IPCC - Invitation for the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

The IPCC Focal Point for Italy invites experts to submit their candidature for consideration as Coordinating Lead Authors, Lead authors, and Review Editors for the  Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 

Deadline for submission: Friday, October 20, 2017 (midnight CEST)

In order to submit their nominations, the candidate experts are kindly asked to send a message to:

including the following attached files:

1 - a summary CV in English, pdf version, maximum 4 pages

2 - the file “nomination_X.xlsx", filled in with the required information
fill in the file: 
nomination_4_WG1 for WG1
nomination_5_WG2 for WG2
nomination_6_WG3 for WG3 
[please note that experts can be nominated for a maximum of 3 chapters] 

Please note that the work of the IPCC will be conducted only in English. 

Deadline for submission: Friday, October 20, 2017 (midnight CEST)

Kindly be informed that due to a very tight schedule it will not be possible to accept nominations after the deadline. 

The outlines of the Working Group contributions to the AR6 were developed after a comprehensive scoping process involving the scientific community and governments (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 1 – 5 May 2017) and were approved in Plenary at the 46th Session of the IPCC (Montreal, Canada 6 – 10 September 2017). They can be accessed on the IPCC Website on the following link: http://bit.ly/2wg2QtT.

The contribution of Working Group I will be completed in April 2021, Working Group II in October 2021, Working Group III in July 2021 and the Synthesis Report in September 2022. The outline of the Synthesis Report will be developed in April 2019.

The Coordinating Lead Authors and Lead Authors are responsible for drafting the chapters and revising them taking into account comments submitted by reviewers during the two IPCC-mandated reviews, namely the expert review and the second review by governments and experts. A representative cross-section of authors will also contribute to drafting, revising and finalizing the Technical Summary and Summary for Policymakers (SPM). A detailed description of the IPCC writing and review process is contained in the “Procedures for the Preparation, Review, Acceptance, Adoption, Approval and Publication of IPCC Reports” which can be viewed on the IPCC website at: https://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/ipcc-principles/ipcc-principles-appendix-a-final.pdf

The task of Coordinating Lead Authors and Lead Authors is a demanding one. The workload, during the period from the second half of 2018 – 2021, will be in the order of several months and can be particularly heavy during certain periods. Coordinating Lead Authors and Lead Authors must attend four Lead Authors meetings between 2018 and 2020 and possibly other chapter drafting meetings. In order to reduce the amount of travel, most chapter drafting meetings will be conducted through webconferences. The presence of Coordinating Lead Authors and selected Lead Authors may be requested at Sessions of the IPCC and its Working Groups during 2021 and 2022 to assist in finalizing the SPM and/or the Working Group contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report.

The time commitment of Review Editors is less than that for Lead Authors but will include attendance of two Lead Authors meetings between 2019 and 2020. The role of REs is to "ensure that all substantive review comments are afforded appropriate consideration, advise the authors on how to handle contentious/controversial issues and ensure that genuine controversies are reflected adequately in the text of the report" (https://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/ipcc-principles/ipcc-principles-appendix-a-final.pdf).

The composition of the group of Coordinating Lead Authors and Lead Authors for a chapter of the Assessment Report will represent a range of views, expertise, gender, and geographical representation, ensuring appropriate representation of experts from developing and developed countries and countries with economies in transition. 

The role of the IPCC is to assess in a comprehensive, objective, open and transparent way the scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant to understanding the scientific basis of risk of human-induced climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation. Therefore, the IPCC requires that the nominee(s) have appropriate expertise. All nominations should indicate the Working Group(s), chapter(s) and author role(s) for which the candidate is being nominated, a specification of the nominees’ key area of expertise and be accompanied by a summary (maximum 4 pages) curriculum vitae in English.

Working Group II also welcomes the nomination of experts with expertise in areas specific to the cross-chapter papers (see outline). Experts interested in the cross-chapter papers will need to be nominated for one of the relevant sectoral chapters (Section 1) or regional chapters (Section 2) and selected for the respective chapter teams. Author teams of the cross-chapter papers will be recruited from the chapter teams as a second step. For example, the Polar regions Cross-Chapter Paper will include Authors selected for Chapter 2 or 3 or for Chapters 10-14, where polar issues are integrated. 

Only applications from experts principally affiliated with an Italian institution and meeting the expertise criteria outlined by the IPCC will be nominated. Experts not affiliated with Italian institutions are invited to contact the focal point of the respective country/observer organizations (http://www.ipcc.ch/apps/contact/interface/focalpoints.php).

Once your nomination has been submitted, you will receive a confirmation email.

Please note that the selection of authors will be made by the IPCC, which will inform directly the selected nominees.