5th IAERE School on Law and Economics of the Circular Economy Transition

Call for applications
School Menu

Deadline: 14th November 2021
Submit your application to iaere@iaere.org

The Italian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists organises a School series aiming at providing advanced training for young international scholars on issues of environmental and resource economics.
The 5th IAERE School will be organized by IAERE and SEEDS with the support of FEEM. It will focus on issues related to the circular economy transition, under a law and economics perspective. It will take place in the premises of the Department of Economics and Management, in Ferrara, from the 1st to the 3rd of December, 2021. The School will be held in a “blended” way, with scholars and part of the Faculty being present in person.

The circular economy transition is a hot issue in current economic policy. Ensuring the correct policy design and implementation requires interdisciplinary knowledge, crossing laws and economics perspectives.
The aims of this year’s school are to:

  • draw young scholars’ attention on the rapidly evolving policy and governance of environmental issues, with specific attention towards circular economy and sustainability transition;
  • discuss profiles of analysis and approaches which will likely be central in ongoing frontier research work related to the investigated transitions, interpreted through the twin lenses of law and economics.

Students will also have the possibility to take part to meetings with lecturers and, depending on involved numbers, present their ongoing work during the School.


Topics covered will include: circular economy implications of the economics of law enforcement, new legal means to foster the circular economy transition, circular business models, contractual and liability challenges.



  • Chris BACKES, University of Utrecht
  • Alessio D’AMATO, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” and SEEDS
  • Alberto DE FRANCESCHI, University of Ferrara and SEEDS
  • Johan EYCKMANS, Catholic University of Leuven
  • Massimiliano MAZZANTI, University of Ferrara and SEEDS
  • Evelyne TERRYN, Catholic University of Leuven

A daily tentative schedule is:

  •  9:30-11:00 Module 1
  • 11:00-11:30 Coffee break
  • 11:30-13:00 Module 2
  • 13:00-14:00 Light lunch
  • 14:00-15:30 Module 3
  • 15:30-17 Module 4

A social dinner will be organized.

Graduate students and working professionals from any university, research institute, or other organization (private companies, government agencies, NGOs) with an interest in environmental issues and ability to read and write fluently in English. Advanced undergraduates will also be considered.

The minimum number of students for the activation of the program in person is 15. In case this minimum number is not reached, the school will be organized online with reduced fees and additional seats. A communication in this respect will be sent out shortly after the deadline to apply.

•    EUR 250    IAERE Members
•    EUR 330    Non IAERE Members (This fee includes an IAERE membership until December 2022)
•    EUR 270    Students non IAERE Members (This fee includes an IAERE membership until December 2022)

The participation fee includes:
•    Downloadable course material
•    Participation Diploma
•    Coffee breaks and light lunches included in the School programme
•    One social dinner

Accommodation is not included. The organizing committee will provide 10 accomodation grants. These grants will be provided according to a first come-first served basis, according to the date of participation fee payment. Information will also be provided about budget accommodation in Ferrara.
Any other meal not mentioned in the programme is not included.
Successful candidates will receive information about modes of payment once admitted to the School.

Applicants are kindly requested to send their CV (which must include information about: affiliation, current positions, current and expected research interests) to iaere@iaere.org with the object “IAERE SCHOOL 2021”.
Application deadline is the 14th of November, 2021.
Applicants will be notified by the 17th of November, 2021

14 November 2021 (midnight CET) - Application deadline
17 November 2021 - Acceptance notifications will be sent out on the 17 November 2021.
1-3 December 2021 - School

Home Call for applications Faculty Programme
Organized by
With the support of