@IAERE reports on events, job opportunities, education & traning activities, web resources, useful data, and publications posted by IAERE members in the Association's website.
IAERE members are encouraged to share information with the IAERE community through the Association's channels: please send your announcements to

IAERECall for applications: Third IAERE School on Experimental Methods in Environmental and Resource Economics - Bologna (Italy), 24-27 September 2018
The call for applications to the Third IAERE School is now open.
The School will be organized in cooperation with the University of Bologna, and will focus on experimental methods in environmental and resource economics. It will take place in Bologna, at the University of Bologna, from the 24th to the 28th of September, 2018.
Deadline for applications: 31 May 2018

IAERESixth IAERE Annual Conference: Presentations, posters, keynote lectures videos, pictures, evaluation questionnaire
Presentations, posters, keynote lectures videos, pictures and the results of the evaluation questionnaire of the IAERE 2018 Annual Conference are now available at the conference website.
IAERE Join IAERE as insitutional member;
Check if your institute would like to support IAERE by becoming an institutional member!
Public and private institutions which operate in fields connected with the aims of the Association, or which pursue the aims and materially support the activities of the Association can join IAERE as Institutional Members. Institutional members give important financial suport to the Association and become part of a prestigious network. Incomes from institutional membership fees will be used exclusively and completely to further the aims of the Association.
The benefits IAERE offers to insitituional members are available here.
European CommissionEU call for applications: selection of members of the technical expert group on sustainable finance
The European Commission has published a call for applications with a view to selecting members for a technical expert group on sustainable finance. The group will assist the Commission in the development of:
- an EU taxonomy of climate change mitigation, climate change adaptation and other environmental activities
- an EU Green Bond Standard
- other climate-related metrics
Deadline for applications: 16 April 2018


5 April 2018 - h. 12.30 - 1.20 pm CEST
Webinar: Carbon Pricing and Global Warming: A Stock-Flow Consistent Macro-Dynamic Approach
Presenter: Gael GIRAUD, Chief Economist and Executive Director of the Innovation, research and Knowledge Directorate of the Agency for French Development

10 April 2018 - Ferrara (Italy)
Policy Seminar: Dati segreti e classifiche pseudoscientifiche: la via italiana alla valutazione della ricerca
Presenter: Alberto Baccini, University of Siena

10 May 2018 - Florence (Italy)
Equity and Solidarity in the EU Emissions Trading System: Any Lessons for International Climate Governance?

23-25 May 2018 - Florence (Italy)
Course: Regulation and Integration of Renewable Energy
Deadline for registrations: 11 April 2018

30-31 August 2018 - Aix-en-Provence (France)
5th Annual Conference of the French Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (FAERE)
Deadline for submission of papers: 1 May 2018


PhD Programme in Science and Management of Climate Change (4 years)
Università Ca Foscari Venezia
Deadline for applications A.Y. 2018-2019: 26 April 2018

IAEREItalian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists - IAERE
Porta dell'Innovazione Building - 2nd Floor
Via della Libertà 12, 30175 Marghera-Venice, Italy - 
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