4th IAERE School on Green and Climate Finance
Rome Photo by Thimo van Leeuwen on Unsplash


IAERE is glad to announce its 4th IAERE School! The 4th IAERE School is organized in cooperation with CEIS, at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, and focuses on issues related to green and climate finance. It takes place in Rome, at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata", from the 4th to the 7h of November, 2019.

26 July 2019 (midnight CET) - Application deadline
9 September 2019 - Acceptance notifications will be sent out after September 9th, 2019.
20 September 2019 - Deadline for payment of the participation fee.
4-7 November 2019 - School

For scientific aspects, please contact the school coordinators:
Alessio D'Amato damato AT economia DOT uniroma2 DOT it
Mariangela Zoli zoli AT uniroma2 DOT it

Other business:
IAERE Secretariat: iaere AT iaere DOT org

Home Call for applications & submissions Faculty Reserved Area
Organized by
IAERE ceis logo Tor Vergata
With the support of