IAERE Newsletter

Issue 10 - June 2018

In this issue

» Editorial
» Research highlights: Update on economic research at the Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea Protection » Student’s research: Crop diversity as a strategy for adaptation to climate change: insights from Uganda panel data » Announcements from IAERE » Updates from Institutional members: New Master’s Programme in Climate Change Science and Management in Venice | PhD in Economics and Finance, University of Rome Tor Vergata - Call for applications a.y. 2018-2019  » Publications from members  » Announcements:  XX Annual BIOECON Conference - Land-use, Agriculture and Biodiversity: Spatial and Temporal Issues  |  Innovation in communicating climate change - Call for Proposals - Best Climate Solutions 2018 Award  |  Equity and solidarity in the EU Emissions Trading System  |  EAERE Magazine  |  Richieste di contributi per il 2° Catalogo dei Sussidi Ambientalmente Dannosi e dei Sussidi Ambientalmente Favorevoli » Events   » Job Ads

Shouro Dasgupta
Dear IAERE community,
I am delighted to introduce you to the 10th IAERE Newsletter and my first as the editor. I would like to thank the IAERE Council for appointing me and Alessio D’Amato on the great work he has done with the newsletter. I would also like to thank Monica Eberle and Martina Gambaro for their help and of course my sincere gratitude to the IAERE community for all your contribution.
The Newsletter is an essential tool for sharing information regarding research, events, career, and training opportunities within the Italian Environmental Economists community and also beyond. I encourage the IAERE members to increase the use of the newsletter for both dissemination and communication purposes.
We have added two new sections to the newsletter; I am very pleased for the contribution from Sogesid AT and the Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea Protection authored by Fabio Eboli, highlighting their excellent work on promoting green economy and limiting the excessive use of natural resources in Italy. I am hopeful that the academic and research community can collaborate with the ministry to advance our research interests.
Secondly, it is critical that we promote the research being conducted by the young researchers; Chiara Antonelli (PhD candidate, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata) writes on her ongoing work on the use of crop diversity as a strategy for adaptation to climate change in Uganda.
The Newsletter is intended to provide greater visibility to our work, it is my wish that we use the information provided for fostering collaboration as well as dissemination.
You will find a trove of information on recent publication, updates and announcements on events and conferences, and current job openings. Happy reading!

Shouro Dasgupta
IAERE Newsletter Editor
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia | Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici
Italy top
Research Highlights

Update on economic research at the Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea Protection

Fabio EboliFabio Eboli, Sogesid AT - Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea Protection, Italy

The adoption of the Environmental Annex to the Financial Law (Law n. 221/2015 “Measures for promoting green economy and limiting the excessive use of natural resources”) represents an important milestone for environmental policy in Italy . Since then, the Italian Ministry of Environment, Land & Sea – Directorate General for Sustainable Development and International Relationships is endowed with a brand new team of environmental economists (thereafter EE Team), employed by Sogesid S.p.A. and led by the Chief Economist Aldo Ravazzi , with scientific background in both economic research and environmental policy analysis. Below a synthesis of some of the research topics carried out since its inception:

1) Environmental Harmful and Friendly Subsidies (EHS and EFS): the 1st issue of the national catalogue (Art. 68, Law 221/2015) was published in February 2017 . It provides a thorough collection of legislation implying subsidies with negative or positive impacts on environment, with an estimate of 16.2 and 15.7 Billion € in 2016 for EHS and EFS, respectively. The next release is expected by June 2018.
Italy is also involved in the G20 peer-review on Fossil Fuel Subsidies (FSS), an initiative launched in 2016 and aiming to assess and compare the different national views on FSS, thus providing evidence for the opportunity of a gradual FSS phase-out as claimed by G20 countries.

2) Natural Capital: the Italian Committee on Natural Capital, led by the Minister of Environment and composed by 10 Ministers, 5 research centers, 9 technical experts, publishes, on an annual basis, a Report on the State of Natural Capital (Art. 67, Law 221/2015). The 2nd Report was delivered on February 2018. It covers both physical and economic aspects. The report concluded with a number of policy recommendations.
The EE team, along with the European Commission Joint Research Center (JRC) and the Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) started work by adopting the System of Environmental Economic Accounting - Central Framework and Experimental Ecosystem Accounting framework for Italy, providing a country-wide economic assessment for the following ecosystem services: wild pollination, outdoor recreation, water purification, carbon sequestration, erosion control, habitat quality.

3) Sustainable Finance: in February 2017, the Report of the Italian National Dialogue on Sustainable Finance “Financing the Future” , co-authored by the EE team and the UNEP Inquiry into the Design of a Sustainable Financial System, was presented at the Bank of Italy. One recommendation was the creation of a National Observatory on Sustainable Finance, occurred in fall 2017, with the EE team playing the role of Secretariat. In April 2018, in Milan, the International Network of Financial Centers for Sustainability (FC4S) was launched.

4) Circular Economy: in November 2017, after a consultation process with main public and private stakeholders, Towards a Model of Circular Economy for Italy: Overview and Strategic Framework , a joint document of Ministry of Economic Development and Ministry of Environment, was launched at Confindustria, along with the Manifesto for Circular Economy from the business sectors. A new report with reference to the implementation of a monitoring framework was released a few weeks ago .
The EE team was mainly involved in describing the international context and providing a picture of the enabling factors, including economic instruments and incentives to promote the transition to a circular economy, inspired by the work carried out by G7 Environment , International Resource Panel , Organization for the Economic Cooperation and Development, Environmental European Agency, the EU Circular Economy Action Plan.

Student's Research

Chiara AntonelliCrop diversity as a strategy for adaptation to climate change: insights from Uganda panel data

Chiara Antonelli, PhD Student, University of Rome Tor Vergata
Co-Authors: Dr. Manuela Coromaldi, Dr. Giacomo Pallante

The Ugandan territory is a challenging environment for agriculture due to the frequency of extreme climate events and the recent changes in climate are expected to increase the severity of the phenomena. These climate-related events are likely to be harmful for agriculture production and food security and a variety of adaptation strategy is therefore needed. Income and crop diversifications are strategies to deal with anomalies in rainfall and temperature as well as in variations of agricultural prices. Crop diversity can play a fundamental role in enhancing resilience to climate shocks through spreading the risk of yield failures and preserving the option value of crop diversity (Pascual et al., 2011).
Despite attempts made by the Ugandan government to develop a governance system for climate change adaptation, its implementation is still limited. Consequently, there is limited knowledge on how farmers are responding to the effects of a changing climate and how they have adjusted their farming practices to cope with that. The aim of this research is to explore to what extent farmers use crop diversity as a self-protection measure against climatic shocks.
The empirical strategy adopted relies on the estimation of two separate equations. The first stage regression provides useful information on the determinants of crop biodiversity including climatic indicators of precipitations and temperature. In the second step, the impact of diversification on food security is assessed by addressing the possible endogeneity of crop diversity in farmers’ productivity. Besides the fact that dealing with endogeneity becomes possible, the adoption of a farm level panel dataset permits to address the issue of time invariant heterogeneity at the farmer level.
The empirical strategy is based on on longitudinal data of Ugandan rural households from the Living Standards Measurement Study-Integrated Surveys on Agriculture (LSMS-ISA) for the years 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, and 2013-14. Instead of using geo-referenced data provided by the survey, the available microdata will be combined with high-resolution climate data, which is working with daily max, min and mean temperature and weekly binned counts of temperature. This comprehensive set of climatic measures creates the possibility of identifying how weather variables affect farmers’ diversification strategies and their impact on food security measures.
Preliminary findings suggest that the climate variability tend to significantly affect crop diversity decisions; when farmers experience severe environmental conditions, they increase the number of crop species in order to reduce the risk of crop loss and maintain the livelihoods of farming families. 

UdineNext IAERE Annual Conference: Udine, 7-8 February 2019

The Seventh IAERE Annual Conference will take place on 7-8 February 2019, in Udine.
Antonio Massarutto and Francesco Marangon, from the University of Udine, are at work for the organization of another outstanding conference. 
The call for paper will be launched in early September 2018.


IAERE session at AIEAA (Conegliano - TV, 14 June 2018)

The programme of this year's Annual Conference of the Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics (AIEAA), that will be held in Conegliano (TV) on 14-16 June 2018, is now available here.

IAERE is participating at the event with a special session organised by Simone Borghesi and Silvana Dalmazzone which is scheduled for June 14th, at 2:30 pm. The following papers will be presented:

  • Shouro Dasgupta “Distribution of Global Temperature Effects on Downscaled Economic Activity”
  • Carlos Dionisio Pérez-Blanco “From holistic to heuristic: Assessing transformational responses to water scarcity in agriculture through modular hydro-micro-macro-economic modeling”
  • Martina Bozzola “Transfer of Improved Seed and Diffusion of Embedded Innovation in Uganda”
  • Vito Frontuto “Public water use and ecosystem services: towards a WFD compliant fiscal reform”
  • Antonio Massarutto “To use or not to use: this is the question. A choice-experimental valuation of environmental costs and benefits of irrigation in Italy”top 

IAERE Informal Meeting at WCERE 2018 (Gothenburg, 28 June 2018)

IAERE is organising an informal meeting during the upcoming 6th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, taking place in Gothenburg on June 25th-29th, 2018.
The meeting will be held on Thursday, June 28th, from 12.15 to 13.45, in the congress venue (room D32-Handels).
This is intended to present IAERE future events, already planned and in fieri, and share ideas on how to improve the service to our members. All interested scholars (members and non members) are very welcome to join and provide hints on how to further extend and enhance IAERE activities.top 

Updates from institutional members

Ca' FoscariNew Master’s Programme in Climate Change Science and Management in Venice

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) have launched a new master of research in Climate Change Science and Management targeted at international students with experience or interest in dealing with scientific and socioeconomic aspects of the urgent global challenges posed by global warming. The programme builds on the 10-year unique experience of the PhD in Science and Management of Climate Change, pioneerd by Ca' Foscari and CMCC in collaboration with Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS).
"The integration with the well-established PhD programme and the interdisciplinary approach of the Master offer students the opportunity to navigate in just one year the complexity of climate change, getting to learn the up-to-date scientific knowledge and some of the most important tools for policy analysis", said Carlo Carraro, Director of the PhD programme.
This one-year master prepares experts who can:

Understand and explain the physical and economic nature of climate change 
Assess the impacts, socio-economic effects, and uncertainties related to climate change
Evaluates the socio-economic implications of mitigation and adaptation policies
Apply interdisciplinary concepts, methods, and tools to analyze and design innovative climate policy solutions and transformational pathways in the context of sustainable development

The programme has connections with an extensive network of research institutes, consultancy agencies, and international organizations where students can conduct their internship.
The application deadline for the Programme is July 15th, 2018.
For more information, contact Ca’ Foscari Challenge School at master.challengeschool@unive.it or see the full presentation here.

PhD in Economics and Finance, University of Rome Tor Vergata - Call for applications a.y. 2018-2019

The PhD program in Economics and Finance brings together two existing and highly complementary PhD programs: the PhD in Econometrics and Empirical Economics and the PhD in Money and Finance. The aim of the new program is to provide advanced specialization in Economics, Finance and Econometrics to students whose goal is a successful career in academia or in institutions that require advanced financial, economic and statistical skills. It offers:

- a distinguished faculty: courses are taught by distinguished Italian and foreign professors of proven teaching and research experience;
- a lively intellectual atmosphere: the program emphasizes breadth and a critical mindset; cooperation and joint research with fellow students and Faculty members are strongly encouraged;
- an international environment: the program enrolls highly qualified students from all over the world;
- worldwide connections: students are encouraged to spend periods of research in leading universities and research institutions worldwide.

Deadline for sending application: 4pm (Rome Local Time) of 11 June 2018

Further information at the PhD in Economics and Finance website or contact tommaso.proietti@uniroma2.it 


Publications from Members

Cesi B., D’Amato A., and Zoli M. (2017)
Corruption in Environmental Policy: the Case of Waste
Economia Politica. First online: 13 december 2017

Cheng W., Appolloni A., D'Amato A. and Zhu Q. (2018)
Green Public Procurement, Missing Concepts and Future Trends – A Critical Review
Journal of Cleaner Production, 176: 770-784

Dasgupta S. (2018)
Burden of Climate Change on Malaria Mortality
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 221(5)

Dasgupta S. and De Cian E. (2018)
The influence of institutions, governance, and public opinion on the environment: Synthesized findings from applied econometrics studies
Energy Research and Social Science. First online: 5 June 2018.

De Cian E. and Sue Wing I. (2017)
Global Energy Consumption in a Warming Climate
Environmental and Resource Economics, 1–46. First online: 16 december 2017

de Cillis M. (2018)
Economia e Politica ambientale tra E-Business e Biopolitica
Tangram Edizioni Scientifiche

Valentini E. and Vitale P. (2017)
Optimal climate policy for a pessimistic social planner
Environmental and Resource Economics, 1-33. First online: 16 december 2017top

Bioecon XX Annual BIOECON Conference - Land-use, Agriculture and Biodiversity: Spatial and Temporal Issues

The Scientific Partners of BIOECON are organising the Twentieth International BIOECON Conference on the theme of “Land-use, Agriculture and Biodiversity: Spatial and Temporal Issues”. The Conference is endorsed by EAERE and will be held at Kings College Cambridge, United Kingdom between the 12th – 14th September 2018. BIOECON XX will be of interest to both researchers and policy makers working on issues associated with land-use decisions and its impact on biodiversity. In particular, BIOECON XX aims to focus on agriculture, the conservation of biodiversity and crop genetic diversity, and the use of spatial data to study these issues.
The keynote speakers will be Prof Paul Ferraro (Johns Hopkins University) and Prof Douglas Gollin (University of Oxford). Prof Ferraro will talk on the evaluation of conservation programmes and instruments. Prof Gollin will talk on issues surrounding agriculture and the in-situ conservation of crop genetic diversity.
BIOECON also has the goal of influencing policy-makers and policy. To this end expert policy panels will be organised.
Further, a pre-conference Workshop on “The Role of Social Preferences in Promoting Conservation Behaviour” is scheduled on the 12th of September 2018 in King’s College.
Further information at conference website. top

Innovation in communicating climate change - Call for Proposals - Best Climate Solutions 2018 Award

Best Climate solutionThe Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change in partnership with Festival for the Earth launched the 2018 edition of the Best Climate Solutions Award, looking for innovative projects and ideas to communicate climate change in education, advocacy, media production. The winning proposal will be presented at the Festival for the Earth 2018 in Venice and will receive a cash prize of 3000 euros. Deadline for applications: 28 June 2018
The 2018 edition of the Best Climate Solutions Award focuses on the challenge of “Communicating Climate Change Threats and Opportunities” and invites individuals, teams or organizations to propose innovative ideas, projects, and tools to effectively communicate climate change.
Although the reality of the changing climate is acknowledged, communicating solutions or strategies to act and address its cause and impacts remains a difficult task. However, new technologies and social innovation trends open the door to unprecedented opportunities to improve the way of presenting climate change information and the actions required to fight it.
For these reasons, the aim of the Best Climate Solutions 2018 Award is to showcase and promote the most creative and impactful initiatives designed to deliver engaging messages, raise awareness and trigger action in the audiences addressed, such as students, consumers, business or decision-makers.
Applications can be submitted via the online application form on the Best Climate Solutions platform (bestclimatesolutions.eu) by June 28, 2018 (5.00 pm CEST). Submitted projects will be evaluated by a highly qualified international jury and voted on through online polls.
Detailed information on eligibility, evaluation process, and the prize are available in the Award section of the Best Climate Solutions website.
Best Climate Solutions is a web platform developed by the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) for showcasing the most innovative and compelling efforts from around the world to build a climate-smart and resilient future. Through an annual Call for Proposals, Best Climate Solutions selects and awards innovative projects and actionable ideas from across the world which provide solutions to targeted climate change challenges. top


Equity and solidarity in the EU Emissions Trading System

Tong Zhu, FSR Climate

Launched in 2005, the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) has been the cornerstone of EU’s climate policy and remains today the largest cap-and-trade scheme in the world. As a prototype of an architecture for a global climate regime, the EU ETS has been evolving constantly to adapt to new circumstances. After more than two years negotiation, the European Council formally approved the Phase 4 revision of the EU ETS in May 2018. The revision process has been complex, if anything because the governments of 31 participating countries need to find agreement on multiple issues, including the allowances allocation rules. As distributional effects are inherent to allocation decisions, both equity and solidarity considerations permeate this process and have been eventually translated into specific previsions. The EU ETS can thus provide concrete examples of resolution to distributional issues that may arise in similar schemes overseas or, more widely, in the making of international climate governance.
As an annual event for high-level reflection on the European Union, the State of the Union conference was organized by the European University Institute in Florence, Italy during 10th-12th May 2018. Encompassing this year’s theme on Solidarity in Europe, the Florence School of Regulation Climate (FSR Climate) organized a side event titled “Equity and solidarity in the EU Emissions Trading System: any lessons for international climate governance?”. An impressive line-up of speakers was invited to the event, including Simone Borghesi, Director of FSR Climate EUI, Carlo Carraro, President of EAERE and Vice Chair of IPCC WGIII, Peter Vis, adviser at the European Commission’s European Political Strategy Centre, and Xiliang Zhang, Director of the Institute for Energy, Environment and Economy, Tsinghua University. Attendees ranged from policy makers of carbon markets worldwide to representatives from academia and business sectors.
The event focused on four topics of crucial relevance: the equity-efficiency trade-off in the climate policy context, the ETS solidarity analysis from the EU and China perspectives, the equity evaluation of the Paris Agreement and up-to-date information on the Phase 4 revision. As a main pillar of the EU climate policy, the EU ETS may exert distributional effects in three dimensions: between producers and consumers, across sectors, and across Member States. Taking this into consideration, the recent EU ETS revision has set up a new fund for the modernization of energy systems in 10 lower-income Member States. Meanwhile, efficiency and equity in the context of the EU ETS may be complements and achieved at the same time. A higher level of efficiency increases the surplus from cooperation, and more resources could be thus available to enhance equity. More importantly, equity may be a necessary condition for cooperation.
China faces a similar equity challenge as the EU, consisting of more than 30 provinces with highly unbalanced economic development. Potential options to address equity issues include offsets and solidarity funds. Priority will be given to rural renewable energy projects in underdeveloped provinces. The EU Modernisation Fund and free allowances allocation to lower-income Member States could serve as good references for the Chinese ETS. 
The side event was organized within the framework of the State of the Union, as part of the policy dialogue carried out under the EC-funded LIFE SIDE project. It aims at supporting European policymakers with the design and implementation of the new EU ETS legislation. More information and materials on LIFE SIDE project website  top

EAERE Magazine

EAERE MagazineThe European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists is proud to announce the first issue of the new EAERE Magazine! The quarterly magazine serves as an outlet for new research, projects, and other professional news, featuring articles that can contribute to recent policy discussions and developments in the field of environmental and natural resource economics. Astrid Dannenberg is the EAERE Magazine Editor. Contributions from the wider EAERE community, especially senior level researchers and practitioners, and EAERE Country Representatives are featured in the magazine. In the Spring 2018 issue, you will find an Introduction by the President, Note from the Editor, five articles written by researchers, and a Juniors ask Seniors Interview. Read EAERE Magazine online or download a pdf here.


Richieste di contributi per il 2° Catalogo dei Sussidi Ambientalmente Dannosi e dei Sussidi Ambientalmente Favorevoli

Il Ministero dell’Ambiente e delle Tutela del Territorio e del Mare è al lavoro per preparare il 2° Catalogo dei Sussidi Ambientalmente Dannosi e dei Sussidi Ambientalmente Favorevoli.
Il 1° Catalogo ha ricevuto una certa attenzione sia tra esperti e ricercatori sia nei programmi delle ultime elezioni politiche. Recentemente l’UVI del Senato ne ha pubblicato una sintesi e l’Italia è stata inserita nel G20 Peer Review on Fossil Fuel Subsidies in corso insieme all’Indonesia.
Il MATTM sta anche partecipando al SDG Experts’ Group for Indicator 12c on Fossil Fuel Subsidies (guardian: UNEP).
Ai fini della preparazione, la legge (Legge n. 221/2015, art. 68) prevede che “il MATTM si avvale, oltre che delle informazioni nella disponibilità propria e dell’ISPRA, delle informazioni rese disponibili dall’ISTAT, dalla Banca d’Italia, dai Ministeri, dalle Regioni e dagli enti locali, dalle Università e dagli altri Centri di ricerca, che forniscono i dati a loro disposizione secondo uno schema predisposto dal medesimo MATTM”.
La definizione di sussidi adottata è molto ampia e comprende “tra gli altri, gli incentivi, le agevolazioni, i finanziamenti agevolati e le esenzioni da tributi”.
Se aveste idee per arricchire misure e analisi presenti nella prima edizione ed aggiungerne di nuove, potete inviarli entro il 10 giugno 2018 a Fabio Eboli Eboli.Fabio@minambiente.it.
Per informazioni: Gionata Castaldi castaldi.gionata@minambiente.it, Fabio Eboli Eboli.Fabio@minambiente.it e Aldo Ravazzi Douvan Ravazzi.Aldo@minambiente.it
La prima edizione del Catalogo, inviata dal Ministro dell’Ambiente ai Presidenti delle Camere e del Consiglio dei Ministri nel febbraio 2017, è disponibile qui. top



11 June - 13 July 2018, European University Institute, Florence, Italy
Online course: EU Emissions Trading System

12 June 2018, Venice, Italy
Seminar: Learning from Big Climate Data
Presenter: Emanuele Massetti, Georgia Institute of Technology, CESIfo, CMCC

13-15 June 2018, Cartagena, Colombia
21st Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis "Framing the future through the Sustainable Development Goals"
Organization: Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University and Universidad de Cartagena

14-15 June 2018, Conegliano (TV), Italy
7th Annual Conference of the Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics
Organization: AIEAA. IAERE organises a Special session on June 14th, 2018.

14-15 June 2018, Milan, Italy
EMEE 2018 - 11th International Workshop on "Empirical Methods in Energy Economics"
Organization: EMEE Network and Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
Information: Call for papers

15 June 2018, Venice, Italy
Seminar: Is EU on the way to meet its Paris commitments? And why not?
Presenter: Jørgen Henningsen, Senior Adviser on Energy and Climate Change, European Policy Centre

19-21 June 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden
37th Edition of International Energy Workshop
Organization: IEW and Chalmers University

19-25 June 2018, San Floriano (VR), Italy
Sustainability Summer Lab “Luoghi feriti: quali azioni?”
Organizer: University of Verona

20 June 2018, Venice, Italy
Lecture: Return to the Madhouse: Climate Change Denial in the Age of Trump
Speaker: Michael Mann, Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science, Penn State, Director, Earth System Science Center

25-29 June 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden
6th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists
Organization: AERE, EAAERE, EAERE, and University of Gothenburg

26 June 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden
Policy Session at WCERE 2018Linking Carbon Markets: Prospects and Challenges
Organizer: FSR Climate, European University Institute

4-6 July 2018, Venice, Italy
EcoMod2018 - International Conference on Economic Modeling
Organization: Ca' Foscari University of Venice

30-31 August 2018, Aix-en-Provence, France
5th Annual Conference of the French Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (FAERE)
Organization: French Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (FAERE)

12-14 September 2018, Cambridge, UK
20th International BIOECON Conference on "Land-use, Agriculture and Biodiversity: Spatial and Temporal Issues"

17-19 October 2018, Venice-Mestre, Italy
Sixth Annual Conference of the Italian Society for Climate Sciences (SISC) - "Recent trends in climate sciences, adaptation and mitigation"
Organization: SISC - Italian Society for Climate Sciences (SISC)
Deadline for abstract submissions: 15 June 2018

25-27 October 2018 - Bologna, Italy
59ma Riunione Scientifica Annuale della Società Italiana degli Economisti - "Globalizzazione e sviluppo: città, regioni, nazioni"
Deadline for paper submissions: 15 June 2018
Deadline for session submissions: 30 June 2018

1-3 April 2019, Curitiba, Brazil
2nd World Symposium on Sustainability Science and Research - Implementing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Deadline for paper submissions: 30 August 2018top

IPCC Expert Reviewer

The IPCC FOCAL POINT for Italy is glad to inform you that the IPCC has just opened TWO REGISTRATIONS for EXPERT REVIEW.
Instructions on how to register as an Expert reviewer are available at the following web pages:

Registration for Expert Review of the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Land: An IPCC Special Report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems
DEADLINE: 29 July 2018, 23:59 (CEST)

Registration for Expert Review of the First Order Draft of the IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate
Deadline: The Expert Review of the First Order Draft of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC) will take place from 4 May until 29 June 2018. Expert Reviewers can register up to a week before the end of the review period. top

Assistant professorship  in Applied Econometrics (field: Applied Economics)
University Ca' Foscari of Venice, Department of Economics, Italy
Deadline: June 28, 2018

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice invites expressions of interest in a tenure-track, assistant professorship (“ricercatore tipo b, rtdB”) in the Department of Economics.
Ca’ Foscari is ranked in the top 250/300 universities in the QS World University Rankings by subject for Economics and Econometrics, the Shanghai Ranking’s Global Ranking of Academic Subjects for Economics and the RePEc ranking. The Department of Economics provides a vibrant international environment in the heart of Venice and has strong national and international ties, a successful record in applications for EU research funding and attracts high quality postgraduate students. The Department offers entire courses of study taught in English both at undergraduate and graduate level.
The teaching obligations will focus on courses consistent with the contents of the Scientific-Disciplinary Sector SECS-P/06, in undergraduate, laurea magistralis courses and in PhD courses, taught both in Italian and in English.
The Scientific research activity will concern Applied Economics, with a special focus on the following research themes, listed in order of priority:

  • the economy and its spatial features, the territory and its resources, with emphasis on  integrated spatial analysis methods and big data management
  • the processes of economic development and their effects on the environment, sustainability and climate change
  • public policies and the processes for their development

For additional information regarding this position, please contact Carlo Giupponi (carlo.giupponi@unive.it). 
Application Instructions. Applications should be received by June 28, 2018, following the instructions provided on this website.
Candidates interested in the position can also approach Enrica De Cian (enrica.decian@unive.it) on the 27th and 28th  of June at the World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists (WCERE). 


IAEREItalian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists - IAERE
Porta dell'Innovazione Building - 2nd Floor
Via della Libertà 12, 30175 Marghera-Venice, Italy
iaere@iaere.org - www.iaere.org