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IAERE Newsletter
IAERE Newsletter - 6th issue
We are glad to present the 6th issue of the IAERE Newsletter, edited by Alessio D'Amato.
It is meant as a tool for sharing information regarding events, research outputs, career and training opportunities in Italy and beyond.
Each Newsletter issue includes institutional news and collects all the new contents published in the IAERE website after the release of the previous Newsletter issue.
We encourage submissions of contributions to be posted in the IAERE website by writing to iaere@iaere.org.

Presidential Address

IAERE organized its fourth conference in Bologna in February 2016. New exciting conferences are already planned for 2017 and 2018 respectively at the University of Rome Tor Vergata and at the University of Turin. The Bologna event further consolidated the association and confirmed the relevant share of involved young scholars working in Italy and abroad. The two keynote speakers provided valuable insights that covered a wide area of issues, comprising many realms such as environmental economics and management, but also ecological economics and political economy of environmental policy. The presence of Mathieu Glachant was also aimed at interacting with other European associations, the new FAERE in that case, which is among the key goals of our Italian association.
The conference was also rich of policy oriented insights and attention to current environmental policy developments in Italy and Europe. In order to further invest in policy oriented analysis, IAERE is placing, among its key objectives, strong interactions with the Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea, with ISPRA (the Italian environmental protection institute) and with ENEA; many more are planned to be involved, along various directions, in the near future. The involvement of private firms and industries is also increasingly relevant to IAERE. Future events will try to intensify IAERE networking with Italian and European scientific associations and Governmental bodies at all levels of governance.

Massimiliano Mazzanti
IAERE President

IAERE Fourth Annual Conference - Bologna - 11-12 February 2016

Students The Fourth Annual Conference of the Italian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists was hosted by the Department of Economics, University of Bologna (11-12 February, 2016), with the financial support of Hera SpA and Automobili Lamborghini SpA. It has been confirmed as a good meeting occasion for Italian and foreign environmental economists with heterogeneous interests.
The final program included 59 presentations over 12 parallel sessions and for the first time a plenary policy session with a discussion on the Environmental Bill (“Collegato ambientale”) connected to the stability law 2014 recently approved as “Measures for green economy and resource efficiency”. The policy session was chaired by Aldo Ravazzi Douvan and included contributions of Carlo Carraro, Edoardo Croci, Alberto Majocchi and Massimiliano Mazzanti.
Two keynote speeches, held by Jeroen van den Bergh and Matthew Glachant on the rebound effect and the economics of corporate sustainability successfully attracted a large number of scholars. This year Conference has also launched the IAERE Young Environmental Economist Award, a recognition that was given to the best paper presented by a young economist. The winner was Helia Costa, from the LSE Cities and the Grantham Research Institute, with the paper “Pork Barrel as a Signaling Tool: The Case of US Environmental Policy.
The Conference ended with a visit to the Basilica of Santo Stefano - sometimes called “le Sette Chiese”, the seven Churches - which for more than a thousand years has been known as the ‘sancta Jerusalem Bononiensis’, Bologna’s holy Jerusalem, located in one of the most beautiful Bologna’s piazze.
The IAERE Conference is becoming a recognized Italian forum for high quality discussion, with a large number of young researchers attending the meeting; this is a good base for the future of our Association. See you next year in Rome!

Anna Montini
Chair of IAERE/2016 Organising Committee
University of Bologna

IAERE Fifth Annual Conference - Rome - 16-17 February 2017 - SAVE THE DATE

The Fifth IAERE Annual Conference will be held at the Department of Economics and Finance, University of Rome "Tor Vergata" 16-17 February 2017, in collaboration with CEIS Research Centre.

IAERE Young Environmental Economist Award

Hélia CostaThe 2016 IAERE Young Environmental Economist Award was awarded to Hélia COSTA, from the Grantham Research Institute and LSE Cities, London School of Economics.
Her paper "Pork Barrel as a Signaling Tool: The Case of US Environmental Policy" uses an interesting theoretical approach integrated with an excellent empirical analysis, based on a yearly US dataset 1970-2000, with important implications for the theoretical literature on politically driven policy distorsion, as well as for governance discussions around mechanisms aimed at preventing inefficient behaviour. The empirical findings of the paper show that the environmental expenditures in the US are influenced by electorate preferences elicitation and prone to distortions to get electoral advantage, via signaling mechanisms. The paper has a political economy perspective with some interactions with political sciences.
The Award was announced at the Fourth IAERE Annual Conference hosted by the Department of Economics of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna on February 11-12, 2016.

IAERE Meeting at EAERE/2016 - Zurich - Wednesday, 22 June 2016 - 15.00-16.00
EAERE logo
IAERE will organise an informal meeting during the upcoming EAERE Annual Conference, taking place in Zurich on June 22nd-25th, 2016.
The meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 22nd, from 15.00 to 16.00, in the conference venue.
This is intended to present IAERE future events, already planned and in fieri, and share ideas on how to improve the service to our members. All interested scholars are very welcome to join and provide hints on how to further extend and enhance IAERE activities.

IAERE Session at SIE/2016 - Milan - 20-22 October 2016
SIE logo
IAERE and the Italian Economic Association (Società Italiana degli Economisti – SIE) are jointly organizing a session on “Low carbon economic dynamics and technological pathways” at the 57th Annual Conference of the Italian Economic Association, to be held in Milan (University “L. Bocconi”) on October 20th-22nd, 2016.
Manuscripts, including abstract of no more than 200 words, key words and JEL classification, should be submitted here.
Each submitter can send one paper. The deadline for submissions is May 15, 2016. Notice of acceptance or rejection will be sent to corresponding authors within July 10, 2016.
Further information and the full text of the call for papers are available at the conference website.
EventsBest Climate Practices 2016 Contest on "Expanding access to climate financing"
Information - Deadline: 30/05/2016
17° Premio per tesi di laurea ICU - Laura Conti
Information - Deadline 30/09/2016
5-6 May 2016, Torino, Italy
First Symposium 'Water as a global resource' Socio-economic and environmental implications of trade in food products
12 May 2016, Siena, Italy
2016 Goodwin Lecture on "European Climate Policy: Lessons and Perspectives"
19-20 May 2016, Moscow, Russia
21st Coalition Theory Network Workshop
1-3 June 2016, Cork, Ireland
35th International Energy Workshop (IEW)
16-17 June 2016, Bologna, Italy
5th AIEAA Conference
27-28 June 2016, A Toxa, Spain
7th AWEEE Biennial Scientific Meeting
Job opportunities
N. 1 assegno di ricerca "Valutazione degli effetti della ricerca sulla produttività in agricoltura: ruolo dell'adozione dell'innovazione e metodi quantitativi di valutazione a diverse scale"
Università di Bologna
Deadline: April 8, 2016 - Information
N. 1 assegno di ricerca "Valutazione degli effetti sul reddito, dell'apprezzamento da parte dei potenziali utenti e delle misure di policy utili alla diffusione della Piattaforma Figaro"
Università di Bologna
Deadline: April 8, 2016 - Information
Education and Training
PhD in Economics, Law and Institutions - section on Environmental Economics and Law [OPEN SOON!]
University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
PhD in Economics and management of innovation and sustainability – EMIS [OPEN SOON!]
University of Ferrara
Courses of Econometrics for SIdE Regular Members – 2016
Working Papers
IAERE does not maintain a working papers series. This newsletter reports papers that are voluntarily signalled by IAERE members and posted in the IAERE website.

Building Uncertainty into the Adaptation Cost Estimation in Integrated Assessment Models
Anil Markandya, Enrica De Cian, Laurent Drouet, Josué M. Polanco-Martìnez, Francesco Bosello - information
Estimation of climate change damage functions for 140 regions in the GTAP9 database
Roberto Roson and Martina Sartori - information
EU ETS Facets in the Net: How Account Types Influence the Structure of the System
Simone Borghesi and Andrea Flori - information
Outward Foreign Direct Investments Patterns of Italian Firms in the EU ETS
Simone Borghesi, Chiara Franco and Giovanni Marin - information
Quantifying the Ancillary Benefits of the Representative Concentration Pathways on Air Quality in Europe
Milan Šcasný, Emanuele Massetti, Jan Melichar, Samuel Carrara - information
Regional Innovation Systems in China: A long-term perspective based on patent data at the prefectural level
Giorgio Prodi, Federico Frattini and Francesco Nicolli - information
Simulating the Macroeconomic Impact of Future Water Scarcity: An Assessment of Alternative Scenarios
Roberto Roson and Richard Damania - information
Social Identity, Attitudes Towards Cooperation, and Social Preferences: Evidence from Switzerland
Devesh Rustagi and Marcella Veronesi - information
Sustainable Development and Industrial Development: Manufacturing Environmental Performance, Technology and Consumption/Production Perspectives
Marianna Gilli, Giovanni Marin, Massimiliano Mazzanti and Francesco Nicolli - information
Tipping Points and Loss Aversion in International Environmental Agreements
Doruk Iris, Alessandro Tavoni - information
Tradable Quotas Taxation and Market Power
Alessio D’Amato, Edilio Valentini and Mariangela Zoli - information
Books & Articles
Does the trade-off between energy security and climate change protection matter?The Canadian tar sands case
Laura Castellucci
Government and the Environment.The role of the modern state in the face of global challenges
Laura Castellucci
Il clima che cambia. Non solo un problema ambientale
Carlo Carraro and Alessandra Mazzai
A Survey of the Literature on Environmental Innovation Based on Main Path Analysis
Barbieri, N., Ghisetti, C., Gilli, M., Marin, G., & Nicolli, F.
Journal of Economic Surveys - download
Complementarity vs substitutability in waste management behaviors
Alessio D'Amato, Susanna Mancinelli, Mariangela Zoli
Ecological Economics - download
Designing REDD+ Schemes When Forest Users Are Not Forest Landowners: Evidence from a Survey-Based Experiment in Kenya
Marcella Veronesi, Tim Reutemann, Asdrid Zabel, and Stefanie Engel
Ecological Economics - download
Do green jobs differ from non-green jobs in terms of skills and human capital?
Davide Consoli, Giovanni Marin, Alberto Marzucchi, Francesco Vona
Research Policy - download
Interpreting bargaining strategies of developing countries in climate negotiations
Valeria Costantini, Giorgia Sforna, Mariangela Zoli
Ecological Economics - download
Investment in renewables under uncertainty: fitting a feed-in scheme into ETS
Federico Boffa, Stefano Clò, Alessio D'Amato
Energy Journal - download
The IPCC at a crossroads: Opportunities for reform
Carlo Carraro, Ottmar Edenhofer, Christian Flachsland, Charles Kolstad, Robert Stavins, Robert Stowe
Science - download
useful data
Climate change mitigation policies and measures 
Global Biodiversity Information Facility
REDD+ Database
UNECE Millennium Development Goal Database
IAERE members can post announcements in the IAERE website at no charge by sending an email to iaere@iaere.org
IAEREItalian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists - IAERE
Island of San Giorgio Maggiore 8, Venice, Italy
Tel +39 0412700438 - Fax +39 0412700412
iaere@iaere.org - iaere.org
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