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IAERE Newsletter

IAERE Newsletter - 7th issue

We are glad to present the 7th issue of the IAERE Newsletter, edited by Alessio D'Amato.
It is meant as a tool for sharing information regarding events, research outputs, career and training opportunities in Italy and beyond.
Each Newsletter issue includes institutional news and collects all the new contents published in the IAERE website after the release of the previous Newsletter issue.
We encourage submissions of contributions to be posted in the IAERE website by writing to iaere@iaere.org.


Presidential Address

IAERE activities continue aiming at expanding our reference community and interacting at the institutional level in order to further consolidate the Association in Italy and in Europe. The call for papers for the 2017 Annual Conference is now open, the first School is about to start, IAERE is present at the SIE conference in 2017 with a session.
Our commitment is to continue and extend the teaching and research activities by engaging a larger number of academic, public and private institutions, and by interacting with the Italian scientific associations and associations of environmental economics and natural resources of other European countries. The IAERE conference in February 2017 will be an important opportunity to present new activities and 2017-18 events.

Massimiliano Mazzanti
IAERE President

IAERE Fifth Annual Conference - Rome, 16-17 February 2017 - SUBMIT YOUR PAPER
The Organizing Committee of the Fifth IAERE Annual Conference, to be held at the University of Rome Tor Vergata on February 16-17, 2017, is pleased to announce that the call for papers for the Conference is now open. The deadline for paper submission is November 18th, 2016.
We warmly encourage you to submit your papers to our annual gathering.
Young Environmental Economists are particularly invited to submit papers; a special Award (1,000 euro) will be given to the best paper presented by a young economist at the Conference. Read the characteristics of the eligible candidates here
Thomas Sterner (University of Gothenburg) and Shanti Gamper-Rabindran (University of Pittsburgh) will be the Conference keynote speakers.
The event is organised with the support of the Center for Economic and International Studies (CEIS), University of Rome Tor Vergata.
We look forward to welcoming you in Rome.

Alessio D'Amato
Chair of IAERE/2017 Organising Committee
University of Rome Tor Vergata

IAERE Young Environmental Economist Award
The second edition of the IAERE Young Environmental Economist Award will be presented at the IAERE Fifth Annual Conference. The Award is given to the best paper presented by a young economist at the IAERE Annual Conference. 
With this Award the Association aims to reward new ideas addressing key environmental and resource economic issues at the national, European and global scale. Both theoretical and empirical papers will be considered without any restriction of topics.
1st IAERE School
The 1st IAERE School on "Computable General Equilibrium Models for Environmental Assessment", organised in cooperation with the Center for Research on Energy and Environmental Economics and Policy (IEFE), Bocconi University, will be held in Milan on 26-29 September 2016. The School programme is available at the School website.
IAERE Members E-Mailing List - SUBSCRIBE NOW!
IAERE members can subscribe to the IAERE Members E-Mailing List, a tool made available to facilitate the exchange of information and discussions amongst members. Subscribe by writing at iaere@iaere.org
IAERE Session at SIE/2016 - Milan, 20-22 October 2016
SIE logoIAERE is organizing a session on “Low carbon economic dynamics and technological pathways” at the 57th Annual Conference of the Italian Economic Association, to be held in Milan (University “L. Bocconi”) on October 20th-22nd, 2016.
Donations to IAERE
Please consider making a donation to IAERE. Your donation will support the Association to further its aims. Making a donation is very easy: check here.
14 June 14 2016, Brussels
Climate Change Mitigation and Poverty Reduction: Trade-Offs or Win-Win Situations?
Watch the video of the event
27 September 2016, FEEM, Milan
International Workshop on "Analytical Tools and Methods to Evaluate Impacts of Public Policies on Sustainable Development Goals"
30 September, Venice and 4 October 2016, Milan
Ciack4Change: cinema, scienza e cambiamenti climatici
5 October 2016 - ICCG Webinar
The Role of MDBs in supporting Mitigation Initiatives in Developing Countries
19-20 October 2016, SISC, Cagliari
2016 Annual Conference of the Italian Society for Climate Sciences (SISC) “Climate challenges and solutions under the 2°C target”
Deadline for early online registration: 25 September 2016
24 October 2016, ADVANCE FP7 Project, Brussels
ADVANCE final conference "Deep decarbonization for staying well below 2°C"
Registration deadline: 10 October 2016
1-2 December 2016, European University Institute, Florence
FSR Climate Annual Conference 2016
15-18 February 2017, Department of Sociology and Human Geography at the University of Oslo, Oslo
Ecological Challenges conference

Job opportunities
SOGESID: Job openings, Young and senior economists
Information - Deadline: 28/09/2016
Education and Training
17° Premio per tesi di laurea ICU - Laura Conti
Information - Deadline 30/09/2016
ICCG Lecture Series on "Climate Finance"
International Center for Climate Governance
Working Papers
IAERE does not maintain a working papers series. This newsletter reports papers that are voluntarily signalled by IAERE members and posted in the IAERE website.
A comprehensive ex‐post assessment of the Italian RES policy: deployment, jobs, value added and import leakages
Mattia Cai, Niccolò Cusumano, Arturo Lorenzoni and Federico Pontoni - Information
A Systemic Approach to the Development of a Policy Mix for Material Resource Efficiency
Tomas Ekvall, Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers, Fabio Eboli, Aleksander Sniegocki - Information
‘Better late than never’: a longitudinal quantile regression approach to the interplay between green technology and age for firm growth

Riccardo Leoncini, Alberto Marzucchi, Sandro Montresor, Francesco Rentocchini, Ugo Rizzo - Information
Deforestation Rate in the Long-run: the Case of Brazil
Luca Di Corato, Michele Moretto, Sergio Vergalli - Information
Do Extreme Weather Events Generate Attention to Climate Change?
Matthew R. Sisco, Valentina Bosetti, Elke U. Weber - Information
Economic Implications of EU Mitigation Policies: Domestic and International Effects
Francesco Bosello, Marinella Davide, Isabella Alloisio - Information
Ellsberg Re-revisited: An Experiment Disentangling Model Uncertainty and Risk Aversion
Loic Berger, Valentina Bosetti - Information
Finding Common Ground when Experts Disagree: Belief Dominance over Portfolios of Alternatives
Erin Baker, Valentina Bosetti, Ahti Salo - Information

Housing Market Response to 2012 Northern Italy Earthquake: The role of house quality and changing risk perception
Marco Modica, Roberto Zoboli, Fabrizio Meroni, Vera Pessina, Thea Squarcina and Mario Locati - Information
Measures, Drivers and Effects of Green Employment: Evidence from US Local Labor Markets, 2006-2014

Francesco Vona, Giovanni Marin, Davide Consoli - Information
Priority for the Worse Off and the Social Cost of Carbon
Matthew Adler, David Anthoff, Valentina Bosetti, Greg Garner, Klaus Keller, Nicolas Treich - Information
The Future Prospects of Energy Technologies: Insights from Expert Elicitations

Elena Verdolini, Laura Diaz Anadón, Erin Baker, Valentina Bosetti, Lara Aleluia Reis - Information
The integrated economic and environmental footprint of the EU: domestic and global effects of a transition to services
Giovanni Marin, Roberto Zoboli - Information
The impact of pollution abatement investments on production technology: new insights from frontier analysis
Jean Pierre Huiban, Camilla Mastromarco, Antonio Musolesi, Michel Simioni - Information
The WITCH 2016 Model - Documentation and Implementation of the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways

Johannes Emmerling, Laurent Drouet, Lara Aleluia Reis, Michela Bevione, Loic Berger, Valentina Bosetti, Samuel Carrara, Enrica De Cian, Gauthier De Maere D'Aertrycke, Tom Longden, Maurizio Malpede, Giacomo Marangoni, Fabio Sferra, Massimo Tavoni, Jan Witajewski-Baltvilks, Petr Havlik - Information
Towards a low carbon Europe: the role of technological change and environmental policies in European manufacturing

Marianna Gilli - Information
Books & Articles
Eco-innovation, sustainable supply chains and environmental performance in European industries
Valeria Costantini, Francesco Crespi, Giovanni Marin and Elena Paglialunga
Journal of Cleaner Production - download

La Brexit vista da Zurigo: che fine farà la ricerca scientifica e ambientale europea?
Simone Borghesi
Green report.it - download

useful data
Database EXIOBASE 2.0
World input-output tables for 43 countries (+ 5 RoW regions), 163 industries and a large selection of socio-economic and environmental extensions

Call for Italian experts to participate in the IPCC Special Report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gasfluxes interrestrial ecosystems
The IPCC Focal Point for Italy invites Italian experts to submit to participate in the Scoping Meeting for the IPCC Special Report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems.
Deadline for submission: Monday , September 26, 2016 (midnight CEST)
Further info

IAERE members can post announcements in the IAERE website at no charge by sending an email to iaere@iaere.org
IAEREItalian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists - IAERE
Island of San Giorgio Maggiore 8, Venice, Italy
Tel +39 0412700438 - Fax +39 0412700412
iaere@iaere.org - iaere.org
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