5th IAERE School on Law and Economics of the Circular Economy Transition

Anil Markandya, BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change, Keynote speaker
Valeria Costantini, University of Roma tre
Giacomo Rondina, University of California at San Diego
Elena Paglialunga, University of Urbino Carlo Bo & SEEDS (co-organiser)
Giovanni Marin, University of Urbino Carlo Bo & SEEDS (co-organiser)
Gian Italo Bischi, University of Urbino Carlo Bo
Fabio Tramontana, University of Urbino Carlo Bo

Markandya Anil Markandya
BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change

Professor Markandya has worked extensively on environmental problems from an economic viewpoint. He has a Masters in Econometrics and a PhD from the London School of Economics. He was a lead author for the 3rd and 4th IPCC Assessment Reports on Climate Change (which were awarded a share of the Nobel Peace in 2007), a Lead Author for the 5th Assessment Report, and a contributing author for the special report on 1.5ºC. He has also published widely on resource valuation and regulation in the context of sustainable development. In 2008 he was nominated by Cambridge University as one of the top 50 contributors to thinking on sustainability in the world. From 2000 to 2006 he was a Lead Economist at the World Bank. He has acted as advisor to several governments and international organizations over the last 30 years. Professor Markandya was President of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics from 2014-2015. Currently he is Distinguished Ikerbasque Professor at the Basque Centre for Climate Change in the Basque Country, Spain and Honorary Professor of Economics at the University of Bath, UK.

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CostantiniValeria Costantini
University of Roma Tre

Valeria Costantini is Full Professor of Economic Policy at the Department of Economics, Roma Tre University (Italy). She acted as the coordinator of the M.Sc. in Environment and Development Economics for five years. She is a founder and a member of the advisory board of SEEDS, the Italian interuniversity research centre on Sustainability Environmental Economics and Dynamics Studies. She is Associate Member at UNS-GREDEG, Groupe de Recherche en Droit, Economie et Gestion, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France. She is a member of the External Faculty Board of the International PhD in Regional Science and Economic Geography at the GSSI (Gran Sasso Science Institute). Formerly she has been senior researcher at the Italian National Research Institute for New Technologies, Energy and Environment (ENEA). She has published extensively in several international journals with main research interests in: climate change policy, monetary evaluation of environmental damage, green technologies, policy mix design. She has been involved in several European projects among which the most recent are the European Topic Centre on Waste and Materials in a Green Economy (ETC/WMGE) and the H2020 project ENTRUST “Energy System Transition through Stakeholders Activation, Education and Skills Development”.
https://sites.google.com/view/valeriacostantini https://www.uniroma3.it/persone/

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Rondini Giacomo Rondina
University of California at San Diego

iacomo Rondina is Associate Teaching Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics of the University of California at San Diego. He graduated in Economics at LUISS Guido Carli in Roma and received a master and a Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Wisconsin at Maddison. Formerly, he was assistant professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder. He served as associate editor of the journal European Economic Review from 2017 to 2021. His main interests are focused on macroeconomic theory, economic dynamics, and the macroeconomics of sustainability.

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Paglialunga Elena Paglialunga
University of Urbino Carlo Bo & SEEDS School Co-Coordinator

lena Paglialunga is Assistant Professor of Applied Economics at the Department of Economics, Society and Politics of the University of Urbino ‘Carlo Bo’ (Italy) since 2019, and research affiliate at SEEDS (Sustainability Environmental Economics and Dynamics Studies). Formerly, she was post-doc researcher at Roma Tre University where she obtained her Ph.D. in Economics and Applied methods, curriculum Environment and Development Economics (2015). She is a member of the Faculty Board of the National PhD in Sustainable Development and Climate Change. She has been involved in national and EU research projects and has published in several international journals with main research interests in: climate change impacts and policies; modelling the economic costs of climatic damage in a dynamic framework; environmental policy mix and green technologies; spatial and network analysis in the context of sustainable energy transition.

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Marin Giovanni Marin
University of Urbino Carlo Bo & SEEDS School Co-Coordinator

Giovanni Marin is Associate Professor of Applied Economics at the Department of Economics, Society and Politics of the University of Urbino Carlo Bo and research affiliate of the SEEDS (Sustainability Environmental Economics and Dynamics Studies). He graduated in Economics at the University of Ferrara and received a Doctoral degree in Economics, Markets and Institutions from the IMT Institute of Advanced Studies Lucca. Formerly, he was researcher at the Institute for Sustainable Economic Growth of the National Research Council of Italy (IRCrES-CNR). He is part of the team of the European Topic Centre on Circular Economy and Resource Use (ETC-CE) maintained by the European Environment Agency. In 2021 he received the European Award for Researchers in Environmental Economics under the Age of Forty of the EAERE. His main interests are focused on environmental innovation and the role of structural change, with a particular emphasis on the relationship between environmental policy and performance and employment.

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Bischi Gian Italo Bischi
University of Urbino ‘Carlo Bo’

Gian-Italo Bischi, graduated in Physics in 1984:at University of Bologna, is full professor of “Mathematics for economic and social sciences” at the department DESP (Department of Economics, Society, Politics) of the University of Urbino. He is author of several articles and books on nonlinear dynamic models and their applications to the description of complex systems, ranging from physics and biology up to economics, environment and social sciences. He mainly uses methods from the qualitative theory of nonlinear dynamical systems, with the related concepts of stability, bifurcations and deterministic chaos, also in connection with game theory, in particular evolutionary games. He also deals with the popularisation and communication of mathematical ideas, with a particular focus on connections between mathematics and other cultural fields, like literature and art.

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Tramontana Fabio Tramontana
University of Urbino ‘Carlo Bo’

Fabio Tramontana, graduated in Economics in 2004 at University of Urbino, Ph.D in Economics at the Marche Polytechnique University in 2009, is associate professor of “Mathematics for economic and social sciences” at the department DESP (Department of Economics, Society, Politics) of the University of Urbino. He is author of several articles on nonlinear dynamic models and their applications to the description of complex systems, with a particular focus on models investigating the consequences of behavioral assumptions. He also writes informative articles and holds seminars to spread the main ideas of behavioral economics and finance.

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