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What'sUp@IAERE - February 2019

What'sUp@IAERE reports on events, job opportunities, education & traning activities, web resources, useful data, and publications posted by IAERE members in the Association's website.



On 7-8 February 2019 has been held our Seventh Annual Conference. A great success in terms of submission (153 papers!) and in participation (142 persons). The material produced within the conference (papers, presentations and photos) will soon be available in the conference website. A note on this will be circulated in due time.
Thank to all the participants! Please help us improving our Annual Conference by filling out a 5-minute survey. All questions are optional. Your feedback will be kept anonymous, and will be never used for attribution.


IAERE Young Environmental Economist Award

This year the Association is announcing the fourth edition of the IAERE Young Environmental Economist Award, a recognition given to the best paper presented by a young economist at the Annual Conference.
The award has been assigned ex-equo to:


  • Tomas BADURA from Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment (CSERGE), University of East Anglia, UK with the paper "A new approach to capturing the spatial dimensions of value within choice experiments"
  • Elisabetta CORNAGO from OECD, France with the paper "Evaluating the impact of urban road pricing on the use of green transport modes: The case of Milan"



T. Badura


E. Cornago


Best Poster Award

The best poster presented at the Conference has been recognized with the Best Poster Award.
The winner was Gionata Castaldi, from Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea - T.A. Sogesid, Italy with the poster "The role of structural reforms in the energy sector in enhancing green growth"


IAERE Elections 2019

The Elections took place within the 2019 IAERE General Assembly of Members, on February 7th, in Udine, in the same location where the Seventh IAERE Annual Conference was held.

Three new Council members were elected: Alessio D'AMATO, who will join the Council from 2020 to 2025 (2020-2021 as President Elect, 2022-2023 as President, and 2024-2025 as Past President), and Elisabetta STRAZZERA and Marcella VERONESI, who will be Ordinary Members of the Council from 2020 to 2023.


Alessio D'AMATO


Elisabetta STRAZZERA



IAERE wishes them much success in their mandates and thanks Francesco Bosello, Shouro Dasgupta and Francesco Vona for having accepted to run as candidates in this election turn.
IAERE thanks also all members who participated in the elections. 

IAERE Secretary General

As of the Udine Conference, our Association has a new Secretary General: Martina Gambaro.
Due to an internal reorganisation of the work at CMCC where our Secretariat is based, Martina took over from Monica Eberle.
Martina has been working for our association for over three years now, together with Monica, which makes the transition very smooth.
We welcome Martina and wish her much success in this new position.
At the same time, we thank Monica for the excellent work she has done and for the outstanding role she has played during all these years for the success and the growth of our Association.
She will continue to support IAERE with different responsibilities.

Save the date: IAERE2019 - Brescia, 6-7 February 2020


The Eighth Annual Conference will be held in Brescia on 6-7 February 2020.
The chair of the programme committee and the local organiser is
Sergio Vergalli (our President Elect)

4th IAERE School on 'Green and Climate Finance'


The Fouth IAERE Schhol will be held in Autumn 2019 at University of Rome Tor Vergata.
The coordinators are Alessio D’Amato and Mariangela Zoli.
Information about the applications will be sent in due time.


Position for a researcher in the “Future Energy” Research Programme ‐ ref. FEP‐ENERGY‐12.2018
Organization: Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Milan, Italy
Deadline for applications: open until filled


1 March 2019, Rome, Italy
L'evoluzione della Fiscalità in coerenza con lo Sviluppo Sostenibile
Organization: University of Rome 'Tor Vergata' (Dept of Management and Law), AIPDT - Italian Association of Tax Law Professors, Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea, T.A Sogesid
Registration in advance by 25 February is required and free of charge

11-12 April 2019, Florence, Italy
Executive Training Seminar: Global Quest for Investment Finance for the Low Carbon Economy
Organization: School of Transnational Governance and the FSR Climate of the European University Institute
Deadline for applications: 22 March 2019

13-14 June 2019, Pistoia, Italy
AIEAA Annual on "Tomorrow's Food. Diet transition and its implications on health and the environment"
Organization: AIEAA - Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics

2-3 September 2019, Valencia, Spain
Third AERNA Workshop on Game Theory and the Environment
Organisation: AERNA - Spanish-Portuguese Association of Natural and Environmental Resource Economics
Deadline for paper submissions: 1 June 2019

IAERE members are encouraged to share information with the IAERE community through the Association's channels.

Italian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists - IAERE
Via della Libertà 12, 30175 Marghera-Venezia, Italy

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