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What'sUp@IAERE - March 2018 - no. 4

What'sUp@IAERE reports on events, job opportunities, education & traning activities, web resources, useful data, and publications posted by IAERE members in the Association's website.
IAERE members are encouraged to share information with the IAERE community through the Association's channels: please send your announcements to


Sixth IAERE Annual Conference: A Great Success
Our Sixth Annual Conference took place in Torino, on February 15th-16th. A great success in terms of submission (143 papers) and in participation (140 persons).
The material produced within the conference (papers and presentations) as well as pictures will soon be available in the conference website. A note on this will be circulated in due time.
Please help us improving our Annual Conference by filling out a 5-minute survey on the event available here. All questions are optional. Your feedback will be kept anonymous, and will be never used for attribution. 
Photo credits: 1. Martina Gambaro (Audience); 2. Shouro Dasgupta (Opening session); 3. Martina Pavesi (Poster session); 4. Martina Gambaro (Conference Kit)

Annual Conference 2018

IAERE Young Environmental Economist Award
The third edition of the IAERE Young Environmental Economist Award was announced at the Sixth IAERE Annual Conference. This award is a recognition given to the best paper presented by a young economist at the Annual Conference.
The winner was Victor Nechifor, from UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources, UK, for his paper: "Global Economic and Food Security Impacts of Demand-driven Water".
Photo credits: Martina Pavesi

Best Poster Award
This year, due to a record number of submissions, a scientific Poster Session was added to the traditional format of our Annual Conference programme. The best poster presented at the Conference has been recognized with the Best Poster Award.
The winner was Nicola Caravaggio, from Roma Tre University, Italy, for his poster on "Economic Growth and the Forest Development Path: A Re-assessment of the Environmental Kuznets Curve for Deforestation"
Photo Credits: Martina Pavesi

Elections 2019
IAERE members will be invited to take part in the elections taking place during the next Annual Conference, in year 2019. A President and two ordinary Council members will be elected. IAERE Members are encouraged to nominate potential candidates: for this purpose, a call for nominations will be launched during the month of May. Start thinking about your favourite candidates. 

IAERE 2018 Annual General Assembly of Members – minutes
The minutes of the IAERE General Assembly of members held on February 15th, 2018, in Turin are available here. The 2017 IAERE Final Accounts are available  in the same page.

WCERE2018IAERE Informal Meeting at WCERE/2018
IAERE is organising an informal meeting on June 28th, 2018, within the 6th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, to be held in Gothenburg. We look forward to meeting you there.

AIEAA LogoIAERE Session at AIEAA Annual Conference 
IAERE will organise a Special Session at the Annual Conference of the Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics, to be held in Conegliano Veneto on June 14th-15th, 2018. Please send by March 10th 2018 an extended abstract or a paper to The presenters, selected by the IAERE Council, will be notified by the end of March.

IAEREItalian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists - IAERE
Porta dell'Innovazione Building - 2nd Floor
Via della Libertà 12, Marghera-Venice, Italy - 
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