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What'sUp@IAERE - January 2018 - no. 3

What'sUp@IAERE reports on events, job opportunities, education & traning activities, web resources, useful data, and publications posted by IAERE members in the Association's website.
IAERE members are encouraged to share information with the IAERE community through the Association's channels: please send your announcements to

Presidential Address

Dear colleagues and friends,

I would like to begin my Presidency and this issue of What'sUp@IAERE by thanking the former President, Massimiliano Mazzanti, and the former Council Members, Valentina Bosetti, Alessio D'Amato and Anna Montini, for the great job accomplished during these years in which I had the pleasure to collaborate with them and learn from them as Council Member. The record number of submissions (143) received for the next Annual Conference in Turin shows how lively our Association is and the increasingly important role our conference has gained over the years. We'll do our best to keep up with such high standards in the future.

The beginning of the year is always a good time for New Year's resolutions. For me this is particularly true as it also coincides with the beginning of my new mandate. New challenges are ahead of our Association: some have been in our wish list for a while, others come from exogenous changes that may require us to reconsider some of our strategies. We'll talk about it at the next General Assembly and we'll decide how to proceed for the future.

I look forward to welcoming you all in Turin and to working together in the next two years.

I wish you all a very happy and successful 2018!

Simone Borghesi
IAERE President


6th IAERE Annual Conference 2018
15-16 February 2018

2018 General Assembly of Members
IAERE Members are invited to join us for our 2018 Annual General Assembly of members convened in Turin on 15 February 2018. See convocation, agenda and proxy.

IAERE PhD Workshop Consultation
IAERE is launching a consultation process aimed at organizing a PhD workshop where PhD second / third year PhD students who are in an intermediate/advanced stage of their thesis work can present it to colleagues and experts. We would ask you a few minutes of your time to answer three simple questions. To participate click here.


1-2 March 2018, Venice, Italy
4th International Symposium on Sustainability
Deadline for applications: 28 Jan 2018

25-28 June 2018, Venice, Italy
VIU Summer School | Responsible Capitalism: Micro and Macro-institutional Conditions of Transformation
Deadline for applications: 28 Feb 2018

IAEREItalian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists - IAERE
Island of San Giorgio Maggiore 8, Venice, Italy
Tel +39 0412700438 - Fax +39 0412700412 - 
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