5th IAERE School on Law and Economics of the Circular Economy Transition


Home Call for applications & Submissions Faculty

Chris BACKES, University of Utrecht
Alessio D’AMATO, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” and SEEDS
Alberto DE FRANCESCHI, University of Ferrara and SEEDS
Johan EYCKMANS Catholic University of Leuven
Massimiliano MAZZANTI, University of Ferrara and SEEDS
Evelyne TERRYN, Catholic University of Leuven

Backes Chris Backes
University of Utrecht, Netherlands

Chris Backes is Professor of Environmental Law at the Institute of Jurisprudence, Constitutional and Administrative Law at Utrecht University. He is also affiliated to the Utrecht Centre for Water, Oceans and Sustainability Law. He works in the field of international, European and Dutch environmental law, including in particular environmental law (waste, air quality and other topics) and nature conservation law. A focus of his research is on the law for a circular economy. He does a lot of comparative law research and is interested in how the law can promote the transition to a sustainable use of the living environment.

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DamatoAlessio D’Amato
Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” and SEEDS, Italy

Alessio D’Amato is Associate Professor of Economic Policy, Department of Economics and Finance, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. He is also member and head of the Tor Vergata Unit at SEEDS Interuniversity Research Centre. His research activity is focused on drivers of environmental behaviours; eco-innovation; policies and firms’ strategies for the sustainability and circular economy transition; environmental policy design. He has been and is involved in national and international projects, and he is co-author of several working papers, book chapters, reports and papers published on international peer reviewed journals.

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DeFranceschi Alberto De Franceschi
University of Ferrara and SEEDS, Italy

Alberto De Franceschi is Full Professor of Private Law, Intellectual Property Rights and Environmental Law at the University of Ferrara. He is co-chairman of the European Law Institute’s Digital Law Special Interest Group (since 2015), and of the European Law Institute’s Environmental Law Special Interest Group (since 2021). He is founding member and co-editor of the Journal of European Consumer and Market Law and of The Italian Law Journal. Since 2016 is consultant to the Italian Ministry of Justice regarding the EU Digital Single Market Strategy. His current research focuses on issues related to the sale of goods, supply of digital content and digital services, sustainability and the circular economy.

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Eyckmans Johan Eyckmans
Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium

Since January 2004, Johan Eyckmans is working as professor in environmental economics at KU Leuven, campus Brussel. His research interests include the economics of climate change, economics of waste and materials, circular economy, integrated assessment modeling and evaluation of environmental policies. Regarding circular economy, Johan Eyckmans has written numerous articles in international peer reviewed journals and book chapters published by established publishing houses on the topic of waste, recycling, non-renewable resource management and economic modeling for circular economy.

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Mazzanti Massimiliano Mazzanti
University of Ferrara and SEEDS, Italy

Massimiliano Mazzanti is Full Professor in Economic policy, University of Ferrara, at the Department of Economics & Management. He has directed the inter university centre SEEDS since the foundation in 2012. He also directs the new CERCIS Research centre on the Circular Economy, Innovation and SMEs. Main research competences revolve around applied environmental economics and policy issues. The publication record witnesses more than 70 papers in peer reviewed international journals, six books as co-editor published with Routledge and Springer, and many other contributions in books and reports.

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Terryn Evelyne Terryn
Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium

Evelyne Terryn is a full professor at the KU Leuven and teaches commercial law, company law and consumer law. She started her career as a lawyer with Cleary, Gottlieb Brussels (1998-1999) and is of counsel at Roots advocaten Kortrijk. She is a co-editor in chief of DCCR (Tijdschrift voor Consumentenrecht) and a member of the editorial board of the Dutch TvC. She was a member of the Acquis group and of the European Consumer Law Group and the Consumer Law Enforcement Forum. Her research focuses on (European) consumer law and European contract law with a special focus on sustainability and the circular economy. She is co-editor of the Ius Commune Casebook on Consumer Law (Hart, Oxford).

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