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IAERE Newsletter
Issue 9 – September 2017
IAERE Newsletter - 9th issue

We are glad to present the 9th issue of the IAERE Newsletter, edited by Alessio D'Amato.
It is meant as a tool for sharing information regarding events, research outputs, career and training opportunities in Italy and beyond.
Each Newsletter issue includes institutional news and collects all the new contents published in the IAERE website after the release of the previous Newsletter issue.
We encourage submissions of contributions to be posted in the IAERE website by writing to iaere@iaere.org.

Editorial Address

Mazzantiby Alessio D'Amato, Department of Economics and Finance, University of Rome "Tor Vergata"

It is a pleasure for me to open the 9th IAERE Newsletter (the last one as editor) with this short address. The last months have confirmed that our Association is very lively and developing, with new and successful initiatives, as the currenlty ongoing 2nd Summer School on Input-Output methods (University of Urbino). The call for next year’s conference in Turin is now open (see below) and I am sure that a lot of members and environmental economics scholars will submit their work there.
The Newsletter and the website are an important part of IAERE development, where events, research and vacancies can be advertised and can reach a larger and larger community of interested readers. For this reason, I warmly invite IAERE members to make an increasing use of the Newsletter.
At the end of this year my editor (and vice president) mandate will end. I take the opportunity to thank all IAERE friends and colleagues for this challenging period, in the hope that this is just an "arrivederci".

Alessio D’Amato
IAERE Vice-President and Newsletter editor

IAERE Sixth Annual Conference - 15-16 February 2017, Turin (Italy) - CALL FOR PAPER

iaere logoIAERE is glad to announce its Sixth Annual Conference, to be held at the University of Turin on February 15th-16th, 2018. The call for papers is now open and submissions on all relevant topics related to Environmental and Natural Resource Economics are warmly invited. The deadline for paper submission is 17 November 2017.
Matti Liski (Aalto University) and Maja Schlüter (Stockholm Resilience Center) will be the Conference keynote speakers.
As in previous editions, the 2018 IAERE Conference maintains a balanced interest on both theoretical and applied research, with a marked interest in policy implications.
Presentations both in English and in Italian will be possible, depending on the audience. Young researchers and PhD students who wish to attend are most welcome.
Young Environmental Economists are particularly invited to submit papers; a special Award (1,000 euro) will be given to the best paper presented by a young economist at the Conference. Read the characteristics of the eligible candidates here
The IAERE 2018 Conference will host a special session on Agriculture and Environment, organized in collaboration with the Italian Association of Agriculture and Applied Economics (Associazione Italiana di Economia Agraria e Applicata - AIEAA). 
Special sessions generally offer a forum for focused discussion in new areas or on innovative applications of established approaches. We thus encourage submission of papers on two further specific topics: (i) Insurance responses to climate change and (ii) Advanced analytics in environmental economics and policy (e.g. big data, machine learning, agent-based simulation, environmetrics).
The event is organised with the support of the Department of Economics and Statistics "Cognetti de Martiis", University of Torino.

IAERE Young Environmental Economist Award

iaere logoThe third edition of the IAERE Young Environmental Economist Award will be presented at the IAERE Sixth Annual Conference. The Award is given to the best paper presented by a young economist at the IAERE Annual Conference. 
With this Award the Association aims to reward new ideas addressing key environmental and resource economic issues at the national, European and global scale. Both theoretical and empirical papers will be considered without any restriction of topics.




2nd IAERE School - "Input Output Analysis for Environmental and Resource Economics", 26-29 September 2017, Urbino, Italy

Urbino (Italy)Co-ordinator: Giovanni Marin and Martina Sartori
The 2nd IAERE School on "Input Output Analysis for Environmental and Resource Economics" will take place in Palazzo Passionei-Paciotti in Urbino (Italy) on 26-29 September 2017. The School programme is available at the School website
It has encountered a great interest: 27 high profile students have been selected and will partecipate to the School!

Nessun uomo è un'isola… ma qualcuno è un ponte [Editoriale di S. Borghesi su Greenreport.it]

Si è tenuta ad Atene la conferenza annuale di Eaere, l’Associazione europea degli economisti ambientali, un evento di grande importanza divenuto da tanti anni appuntamento fisso per gli economisti ambientali, europei e non. Nella settimana del convegno, Atene è stata sommersa da una vera e propria ondata di calore con punte di 44° durante il giorno, quasi uno scherzo del destino per una conferenza largamente incentrata sui cambiamenti climatici. O forse semplicemente l’ennesima conferma della rilevanza e crescente urgenza del problema, sempre più evidente e impattante su tutti gli aspetti della vita quotidiana.
[si veda articolo completo qui
IAERE at EAERE2017 - 30 June 2017, Athens
iaere meetingIAERE organised an informational meeting during the latest Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists held in Athens on June 28th-July 1st, 2017.
The meeting was held on Friday, June 30th, and aimed to share information on IAERE activities and ideas on how to improve the service to our members.
The Impacts of Climate Change in Italy. Photos from the present to understand the future

The Award Ceremony of the ICCG Photo Contest on “The Impacts of Climate Change in Italy. Photos from the present to understand the future” will be held in Venice on September 29, 2017 (CFZ Cultural Flow Zone - TESA 1, Zattere al Pontelungo, Dorsoduro 1392). The event, which is organized in the framework of Venetonight, the Researcher’s Night, will be the occasion to present the Photobook featuring the best photos collected through the contest.
For more information, visit the ICCG website 

Winner of the Best Climate Practices 2017 Awards to be announced on International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction on October 13

bcp 2017International Day for Disaster Reduction, held every 13 October, celebrates how people and communities around the world are reducing their exposure to disaster risk and aims to raise awareness about effective actions, policies and practices taken across the world.
There couldn’t be a better opportunity to showcase the brilliant and determined candidates we are proud to have in this year’s edition of the Best Climate Practices Contest on “Building resilience to climate disaster risk”, and to award the best ones: the online voting results and the jury’s assessment will be combined to determine the best actionable ideas and concrete projects to support local communities in preparing and responding to climate disasters, improving resilience, preparedness and recovery capacity. Stay tuned on the Best Climate Practices website


ICCG Climate Think Tank Rankings 2016: the results

tt mapThe results of the ICCG Climate Think Tank Rankings, the rankings of the most cutting-edge worldwide institutions conducting research and policy support in the field of climate change, have been announced on June 29, 2017 by ICCG Director, Professor Carlo Carraro, at the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE) in Athens, Greece.
This fifth edition, which refer to the year 2016, assessed 244 think tanks, not strictly affiliated or integrated with Universities specialized in the research fields of climate change and climate policy, which figured in the ICCG Think Tank Map Observatory
Two rankings were established:
• The Standardized Ranking, which measures the think tanks’ efficiency in per capita/researcher terms, by taking into account the number of researchers in each institution;
• The Absolute Ranking, which measures the think tanks’ performances regardless of their efficiency and hence size.
The winners of the “ICCG’s 2016 Climate Think Tank Awards” are:
2016 Top Climate Think Tank – Standardized Ranking: Woods Hole Research Center (WHRC)
2016 Top Climate Think Tank – Absolute Ranking: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)
On November 6 and 7, 2017, in conjunction with the beginning of the 23rd Conference of Parties (COP23) in Bonn, representatives of the winning think tanks will be invited to deliver two webinars on their climate change research activities.
For more information, visit the Think Tank Map Observatory



IPCC - Invitation for the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

IPCC Focal PointThe IPCC Focal Point for Italy invites experts to submit their candidature for consideration as Coordinating Lead Authors, Lead authors, and Review Editors for the 
Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 
Deadline for submission: Friday, October 20, 2017 (midnight CEST)
Further info on how to submit the nominations is available here.

IAERE institutional members

iaere logoPublic and private institutions which operate in fields connected with the aims of the Association, or which pursue the aims and materially support the activities of the Association can join IAERE as Institutional Members. Institutional members give important financial suport to the Association and become part of a prestigious network. Incomes from institutional membership fees will be used exclusively and completely to further the aims of the Association and its activities, which benefit not only our own members but also the broader policy and research communities with an interest in environmental issues. Please consider if your institutional would like to join IAERE as insitutional member.
IAERE is most grateful for its current Institutional members:

Standard Institutional Members
Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM)

University Institutional Members

- "Alma Mater Studiorum" University of Bologna, Department of Economics
- Bocconi University, Centre for Research on Energy and Environmental Economics and Policy (IEFE)
- University of Brescia, Department of Economics and Management
- University of Ferrara, Department of Economics and Management
- University of Milan, Department of Economics and Quantitative Methods
- University of Rome Tor Vergata, Department of Economics and Finance
Venice International University (VIU)

IAERE Session at AIEAA/2017 - 15-16 June 2017, Piacenza

aieaaIAERE and the Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics (Associazione Italiana di Economia Agraria e Applicata – AIEAA) organized a joint session on "Water economics: methodological problems, policy challenges and future perspectives" at 6th AIEAA Conference on "Economics and Politics of Mitigation: Implications for Agliculture and Food" held in Piacenza on 15-16 June 2017. Further info at AAIEAA 2017 annual conference website
IAERE Session at SIE/2017 - 19-20 October 2017, Arcavacata di Rende
SIE IAERE and the Italian Economic Association (Società Italiana degli Economisti – SIE) are jointly organizing a session on "Greening the economy. Policies for regional and global sustainability" at the 57th Annual Conference of the Italian Economic Association that will be held in Arcavacata di Rende (CS) (University of Calabria), Italy on 19-20 October 2017. Further info at SIE annual conference website
Call for membership 2018: renew your membership

iaere logoThe call for individual and institutional memberships for year 2018 is now open. Check benefits and prices (same as 2017) in our website.
Individual memberships
Insitutional membership
We encourage you to renew your membership and keep supporting the Association to further its aims.
Your help is also needed to attract new individual and institutional members to our Association.

Donations to IAERE
iaere logoPlease consider making a donation to IAERE. Your donation will support the Association to further its aims. Making a donation is very easy: check here.

3 October 2017, Milan (Italy)
Il ruolo delle Tecnologie e degli Scenari energetici nel percorso di Decarbonizzazione

3 October 2017, Milan (Italy)
La transizione ad una circular economy e il futuro del riciclo degli imballaggi in Italia

12-13 October 2017, Venice (Italy)
Workshop “Water management: from panaceas to actual solutions”: live streaming available for keynote lectures

19-21 October 2017, Arcavacata di Rende (CS), (Italy)
58ma Riunione Scientifica Annuale della Società Italiana di Economia su "Mezzogiorno/Mezzogiorni: traiettorie ed equilibri multipli"

30 November - 1 December 2017, Florence, Italy
Florence School of Regulation (FSR) Climate Annual Conference 2017
Deadline for submission of papers: 24 Sep 2017

16-17 February 2018, Genoa, Italy
N.E.R.I.(Network on the Economics of Regulation and Institutions) workshop

19-22 March 2018, Freiberg, Germany
International Spring School "European Energy System Transformation and Climate Policy – Heterogeneous Perspectives Ranging from Global via European to Local"
Deadline for poster submission: 15 Jan 2018

Job Opportunities

Vacancy for a Research Assistant/Post-doctoral Researcher on Energy and Climate

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European Univertity Institute, Fiesole (Italy)
Dedline for application: 26 Sep 2017

PhD Position in Economics
The Chair of Innovation and Intellectual Property Policy at the College of Management of Technology (CDM) at Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
Deadline for application: 15 Oct 2017

PhD Scholarship on Environmental Economics and Energy (from April 2018)
Durham University Business School, UK
Deadline: Call for applications will open soon. Fur further info contact Ashar Aftab

Working Papers

IAERE does not maintain a working papers series. This newsletter reports papers that are voluntarily signalled by IAERE members and posted in the IAERE website.

De Cian, E., S. Dasgupta, A.F. Hof, M.A.E. van Sluisveld, J. Köhler, B. Pfluger and D.P. van Vuuren (2017)
Actors, Decision-making, and Institutions in Quantitative System Modelling
FEEM Note di Lavoro n. 2017.046

Roson, R. (2017)
Beyond Water Stress: Structural Adjustment and Macroeconomic Consequences of the Emerging Water Scarcity
IEFE Working Paper n. 95 – July 2017

Dasgupta, S. (2017)
Burden of Climate Change on Malaria Mortality
FEEM Note di Lavoro n. 2017.044

Campagnolo, L. and M. Davide (2017)
Can the Paris Deal Boost SDGs Achievement? An Assessment of Climate Mitigation Co-benefits or Side-effects on Poverty and Inequality

FEEM Note di Lavoro n. 2017.048

Tavoni, M., V. Bosetti, S. Shayegh, L. Drouet, J. Emmerling, S. Fuss, T. Goeschl, C. Guivarch, T.S. Lontzek, V. Manoussi, J. Moreno-Cruz, H. Muri, M. Quaas and W. Rickels
Challenges and Opportunities for Integrated Modeling of Climate Engineering
FEEM Note di Lavoro n. 2017.038

Roson, R. and D. van der Mensbrugghe (2017)
Demand-Driven Structural Change in Applied General Equilibrium Models
IEFE Working Paper n. 96 – July 2017

De Vivo, N. and G. Marin (2017)
How Neutral is the Choice of the Allocation Mechanism in Cap-and-Trade Schemes? Evidence from the EU-ETS
SEEDS WP n. 04/2017

Sartori, M., D. Geneletti, S. Schiavo and R. Scolozzi (2017)
To what extent will climate and land-use change affect EU-28 agriculture? A computable general equilibrium analysis
IEFE Working Paper n. 98 – September 2017

Books and Articles


Spinozzi, P. and M. Mazzanti (2017)
Cultures of Sustainability and Wellbeing: Theories, Histories and Policies

La Notte, A., S. Vallecillo, C. Polce, G. Zulian and Joachim Maes (2017)
Implementing an EU system of accounting for ecosystems and their services
JRC Science Hub, Publications Office of the European Union


Caro, D., S. Borghesi, F. Pulselli and S. Bastianoni S. (2017)
Mapping the international flows of GHG emissions within a more feasible consumption-based framework
Journal of Cleaner Production, 147, 142-151.

Borghesi, S. (2017)
Nessun uomo è un'isola… ma qualcuno è un ponte
Greenreport.it, 8 Set 2017

D’Amato, A., E. Valentini and M. Zoli (2017)
Tradable quota taxation and market power
Energy Economics, 63, 248-252

IAERE members can post announcements in the IAERE website at no charge by sending an email to iaere@iaere.org
IAEREItalian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists - IAERE
Island of San Giorgio Maggiore 8, Venice, Italy
Tel +39 0412700438 - Fax +39 0412700412
iaere@iaere.org - iaere.org
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