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IAERE Newsletter
Issue 8 – April 2017
IAERE Newsletter - 8th issue

We are glad to present the 8th issue of the IAERE Newsletter, edited by Alessio D'Amato.
It is meant as a tool for sharing information regarding events, research outputs, career and training opportunities in Italy and beyond.
Each Newsletter issue includes institutional news and collects all the new contents published in the IAERE website after the release of the previous Newsletter issue.
We encourage submissions of contributions to be posted in the IAERE website by writing to iaere@iaere.org.

Presidential Address

Mazzantiby Massimiliano Mazzanti, Department of Economics and Management, University of Ferrara

IAERE is enriching its range of activities, as it is testified by the very promising schools and workshops that are projected to take place between the Rome 2017 and Turin 2018 Annual Conferences. The 2019 and 2020 conferences are already planned to take place in the locations of Udine and Brescia.
We are pleased to announce a School on Input-Output methods, that will be held at the University of Urbino after the summer. The School is aimed at enriching the methodological toolkit of environmental economists and practitioners. A call is soon being launched.
This year IAERE also launches for the first time a Phd students dedicated event: a workshop where students will present a paper related to their doctoral project, interactively reviewed by and discussed with IAERE senior members. The workshop will be organised in Rimini over 2 days in late October. A call for papers will soon be launched.
We do believe that these events are crucial to further extend the still increasing IAERE community and enhance interactions among its members, especially for junior researchers.

Massimiliano Mazzanti
IAERE President

IAERE Fifth Annual Conference - Rome, 16-17 Februry 2017

The Fifth Annual IAERE Conference took place in Rome Tor Vergata last February, co-organized by CEIS- Tor Vergata. The Conference has indeed proven successful under several respects, including the number of participants, well above 100, and the number and quality of submissions and presented papers. All available presentations can be downloaded from the Conference website.
The two distinguished invited speakers, Thomas Sterner and Shanti Gamper-Rabindran, gave thought provoking speeches on hot and debated topics related to our energy and climate future. Last but not least, we hope all the participants could fully enjoy a distinctive feature of all IAERE Conferences, namely the friendly and cooperative atmosphere, together with the dinner in Frascati and with the visit to the Tor Vergata Botanical Garden on the final day.
SternerThe overall impression is that the conference brings together a growing and dynamic community of friends and colleagues, who have the opportunity of sharing smart ideas and research results in a sociable environment. For this reason, it was a pleasure to host the Conference this year and, at the same time, it is very important that IAERE members spread the news about these conferences among all interested colleagues.

See you next year in Turin,

Alessio D'Amato (chair) and Mariangela Zoli (vice-chair)
IAERE 2017 Organising Committee
University of Rome Tor Vergata

IAERE Sixth Annual Conference - Torino - 15-16 February 2018 - SAVE THE DATE

The Sixth IAERE Annual Conference will be held on February 15-16, 2018 at University of Turin, Italy.
Silvana Dalmazzone is chairing the Conference Organising Committee.


IAERE Young Environmental Economist Award

The 2017 IAERE Young Environmental Economist Award was awarded ex-equo to:

Shouro DASGUPTA, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
Dr. Shouro DASGUPTA’s paper " Impact of Climate Change on Malaria: A Quantile Regression Analysis focuses on the highly relevant impact of climatic variables on malaria mortality rates. Using a quantile regression approach, it confirms, in particular, the non-linear nature of these impacts, and provides a quantitative ex post assessment of the links between precipitations and temperature, on one hand, and malaria rates, also accounting for country level health related efforts. The conclusions of the paper can indeed prove useful for future research and also have policy relevance in relation to the health consequences of climate change.

Claudia GHISETTI, Joint Research Centre, European Commission.
Dr. Claudia GHISETTI’s paper “Demand-pull and environmental innovations: estimating the effects of innovative public procurement” deals with the increasingly popular literature on the drivers of eco innovation, focusing on the under-investigated impact of public purchases and, in particular, of innovative public procurement (IPP). This is done by adopting non parametric techniques to overcome empirical difficulties, due to a potential selection bias that can distort the estimates of the impact of IPP on eco-innovation decisions. The main conclusions of the paper suggest that indeed IPP is a viable policy choice to encourage eco-innovation, and therefore that more relevance (both in the policy and research arena) should be given to this tool.

The Awards were announced at the Fifth IAERE Annual Conference hosted by the School of Economics - University of Rome Tor Vergata on February 16-17, 2017.
IAERE General Assembly of Members at IAERE/2017 - Rome – 16 February 2017

iaere logoThe 2017 General Assembly of Members took place on February 16th, 11.30 am, in Rome, in the same location where the Fifth IAERE Annual Conference was held.

The minutes and the final 2016 accounts are available here.

Ordinary Council Member
Mariangela ZOLI
Ordinary Council Member
During the Assembly the Elections took place: three new Council members were elected: Sergio VERGALLI, who will be a Council member from 2018 to 2023 (2018-2019 as President Elect, 2020-2021 as President, and 2022-2023 as Past President), and Mariangela ZOLI and Fabio EBOLI, who will be Ordinary Members of the Council from 2018 to 2021.

1st IAERE School – “Computable General Equilibrium Models for Environmental Assessment”, 26-29 September 2016, Milan, Italy

iaere 1st shool - Sept 2016by Roberto Roson, School coordinator

The 1st IAERE School was held last September in Milan, at the Bocconi University. The School focused on the application of CGE models in the environmental field. Though this was the first IAERE initiative of this kind, the feedback was certainly quite positive and promising.
Fourteen participants attended the School; out of them seven were non-Italians from five different countries, including China. We think that much of the success of the School is due to the fact that, while the CGE models are among the most popular "workhorses" in the analysis of environmental policies, techniques associated with them are not normally being taught in academia. This was coupled with a competitive fee not affecting the overall course quality.
Indeed, I feel that the School offered a high level service, also thanks to the participation of the "keynote speaker" Prof. Dominique van der Mensbrugghe. Dominique, after years of experience with OECD, World Bank and FAO, is now director of the famous GTAP consortium at Purdue University. As a lucky coincidence, Dominique had been invited to the Vatican a few days before school, to comment on a recent encyclical by the Pope, precisely on environmental protection issues.
It is worth pointing out the particularly rich and lively environment, favouring friendly interactions amongst all participants, and between them and the "faculty members". Some participants contacted me on the last day wondering if IAERE is planning some kind of "follow-up" to the School. I think this is a sign that participation has been evaluated as fruitful and useful.
During the recent IAERE conference in Tor Vergata, we received information that a 2nd IAERE School is already in the pipeline. Thus, based on the experience of the 1st School, I believe that the preconditions to repeat the success of last year do exist.

IAERE would like to thank the Co-Coordinators Francesco Bosello and Roberto Roson, the Faculty Members Fabio Eboli, Elena Paglialunga, Martina Sartori and Dominique Van Der Mensbrugghe, and the Center for Research on Energy and Environmental Economics and Policy (IEFE), Bocconi University, for their contribution to the success of the 1st IAERE School.

2nd IAERE School - "Input Output Analysis for Environmental and Resource Economics", September 2017, Urbino, Italy

Co-ordinator: Giovanni Marin
The 2nd IAERE School on "Input Output Analysis for Environmental and Resource Economics" will take place in Palazzo Passionei-Paciotti in Urbino (Italy) on 26-29 September 2017. The official call for applicants will be posted in May 2017 on the IAERE website.
IAERE PhD and Post-Doc Workshop, 26-27 October 2017, Rimini, Italy

RiminiIAERE launches a call for a PhDs / young post docs dedicated workshop. The workshop covers 2 days  and is aimed at giving a chance to PhD students and young post docs to present a paper and discuss the related research results, in order to improve its diffusion and publication options. Young researchers in environmental and natural resource economics, ecological economics and related disciplines will be asked to actively participate in the workshop. They will have the opportunity to exchange and discuss their ideas with senior scholars with respect to specific issues and methods in the field, and to start collaboration projects with other (young) scholars.
The first day will be devoted to presentations and discussions (about one hour per paper), the second half day will be used to wrap up main issues and try to highlight interactions among participants. The programme could be adapted on the basis of the number of submissions.
The workshop will be organised in Rimini on 26-27 October 2017. IAERE will suggest cheap accommodation.
Young scholars will have the opportunity to specifically link their submission to the following areas/themes of research, though the workshop scope goes beyond the list: Economic Valuation of the environment; Theory of environmental policy; Economic development and the environment; Natural resource management; Macroeconomic modelling; Ecological economics models; Economic-environmental accounting systems; The green economy and eco-innovations; Firm’s behaviour.
Reviewers / discussants will be selected from IAERE council and members.
Further information will be available soon.
IAERE Session at SIE/2017 - Arcavacata di Rende, 19-21 October 2017

SIE logoIAERE and the Italian Economic Association (Società Italiana degli Economisti – SIE) are jointly organizing a session on “Greening the economy. Policies for regional and global sustainability” at the 58th Annual Conference of the Italian Economic Association, to be held in Arcavacata di Rende (CS) (University of Calabria) on October 19th-21st, 2017.
Manuscripts, including abstract of no more than 200 words, key words and JEL classification, should be submitted here.
Each submitter can send one paper. The deadline for submissions is May 15, 2017. Notice of acceptance or rejection will be sent to corresponding authors within July 10, 2017.
Further information and the full text of the call for papers are available at the conference website.
SEEDS Workshop, Ferrara 25th - 26th May 2017
seedsSEEDS was created in 2012 to bring together five academic departments of economics, belonging to different Universities but linked by common research interests in environmental economics and policy, with a focus on studies on innovation and the dynamics of economic systems.
After five years of successful activity (SEEDS European projects and research activities are fully visible in the web site), the event is meant to allow the presentation and sharing of research ideas (even at very preliminary stages) for the future life of SEEDS. Developing knowledge exchanges and setting ideas for new projects are the primary aims. There will be room for discussing new research ideas for European projects as well.
The workshop is scheduled on May 25th 2017, in between 9am and 6pm, at the University of Ferrara. The workshop is organised in conference rooms located within the Estense Castle, symbol of the city of Ferrara, which is located in the heart of the city and very close to the Department of Economics and Management premises.
For full details see the call for paper.
Best Climate Practices 2017 Contest "Building local resilience to climate disaster risk"
Best Climate Practice 2017 The International Center for Climate Governance (ICCG), a joint initiative of Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) and Fondazione Giorgio Cini, launched the fifth edition of its Best Climate Practices Contest, which this year focuses on the topic of "Building local resilience to climate disaster risk".
The Best Climate Practices 2017 Contest aims to award and promote actionable ideas and concrete projects designed to support urban and/or rural communities in preparing and responding to climate disasters, improving local resilience through enhanced preparedness (ex-ante) and/or recovery (ex-post) capacity.
The winning proposal will receive a prize of €3000.
Submissions are welcomed until May 31st. They will be assessed by an international Panel of Experts and voted on through public online polls (June 15 - July 17, 2017).
See the Best climate practices website for further information.
28-29 April 2017, Rimini (Italy)
International Workshop on The Economics of Climate Change and Sustainability
8-13 May 2017, Venice
VIU International PhD Academy Global Challenges Series: WATER

9 May 2017, Milan
Workshop: Rischi climatici: mitigazione e disclosure nelle imprese italiane
11-12 May 2017, Glasgow (UK)
22nd Coalition Theory Network Workshop
25-26 May 2017, Ferrara (Italy)
SEEDS Workshop
29 May - 1 June 2017, Venice (Italy)
Summer School Responsible Capitalism: Micro and Macroinstitutional Conditions of Transformation
8-9 June 2017, Ferrara (Italy)
XIV Workshop c.MET05
Deadline for long abstract submission: 20 April 2017
28 June - 1 July 2017, Athens (Greece)
23rd Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE)

Deadline for Early registration: 28 April 2017
12-14 July 2017, College Park, Maryland (USA)
IEW2017 - 36th International Energy Workshop
5-7 August 2017, Singapore
East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (EAAERE) Annual Congress 2017

Deadline for abstract/proposal submission: 30 April 2017
19-21 October 2017, Arcavacata di Rende (CS)
58ma Riunione Scientifica Annuale della Società Italiana di Economia su "Mezzogiorno/Mezzogiorni: traiettorie ed equilibri multipli"
Deadline for abstract submission: 15 May 2017
Education and Training
Courses of Econometrics for PhD Students – 2017
Information - Deadline for applications: 30 April 2017
Master in Development Economics and International Cooperation (MESCI)
University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
Information - Deadline for applications: 7 July 2017
PhD Programme in Science and Management of Climate Change
Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Information - Deadline for applications: 27 April 2017
Working Papers
IAERE does not maintain a working papers series. This newsletter reports papers that are voluntarily signalled by IAERE members and posted in the IAERE website.

A Simple Framework for Climate-Change Policy under Model Uncertainty
Stergios Athanasoglou, Valentina Bosetti, Laurent Drouet - information linea
A Spatial Econometric Analysis of Land Use Efficiency in Large and Small Municipalities

Gianni Guastella, Stefano Pareglio, Paolo Sckokai - information linea
Assessing the cost of supplying water for agriculture: the food supply cost curve

Roberto Roson - information linea
Climate Change, Water Scarcity in Agriculture and the Economy-Wide Impacts in a CGE Framework
Roberto Ponce, Ramiro Parrado, Alejandra Stehr, Francesco Bosello - information linea
Decarbonization Pathways in Southeast Asia: New Results for Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam

Francesco Bosello, Carlo Orecchia, David A. Raitzer - information linea
Drivers of international shipments of hazardous waste: the role of policy and technology endowment
Giovanni Marin, Francesco Nicolli, Emy Zecca  - information linea
Does the construction of biogas plants affect local property values?

Marco Modica - information linea
Environmental Disasters and Electoral Cycle: An Empirical Analysis on Floods and Landslides in Italy
Alessio D'Amato, Giovanni Marin, Andrea Rampa - information linea
Green licenses and environmental corruption: a random matching model

Angelo Antoci, Simone Borghesi, Gianluca Iannucci - information linea
Mapping the exposure to natural disaster losses for Italian municipalities

Giovanni Marin, Marco Modica - information linea
Optimal Clean Energy R&D Investments Under Uncertainty
Giacomo Marangoni, Gauthier De Maere, Valentina Bosetti - information linea
Policy- v. Individual Heterogeneity in the Benefits of Climate Change Mitigation: Evidence from a Stated-Preference Survey
Anna Alberini, Milan Šcasný, Andrea Bigano - information linea
Sensitivity of Modeling Results to Technological and Regional Details: The Case of Italy’s Carbon Mitigation Policy
Gabriele Standardi, Yiyong Cai, Sonia Yeh - information linea
The Cost of Climate Stabilization in Southeast Asia, a Joint Assessment with Dynamic Optimization and CGE Models
Francesco Bosello, Giacomo Marangoni, Carlo Orecchia, David A. Raitzer, Massimo Tavoni - information linea
The dynamics of foreign direct investments in land and pollution accumulation
Simone Borghesi, Giorgia Giovannetti, Gianluca Iannucci, Paolo Russu - information
Transition Towards a Green Economy in Europe: Innovation and Knowledge Integration in the Renewable Energy Sector

C. Conti, M. L. Mancusi, F. Sanna-Randaccio, R. Sestini, E. Verdolini  - information
useful data
Atlaimpianti, GSE
Atlaimpianti collects information on electric and thermal production plants, with a particular focus on the ones that receive subsidies from the GSE. Thanks to Atlaimpianti, it is possible to retrieve detailed micro-level information on plants that use renewable energy sources in Italy.

IAERE members can post announcements in the IAERE website at no charge by sending an email to iaere@iaere.org
IAEREItalian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists - IAERE
Island of San Giorgio Maggiore 8, Venice, Italy
Tel +39 0412700438 - Fax +39 0412700412
iaere@iaere.org - iaere.org
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